Disadvantages of observation method in teaching

The observation method involves human or mechanical observation of what people actually do or what events take place during a buying or consumption situation. “Information is collected by observing process at work. ”The following are a few situations:-

  1. Service Stations-Pose as a customer, go to a service station and observe.
  2. To evaluate the effectiveness of display of Dunlop Pillow Cushions-In a departmental store, observer notes:- a) How many pass by; b) How many stopped to look at the display; c) How many decide to buy.
  3. Super Market-Which is the best location in the shelf? Hidden cameras are used.
  4. To determine typical sales arrangement and find out sales enthusiasm shown by various salesmen-Normally this is done by an investigator using a concealed tape-recorder.

Advantages of Observation Method

  1. If the researcher observes and record events, it is not necessary to rely on the willingness and ability of respondents to report accurately.
  2. The biasing effect of interviewers is either eliminated or reduced. Data collected by observation are, thus, more objective and generally more accurate.

Disadvantages of Observation Method

  1. The most limiting factor in the use of observation method is the inability to observe such things such as attitudes, motivations, customers/consumers state of mind, their buying motives and their images.
  2. It also takes time for the investigator to wait for a particular action to take place.
  3. Personal and intimate activities, such as watching television late at night, are more easily discussed with questionnaires than they are observed.
  4. Cost is the final disadvantage of observation method. Under most circumstances, observational data are more expensive to obtain than other survey data. The observer has to wait doing nothing, between events to be observed. The unproductive time is an increased cost.

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Comparison Table for Advantages and Disadvantages of Observation Method

Advantages Disadvantages
The observation method provides high accuracy since the observer directly interacts with the observed. Observation is a costly method since it requires a lot of things.

What is the benefit of observation as an assessment tool?

It allows teachers to systematically record observations which are immediately available for planning future lessons, to track student progress, identify individual and group learning problems, and conference with students and parents.

What are the advantage and disadvantages of using observational techniques for assessing students?

Advantages & Disadvantages of Using Observations for Teacher…

  • Advantage: Obtain Additional Information. Teacher observations provide information that other means of evaluation do not.
  • Advantage: Can Provide Instant Feedback.
  • Disadvantage: Bias.
  • Disadvantage: Unreliable.

What is the disadvantage of observational method?

Cost is the final disadvantage of observation method. Under most circumstances, observational data are more expensive to obtain than other survey data. The observer has to wait doing nothing, between events to be observed. The unproductive time is an increased cost.

What are the advantages of observation?

The advantages of observation methods include direct access to research phenomena, high levels of flexibility in terms of application, and generating a rich, permanent record of phenomena to be referred to later.

Which of the following advantages is the greatest advantage of observation methods?

Which of the following advantages is the greatest advantage of observation methods? Observational methods permit measurement of actual behavior rather than reports of intended or preferred behavior.

What are the benefits of observational method in teaching?

Some of the many benefits associated with frequent classroom observations include: Enhanced student outcomes by improving the quality of teachers through feedback on practice. Identifying strengths and weaknesses for individual teachers as well as taking active steps towards improving upon them.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of assessment tools?

Advantages: it provides students with structure and motivation to better themselves, while ensuring resilience in competition and disappointment. It helps in understanding competence so students can be taught an appropriate level and pace for them. Disadvantages: assessments can change the way teaching is focused.

What are the advantages of observations?

Advantages of Observation:

  • (1) Simplest Method:
  • (2) Useful for Framing Hypothesis:
  • (3) Greater Accuracy:
  • (4) An Universal Method:
  • (5) Observation is the Only Appropriate Tool for Certain Cases:
  • (6) Independent of People’s Willingness to Report:
  • (1) Some of the Occurrences may not be Open to Observation:

What are advantages of observational research?

Observational research allows the researcher to see what their subjects really do when confronted with various choices or situations. The term refers to the study of non-experimental situations in which behavior is observed and recorded.

What is the advantage of observation?

What is a major advantage of observational methods?

The main advantage of observation is its directness. We can collect data at the time they occur. The observer does not have to ask people about their behavior and reports from others. He or she can simply watch as individuals act and speak.

What are the advantages of the observation method?

The observation method is an easy method since it usually does not require technical skills. In the observation method, not everything is observed. Feelings, emotions, and opinions remain unobserved. The observation method provides high accuracy since the observer directly interacts with the observed.

What makes the results of an observational assessment reliable?

Reliable Data – As the assessor is actively watching and recording the actions of the subject during an observational assessment, the results can be deemed to be more reliable.

What are the pros and cons of teacher observations?

The purpose of teacher observations is to evaluate the classroom dynamic and determine ways to improve it for both students and teachers. Here are a few other benefits of teacher observations. Helps teachers strive for continued improvement and professional development Supports effective teaching practices

Why is it important to do student observations?

Student observations aren’t the only ones that matter. Performing teacher observations is equally as important. After all, only an outsider looking in can objectively identify areas of improvement. While no one really enjoys being observed, it’s important to remember you aren’t being judged.


In the school:
As it’s mentioned before observation is one of the most important aspects in education. Teacher should make a habit of observing students. Observe how they enter the class, how they talk their peers, how they do the class work, and how they act in the playground. Observation can tell lot about a student. We as second parents to them, we actually shape their future. We can only do that by observing. Observe the students, if we find something wrong, ask around and help the students. Advantages of observation: * Observation is methods of collecting data or information. * Improve research results. * Understand the verbal answer. * Identify the problems. Dis advantages of observation: 1. It’s a process cannot be done in one day. It takes days and sometime years. 2. Observation on many things, not just focusing on one 3. Through observation particular problem cannot be analyzed 4. Student attitudes could not be studied with the help of observations. 5. We cannot get the complete answer through observation alone. Suggestion:

As we have few students, we don’t necessarily keep recordings unless it is very important. We share everything with the parents what we are learning from the students. I would suggest the top management to keep the recording as it is very important for the student and teachers for future reference. Teachers understanding of child development, including both the biological and how they live at home, how they see other people. cultural aspects,

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