Black stool blueberries how long

Looking down into the toilet bowl and seeing poop that looks a bit different than usual can be a little stressful — but it isn’t always cause for alarm.

If you’ve noticed your stools are looking black and tarry, it could be connected to a more serious issue like bleeding in your gastrointestinal tract. But it could also be due to certain things you’ve been eating.

Read on for some of the reasons your poop might be taking on a darker hue, and when to talk with a doctor.

Sometimes, the simplest reason is the actual reason: If you’ve noticed your poop has gone from its usual brown to a blacker color, it could be due to the sorts of foods you’ve been eating. This is especially true if you haven’t noticed any additional gastrointestinal symptoms.

Some foods that can turn your poop black:

  • black licorice
  • blueberries
  • dark chocolate cookies

Iron supplements

Many people take iron supplements for anemia, a condition in which an individual’s blood has a lower-than-normal amount of red blood cells, causing feelings of tiredness and weakness. These supplements can have a few side effects, including

  • nausea
  • constipation
  • black stools

If you take iron supplements and are having issues with side effects, talk with your doctor. There are a few different types of iron supplements, and some may be easier on your stomach than others.

Medicines containing bismuth

Medicines containing bismuth subsalicylate — like Pepto-Bismol — can turn your stools black. Ingesting too much bismuth subsalicylate over a prolonged period of time can also turn your tongue and teeth black.


Ulcers are open sores on the lining of the digestive tract. While they’re not always painful, they can cause:

  • a burning sensation in the stomach
  • indigestion
  • heartburn
  • a general feeling of being unwell

When ulcers start to bleed, they can create more severe symptoms, including black, “sticky,” tarry stools (which are darker in color due to blood mixing with digestive fluids). Because this is a more severe symptom, you should talk with your doctor ASAP if these dark stools are accompanied by any of the manifestations above.

Upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding

In addition to ulcers, there are a few other conditions that can cause bleeding in the upper GI tract, which in turn can lead to black, tarry stools. Black stools caused by these kinds of upper GI issues are sometimes referred to as melena. A few of these conditions include:

  • gastritis
  • esophagitis
  • Mallory-Weiss syndrome
  • esophageal or stomach cancer

Many of these conditions are serious and include a host of other gastrointestinal symptoms. If your stools have been black and tarry for a few days, and are accompanied by stomach aches and vomiting, you should seek medical help immediately.

Esophageal varices

The esophagus is a tube that carries foods and liquids to the stomach. When veins inside the esophagus become swollen — a condition usually connected to cirrhosis or other advanced liver diseases — they can occasionally rupture and cause both red, bloody stools, or black, tarry stools.

It’s important to call your doctor immediately if you are already aware that you are living with liver disease, and start to experience black stools along with:

  • muscle cramps
  • stomach discomfort
  • rapid weight loss
  • jaundice

If your symptoms are not severe enough to warrant a hospital visit, your doctor will likely ask about your medical history and perform a physical examination to try to determine the cause of your unusual stool color. They’ll probably order blood tests and a stool sample, and may also suggest imaging (like X-rays) to see the inside of your digestive tract.

Your doctor may also schedule a gastroscopy or colonoscopy to assess the condition of your gut.

A colonoscopy is often performed while you’re under sedation. Your doctor will insert a thin, flexible tube through your anus into the rectum with a camera on the end to see the inside of your colon and look for the cause of your symptoms.

A gastroscopy is similar in nature to a colonoscopy but focuses on the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine. The thin tube is inserted through your throat, rather than the anus.

Treating black stools varies according to what is causing the condition.

If you notice that you’ve been eating a lot of blueberries, blackberries, and other dark foods, limit your intake for a few days and see if it makes a difference.

The same goes for iron supplements and medicines containing bismuth subsalicylate: If you think your black stools may be connected to taking either of these, talk with your doctor about safe alternatives.

Ulcers can have different causes, but milder forms are commonly treated by:

  • proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), which reduce the amount of acid in your stomach so the ulcers can heal
  • H2 receptor antagonists, which also reduce the amount of acid in the stomach
  • over-the-counter antacids
  • reduced use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Surgery is also an option for more severe cases of bleeding ulcers.

If your black stools are due to a condition that is causing upper GI bleeding, your treatment will vary depending on the severity of the condition.

Don’t wait to talk with your doctor if your black, tarry stools are accompanied by gastrointestinal discomfort or other intense symptoms — make an appointment right away or head to the nearest ER.

Black stools can be caused by a variety of issues, from eating too much black licorice to bleeding in your gastrointestinal tract. The key to identifying how serious your condition is are the other symptoms that are present.

If you are experiencing nausea, stomach upset, dizziness, or abdominal pain along with black stools, contact your doctor quickly.

Antioxidant-rich blueberries are a healthy addition to your baby’s diet but is it normal for them to turn your baby’s poop colors and leave chunks of blueberries in their diaper?

It is completely normal for blueberries to turn your baby’s poop dark blue or even black if they’ve had more than a handful of blueberries. It’s also common to find chunks of whole berries in their diaper as they are likely to pass through your baby’s intestines pretty quickly limiting the amount of time they are exposed to digestive enzymes. 

Read on to find out what other changes you can expect to see in your baby’s poop after eating blueberries as well as what actions, if any, you need to take after noticing these changes to your baby’s bowel movement patterns.

Can blueberries affect baby’s poop?

Blueberries are known to change the color of bowel movements to a dark blue or even black hue, especially when eating more than a handful. Some babies may even have chunks of whole blueberries or blueberry skins visible in their diapers likely due to the fact that food rarely sits in a baby’s colon for any significant length of time.

Since food passes through their intestines so quickly there is little time for digestive enzymes to do their job. There is no reason to be alarmed if you notice any of these things. Simply avoiding blueberries for 48 hours should return your baby’s bowel movements to their normal color and texture.

Another reason blueberries can affect your baby’s poop is that they contain 3 grams of fiber per ½ cup which is 12% of a 1-3-year-old’s recommended daily allowance of dietary fiber. If your child is complaining of any other digestive issues such as abdominal discomfort, bloating, gas, or diarrhea your child may be eating too many blueberries. Reducing the number of blueberries eaten per day should ease your child’s discomfort.

Are blueberries safe for babies to eat?

According to the CDC, whole berries, such as blueberries, should be avoided until your baby is around 12 months old when they are a little more practiced at eating and chewing.

If you are giving blueberries to your baby at an earlier age, make sure the blueberries are cooked to soften them or give them to your baby in puree form.

When eaten in moderation, blueberries are a healthy, nutrient-dense option to feed your child.

Can babies digest blueberries?

Eating blueberries can cause a bit of an upheaval in the appearance of your little one’s bowel movements.

You may notice a blueish tinge to your baby’s poop or even chunks of whole blueberries in their diaper. This can happen in foods that are high in indigestible fiber as they can be hard to break down.

It can also occur when food isn’t properly chewed up prior to swallowing. 

Can babies be allergic to blueberries?

Any time you introduce a new food to your baby there is the potential for an allergic reaction.

Make sure to only introduce one food at a time and give it a few days before introducing another one. This gives you time to observe your baby to make sure they aren’t exhibiting any signs of an allergic reaction.

Here are some signs of an allergic reaction:

Skin symptoms:

  • Hives
  • Itchy skin rashes
  • Swelling
  • Breathing problems
  • Sneezing
  • Wheezing
  • Tightness in the throat

Stomach symptoms:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Circulation symptoms
  • Pale skin
  • Light-headedness
  • Loss of consciousness

If your child experiences any of these symptoms, seek prompt medical attention.

How does eating blueberries affect baby’s poop

It seems crazy that something as innocuous as blueberries could wreak such havoc on a baby’s diaper, but they sure can give you a surprise at diaper change time.

It’s not uncommon for your baby’s poop to turn blue or black in color. You may see whole blueberries in their bowel movements or even just the skin of the blueberries. 

Do blueberries change baby’s poop?

Blueberries, especially when eaten in excess, can dramatically alter your baby’s poop.

From turning blue or black in color to changing the texture, you never know what you will find when it’s time to change a diaper.

Let’s look a little more closely at how eating blueberries can affect your baby’s poop.

Blue or black poop

Just eating a blueberry or two isn’t likely to alter the color of your baby’s poop. However, eating more than a handful of blueberries may change the normal brown appearance of your baby’s poop to a dark blue or even black color. While this may look alarming, there is really no need to worry.

Some foods are notorious for altering the color of poop, with one of those being blueberries, especially when eaten in large quantities. 

Forty-eight hours after eating blueberries, your baby’s bowel movements should return to their normal color. 

Blueberry skins

You may notice some blueberry skins mixed into your child’s poop in his diaper. Strange as it may seem, this is not entirely uncommon.

Your baby is still mastering the art of chewing his food and his digestive system is still maturing. Plus, food generally doesn’t sit for very long in the intestines of small children as they poop when they feel the need to go whereas adults and potty-trained children usually only go around 1-2 times per day.

The digestive enzymes of the colon don’t have a lot of time to break down food as it passes through.

Entire blueberries

It’s not uncommon for some babies to pass whole blueberries in their bowel movements. This could be due to several reasons.

Blueberries are high in indigestible fiber which could mean that your baby’s intestines weren’t able to break down the fiber in blueberries. 

Another reason why it’s not uncommon to see some whole foods like blueberries in babies’ bowel movements is that food generally doesn’t stay in their colons for very long so the digestive enzymes don’t have as much time to work on breaking food down.

The last reason it may not be uncommon to find whole blueberries in your baby’s stool is that some babies don’t yet chew their food thoroughly before they swallow it especially if they were fed purees before finger foods.

Do blueberries cause diarrhea?

Just a ½ cup of blueberries contains 3 grams of fiber or 12% of a one-year-old’s recommended daily allowance.

While moderate consumption of blueberries provides a vast range of nutritional benefits, consuming an excessive amount could prove detrimental by causing stomach discomfort, bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

Lay off the blueberries for a day or so and your baby’s bowel movements should return to normal.

Do blueberries cause diaper rash?

Blueberries, like other fruits, have a high acidity that may be irritating to your little one’s behind.

This is especially true if large amounts of blueberries are consumed or if your child is suffering from diarrhea as a result of eating too many blueberries. The longer the poop sits against their delicate skin, the worse the rash may be. 

If you notice an increase in diaper rashes that correlates to the number of blueberries your baby is eating, try cutting back on the blueberries for a while or monitor the amount being eaten. The Honest Co.’s All-Purpose Balm is a great natural way to help soothe the rash and prevent further irritation in one.

Do I need to worry about baby’s blueberry poop?

Your baby’s blueberry poop is completely normal and no major cause for concern.

If your baby is having any other digestive issues like excessive gas or diarrhea, they may be getting too much of a good thing so just limit the number of blueberries your baby eats. Your little one’s bowel movements should return to normal 48 hours after the last blueberry was eaten.

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