Best dog harness to wear all the time

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I’ll be the first to admit that I have spent an embarrassing amount of time and money while trying to find the best dog harness for our requirements. I really did not think it would be that hard. 

The simple truth is, when it comes to picking the best dog harness, the process can be quite complicated.

After all, there are hundreds of different harnesses out there to choose from, and all our dogs are built differently. So, what’s a good fit for one dog might not be a good fit for another dog.

This is why we’ve put together this article in which we’ll help you choose the right one for you and your pup. Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Types of dog harnesses

When it comes to finding the best harness for your dog, it’s more important to pick the right design than it is to buy a particular brand.

To put it simply, a dog’s shoulder has a wide range of movement, which should not be restricted by a harness. Because of this, it’s recommended that dogs wear Y-shaped harnesses, rather than the ones that have a straight bar across the dog’s chest.

That said, all dogs are different in their size and proportions, so if you’re unsure on what’s best, you can look for a professional harness fitting near you – this is a service that’s sometimes offered by vets and qualified dog trainers.

Below are some examples for different types of Y-shaped dog harnesses.

The Perfect Fit Harness (Modular harness)

The Perfect Fit Dog Harness is recommended by many vets and dog trainers in Australia, and has worked the best for us.

In fact, it’s often sold through local vets which means that when you buy it, the harness can be fitted by someone who knows what they’re doing.

It’s a modular dog harness, so the idea is that if your dog outgrows it, you only buy a bigger module and not a whole new set. 

Read our full review here: Are Perfect Fit Harnesses Good?

Image: Perfect Fit

What’s the best harness for a puppy?

The best harness for a puppy is one that’s a good fit (size), padded for comfort, and Y-shaped, so that the shoulder movement of your puppy is not restricted.

To help fit a harness correctly, it’s best to ask your vet or dog trainer for feedback. Puppy socialisation group classes are a good opportunity for this.

That said, the above mentioned Perfect Fit Harness is often recommended for puppies. It’s often sold through vets and dog trainers who can help you find the right size, and because it’s a modular harness, it can grow with your puppy.

Read our full article here: What Is A Good Puppy Harness In Australia?

Nervous dog harness (Awareness harnesses)

Awareness harnesses are available in different variations to help communicate our dogs special needs to the general public.

Image: Dexil Limited | Available from $32.21

Are leather harnesses good for dogs?

Leather harnesses are good for dogs as long as they’re the right design (Y-shaped) and a good fit in size. It’s just like it is with all other harnesses really, and the main difference is the material.

In fact, most dog owners use leather products because it’s their preferred material for one of the following reasons:

  • Leather is a natural material and a by-product from the meat industry
  • It’s durable and can last a lifetime if it’s well-cared for
  • Appreciation for the craftsmanship of leatherwork

Read our full article here: Where To Get A Leather Dog Harness In Australia

What’s the best dog car harness?

Dog car harnesses are specially made to protect our dogs during car trips.

The “Drive Harness” from EzyDog has two webbing handles on the top of the harness to feed a seatbelt through, so you can then click the buckle into your car, similar to how a human would put their seatbelt on.

Image: EzyDog. Available from $99.95

Personalised dog harnesses

Personalisation adds a great touch to any product, but when it comes to dog harnesses, it also provides extra security in case your pup wanders off.

Read our full article here: 5+ Personalised Dog Harnesses For Australians

Image: FamiliarPaws. Available from $18.64

Are tactical harnesses good for dogs?

Tactical dog harnesses are specially made for service and working dogs, and they’re also great for outdoor activities such as hiking and camping.

Read our full article here: Where To Get A Tactical Dog Harness In Australia

Image: rabbitgoo. Available from $46.99

Dog harness backpacks

Dog harness backpacks are great for outdoor adventures with our dogs. Also, many dogs love wearing them, because they like having that extra job to do, and it gives us humans more space in our own backpacks. 

Read our full article here: 3+ Great Dog Backpacks For Australians

Image: RUFFWEAR | Available from $139.95

How does a step-in harness work?

Many dogs don’t like putting a harness on, especially if it needs to go over their head. That’s where step-in harnesses can be helpful, as your dog can step into them without having anything pulled over their head.

Image: GOOBY | Available from $28.45

Cute & stylish dog harnesses

If you’re after a cute dog harness, you’ll have lots of choice by browsing small businesses across Instagram and Etsy.

Read our full article here: 5+ Cute Dog Harnesses For Australians You Need To See

Image: MyPupper | Available from $80

Harness by breed

There are many different breeds of dogs, so finding a harness that’s a good fit can be challenging. Below are further explanations about how to pick the best dog harness by breed.

What’s the best Dachshund harness?

The best dachshund harness is a Y-shaped harness that’s custom-made or adjustable, because dachshunds tend to slip out of them easily.

Image: Pablo & Co Boutique. Available from $30.95

What kind of harness is best for a French Bulldog?

Frenchies often wear harnesses to avoid the risk of breathing issues that they’d be exposed to if they pulled on a leash while wearing a collar.

Read our full article here: 5+ Best Harnesses For French Bulldogs

Image: Pablo & Co | Available from $30.95

What is the best harness for a Greyhound?

The best fitting harnesses for Greyhounds are often custom-made or specially made for the breed.

Greyhounds have a lean head and relatively long body, which is why many regular harnesses aren’t a good fit for Greyhounds.

Read our full article on Greyhound harnesses here: Where To Get A Greyhound Harness In Australia (4+ Recommendations)

Image: Galguau | Available from $83.70

What’s the best harness for a Chihuahua?

Because Chihuahua’s are such a small breed, the best harness for a Chihuahua is often either an adjustable harness, or a custom-made harness, as they can slip out of harnesses that aren’t a good fit easily!

Read our full article here: What’s The Best Harness For A Chihuahua?

Image: LupinePet | Available from $31.37

What’s the best harness for a Staffy?

The best harness for a Staffy is typically one with a soft inner lining (such as fleece), to protect their skin as they have short fur.

A comfortable choice is the Perfect Fit Harness, or if you’re after a harness for a very strong Staffy, you might like the Ruffwear Front Range Harness.

What’s the best harness for a Labrador?

When it comes to the best harnesses for Labradors, one of the most important considerations is good quality stitching and a sturdy material.

Equally important for a Labrador harness is that it’s a good fit for your dog. You want the harness to be not too tight and not too loose.

Check out this article to learn more about Labrador harnesses: Labrador Harness: Which one’s the best for you?

Why use a harness for a dog?

Dogs need to be exercised to assure their well-being, and in most public places the law requires us to have our dog on a leash. The leash needs to be attached somewhere, and that’s typically a collar or harness. 

If you’re wondering why someone would use a harness for their dog rather than a collar, the answer typically is to prevent potential health issues further down the track if you have a dog who pulls strongly.

Image Source: BHARCS

How To Fit A Dog Harness

A harness is far less likely to hurt our dogs as opposed to a dog collar, but it’s all in the design and fitting. When fitting a harness, it’s important to to ensure that when there is tension on the lead, the material over your dog’s chest does not impinge on their windpipe or gullet.

You also need to make sure that the harness is not impinging your dog’s shoulders. It can cause issues if the straps of a harness do not allow for the shoulder blade to ‘float’ over the body as it should.

Here’s a video that illustrates a dog’s movement while wearing different types of harnesses:

To fit a harness you want to measure your dog in two places:

  1. Around his neck where the collar normally sits, and
  2. Around the thickest portion of your dog’s chest.

You can do this with a tape measure or with a piece of string and measure against a ruler if you don’t have a tape measure. 

Can A Harness Hurt Your Dog?

Yes, in some cases a harness can hurt your dog. The harness must be a suitable design for your dog’s anatomy, and well-fitted, as incorrectly fitted harnesses can have a bad impact on your dog’s mobility. Incorrect mobility can lead to joint conformation and function, which in turn can lead to abnormal wear, which can cause inflammation and arthritic conditions. 

Always make sure that your dog’s harness is well-fitted, and teach your dog how to walk on a loose-leash as soon as possible to avoid pulling, which will otherwise cause a negative impact on your dog’s body.

Which Harness Is The Safest?

Be cautious of harness reviews. All dogs are different, so there isn’t one fit or make for all. For example, long-legged dog breeds will need differently adapted harnesses than other dogs. The length of the back of your dog plays a decisive role in the right choice of dog harness. So in short, if you can, it’s best to get a professional harness fitting with a vet or qualified dog trainer for your dog.

That said, there are a few things to watch out for when buying a harness:

  • First of all, the harness must be properly adjusted for your dog. One of the most important aspects when buying a dog harness is the right fit. 
  • Make sure that when there is tension on the lead, the strap over your dog’s chest does not impinge on their windpipe or gullet. 
  • An adjustable waist belt prevents pressure on the spine and enables individual size adjustments to your dog
  • Ideally, the buckles for putting the harness on and off are on the back, which makes it easy to put it on and off. 
  • Be aware that the harness is not impinging the shoulders of your dog. If the straps of the harness do not allow for your dog’s shoulder blade to ‘float’ over the body as it should it can cause issues. 

Are Collars Bad For Dogs?

Collars can be bad for dogs that pull. The area around a dogs throat is one of the most vulnerable parts of their body. The neck contains many veins, glands and muscles, which collars can both irritate and damage, especially when your dog pulls. 


I hope this article has been helpful for you.

Personally, my biggest takeaway is that there’s no single one dog harness that’s the best fit for every dog, because all dogs are different. Both in physique and trainability when it comes to loose-leash walking.

If you get stuck, have a chat to your local vet and go by their recommendation.


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