At what distance from the mean position is the kinetic energy equal to potential energy in SHM?


  • Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM): The Simple Harmonic Motion is studied to discuss the periodic Motion Mathematically. 
    • In Simple Harmonic motion, the motion is between two extreme points, and the restoring force responsible for the motion tends to bring the object to mean position. 
    • The motion of a Simple pendulum and a block attached to spring are common examples of SHM.

Mathematically, SHM is Defined as:

x =  A Sin (ωt + ɸ), 

x is the displacement of the body from mean Position, at time t. ɸ is phase Difference. 

A is Amplitude of Motion, that is the Maximum distance the body in SHM can move from mean Position.

ω is Angular Speed = 

T is the time period of Motion, 

  • Potential Energy of the body in SHM  is

P = 

  • Kinetic Energy of the body in SHM is 

K = 

  • Total Energy of the Body in SHM (E) 




Potential Energy = Kinetic Energy at some displacement x from mean position.




So, Option  A / √ 2 is the correct option.

Additional Information

  • Potential Energy is maximum at Extreme positions while Kinetic Energy is Maximum at mean Position.
  • Potential Energy is zero at mean Position while Kinetic Energy is zero at Extreme Positions.

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