A nurse in an emergency department is assessing an adolescent who reports inhalation of gasoline

1.     A nurse is providing teaching to the parents of a child who has impetigo. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching?

Apply bactericidal ointment to lesions

Administer acyclovir PO two times per day

Soak hairbrushes in boiling water for 10min

Seal soft toys in a plastic bag for 14 days

2.     A nurse in an emergency department is assessing an adolescent who reports inhalation of gasoline. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect?



Hyperactive reflexes

Pinpoint pupils

3.     A nurse is planning care for a school age child who was admitted from the emergency department 2hr ago. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include to promote adequate sleep for the child?

Follow the child's home sleep routine to reduce anxiety

Allow the child to adjust their bedtime to promote autonomy

Leave the child to adjust their bedtime to promote autonomy

Leave the lights on in the child's room to promote safety

Provide the child with video games prior to bedtime to reduce stress

4.     A nurse is assessing an infant who has severe dehydration due to gastroenteritis. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect?

Capillary refill of 2 seconds

Increased urine output

Increased respiratory rate


5.     A nurse is preparing to administer a prescribed medication to a toddler whose parent is nearby. Which of the following actions should the nurse take to identify the toddler?

Check the toddlers ID band against the medical record

Check the toddlers room number against their ID band

Ask the parent to confirm the toddler's identity

Ask another nurse to confirm the toddlers identify

6.     A nurse is planning care for a toddler who has developed oral ulcers in response to chemotherapy. Which of the following actions should the nurse include in the plan of care?

Administer oral viscous lidocaine

Schedule routine oral care every 8hr

Moisten the mucosa with lemon glycerin swabs

Cleanse the gums with saline soaked gauze?

7.     A nurse is preparing to collect a urine specimen from a female infant using a urine collection bag. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

Place a snug fitting diaper over the drainage bag

Stretch perineum tant when applying the bag

Apply lidocaine gel to the perineum before attaching the bag

Position the opening of the bag over the urethra and the anus

8.     A nurse in a pediatric clinic is providing teaching to the guardian of an infant who has a new prescription for digoxin. Which of the following manifestations should the nurse include as an indication of digoxin toxicity?





9.     A nurse in the emergency department is assessing a toddler who has hyperpyrexia, severe dyspnea, and is drooling, which of the following actions should the nurse take first?

Administer an antibiotic to the toddler

Prepare the toddler for nasotracheal intubation

Obtain a blood culture from the toddler

Insert an IV catheter for the toddler

10. A nurse is planning care for a child who has varicella. Which of the following interventions should the nurse plan to include?

Administer aspirin for fever

Assess the oral cavity for kolpik spots

Provide the child with a warm blanket

Initiate airborne precautions

11.  A nurse is teaching home care to the parents of a preschool age child who has heart failure. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching?

Provide for periods of rest

Weigh the child once each month

Withhold digoxin if the child's is greater than 100/min

Increase the child's oxygen flow rate until the child no longer has cyanosis

12. A nurse is preparing to administer an enteral feeding to an adolescent who has an NG tube. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first?

Set the administration race on the feeding pump

Attach the feeding bag tubing to the end of the NG tube

Check the pH of the gastric secretions

Flush the tube with water

13. A nurse is providing teaching to the parents of a school age newly diagnosed with a seizure disorder. The nurse should teach the parents to take which of the following actions during a seizure?

Minimize movement of the limbs

Place the child in a prone position

Insert a tongue blade between the teeth

Clear the area of hard objects

14. A nurse in a provider's office is preparing to administer immunizations to a 12-year-old client during a well child visit. Which of the following immunizations should the nurse plan to administer?


Human papillomavirus (HPV)

Hepatitis A

Diphtheria tetanus and pertussis (DTaP)

15. A nurse is assessing a school age child who has heart failure and is taking furosemide. Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as an indication that the medication is effective?

An increase in potassium levels

A decrease in cardiac output

An increase in venous pressure

A decrease in peripheral edema

16. A nurse is teaching a group of female adolescents about healthy eating. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching?

Consume 1.500 to 1,700 calories per day

Limit your sodium intake to 3000 milligrams per day

Decrease your vitamin D intake once you start to menstruate

Increase the amount of your dietary iron intake

17. A nurse in the emergency department is caring for a child who has a temperature of 39.1C(102.4 F) and a suspected diagnosis of bacterial meningitis. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first?

Prepare the child for a lumbar puncture

Administer an antipyretic to the child

Implement droplet precautions for the child

Dim the lights in the child's room

18. A nurse is providing teaching to the guardians of a school age who has sickle cell disease about management of the illness. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include?

Apply cold compresses to painful areas

Have the child wear a surgical mask to school

Limit fluids at bedtime

Encourage physical activity as tolerated

19. A nurse is caring for a 5-year-old child following a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. Which of the following findings should the nurse identify as an indication of hemorrhage?

Blood pressure 95/56 mm Hg

Heart rate 54/min

Continuous swallowing

Flushing of the face

20. A nurse is assessing a school age child's cranial nerve function. Which of the following actions should the nurse ask the child to take when assessing the accessory nerve?

Show their teeth while smiling

Shrug their shoulders against mild pressure

Follow a light in the six cardinal positions

Move their tongue in all directions

21. A nurse in an urgent care clinic is prioritizing care for four children. Which of the following children should the nurse assess first?

A preschool age child who has a muffled voice and no spontaneous cough

A toddler who has nephrotic syndrome and facial edema

A school age child who has diabetes mellitus and a blood glucose of 200mg/dl

An adolescent who has Crohn's disease and a recent weighs loss of 5kg (11Ib)

22. A school nurse is assessing a 7-year-old student. The nurse should identify which of the following findings as a potential indicator of physical abuse?

Bruising around the wrists

Front deciduous teeth missing

Weight in 45th percentile

Abrasions on the knees

23. A nurse is caring for an infant who receives intermittent enteral feedings through a gastrostomy tube. Which of the following actions should the nurse take when administering a feeding? (select all that apply)?

Place the infant in supine position

Check for residual volumes by aspirating stomach contents

Heat the formula to 39C (102 F) prior to administration

Instill the formula over a period of 30 to 45 min

Offer the infant a pacifier during feedings

24. A nurse is caring for a 4-year-old child who has meningitis and is receiving gentamicin. Which of the following laboratory values should the nurse report to the provider?

Creatinine 1.4 mg /dl

Creatinine 0.3 mg/dl

BUN 12 mg/dl

BUN 6 mg/dl

25. A nurse is assessing a toddler who has cystic fibrosis. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect?

Weight gain

Visible peristalsis



26. A nurse is preparing to initiate IV antibiotic therapy for a newly 12-month-old infant. Which of the following actions should the nurse plan to take?

Start the IV in the infant's foot

Cover the insertion site with an opaque dressing

Use a 24-gauge catheter to start the IV

Change the IV site every 3 days

27. A nurse is providing teaching about the effects of sun exposure to a parent of a toddler. Which of the following responses by the parent indicates an understanding of the teaching?

I should dress my child in loose weave clothing

My child should remain under a beach umbrella during morning hours

I should apply a 10 SPF sunscreen to my child's entire body

My child should wear a wide - brimmed hat

28. A nurse is reviewing the laboratory result of a preschooler who has gastroenteritis and notes the client's potassium level is 3.2 mEq/L. which of the following assessment findings should the nurse expect?




Hyperactive bowel sounds

29. A nurse is providing support to a family whose infant died from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

Avoid discussing details of the attempt to revive the infant

Provide a follow up phone call 1 week following the infant's death

Discourage the parents from allowing siblings to view the body

Acknowledge the family members feelings of guilt

30. A nurse is monitoring an infant who is receiving opioids for pain. Which of the following findings should indicate to the nurse that the medication is having a therapeutic effect?

Limb withdrawal

Increased blood pressure


Relaxed facial expression

31. A nurse is preparing to administer amoxicillin 80mg/kg/day divided into two doses daily to a 2-year-old client who weighs 10kg (22 Ib). Available is amoxicillin suspension 400mg/5ml. How many ml of amoxicillin should the nurse administer per dose? (round the answer to the nearest whole number. Use a leading zero if it applies. Do not use a trailing zero)

32. A nurse is caring for a preschooler who refuses to take a stat dose of oral diphenhydramine. Which of the following statements should the nurse make?

The medication is not bad. It tastes like candy

The medication will treat you want to take the medication

Sometimes, when a child has to take medication, they feel sad

33. A nurse is evaluating a 4-year-old child who has cystic fibrosis and has been receiving chest physiotherapy treatments. The nurse should identify which of the following findings as an indication that the therapy has been effective?

Increased expectoration

Increased urine output

Increased heart rate

Reduce pain

34. A nurse is assessing an infant who has intussusception. Which of the following findings should the nurse expect?

Board like abdomen

Sausage shaped abdominal mass

Increased urinary output


35. A nurse is assessing a 6-month-old infant who has respiratory syncytial virus. The nurse should immediately report which of the following findings to the provider?





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