Employee assistance programs can be especially useful when mitigating which source of violence

Current Intelligence Bulletin 57

Developing and Implementing a Workplace Violence Prevention Program and Policy

The first priority in developing a workplace violence prevention policy is to establish a system for documenting violent incidents in the workplace. Such data are essential for assessing the nature and magnitude of workplace violence in a given workplace and quantifying risk. These data can be used to assess the need for action to reduce or mitigate the risks for workplace violence and implement a reasonable intervention strategy. An existing intervention strategy may be identified within an industry or in similar industries, or new and unique strategies may be needed to address the risks in a given workplace or setting. Implementation of the reporting system, a workplace violence prevention policy, and specific prevention strategies should be publicized company-wide, and appropriate training sessions should be scheduled. The demonstrated commitment of management is crucial to the success of the program. The success and appropriateness of intervention strategies can be monitored and adjusted with continued data collection.

A written workplace violence policy should clearly indicate a zero tolerance of violence at work, whether the violence originates inside or outside the workplace. Just as workplaces have developed mechanisms for reporting and dealing with sexual harassment, they must also develop threat assessment teams to which threats and violent incidents can be reported. These teams should include representatives from human resources, security, employee assistance, unions, workers, management, and perhaps legal and public relations departments. The charge to this team is to assess threats of violence (e.g., to determine how specific a threat is, whether the person threatening the worker has the means for carrying out the threat, etc.) and to determine what steps are necessary to prevent the threat from being carried out. This team should also be charged with periodic reviews of violent incidents to identify ways in which similar incidents can be prevented in the future. Note that when violence or the threat of violence occurs among coworkers, firing the perpetrator may or may not be the most appropriate way to reduce the risk for additional or future violence. The employer may want to retain some control over the perpetrator and require or provide counseling or other care, if appropriate. The violence prevention policy should explicitly state the consequences of making threats or committing acts of violence in the workplace.

A comprehensive workplace violence prevention policy and program should also include procedures and responsibilities to be taken in the event of a violent incident in the workplace. This policy should explicitly state how the response team is to be assembled and who is responsible for immediate care of the victim(s), re-establishing work areas and processes, and organizing and carrying out stress debriefing sessions with victims, their coworkers, and perhaps the families of victims and coworkers. Employee assistance programs, human resource professionals, and local mental health and emergency service personnel can offer assistance in developing these strategies.

Responding to an Immediate Threat of Workplace Violence

For a situation that poses an immediate threat of workplace violence, all legal, human resource, employee assistance, community mental health, and law enforcement resources should be used to develop a response. The risk of injury to all workers should be minimized. If a threat has been made that refers to particular times and places, or if the potential offender is knowledgeable about workplace procedures and time frames, patterns may need to be shifted. For example, a person who has leveled a threat against a worker may indicate, “I know where you park and what time you get off work!” In such a case, it may be advisable to change or even stagger departure times and implement a buddy system or an escort by security guard for leaving the building and getting to parking areas. The threat should not be ignored in the hope that it will resolve itself or out of fear of triggering an outburst from the person who has lodged the threat. If someone poses a danger to himself or others, appropriate authorities should be notified and action should be taken.

Dealing with the Consequences of Workplace Violence

Much discussion has also centered around the role of stress in workplace violence. The most important thing to remember is that stress can be both a cause and an effect of workplace violence. That is, high levels of stress may lead to violence in the workplace, but a violent incident in the workplace will most certainly lead to stress, perhaps even to post-traumatic stress disorder. The data from the National Crime Victimization Survey [Bachman 1994] present compelling evidence (more than a million workdays lost as a result of workplace assaults each year) for the need to be aware of the impact of workplace violence. Employers should therefore be sensitive to the effects of workplace violence and provide an environment that promotes open communication; they should also have in place an established procedure for reporting and responding to violence. Appropriate referrals to employee assistance programs or other local mental health services may be appropriate for stress debriefing sessions after critical incidents.

A proactive approach is foundational to a successful workplace violence mitigation program. One such strategy is a comprehensive employee assistance program (EAP). An EAP is a confidential service provided to employees to assist them with personal issues. Often, these personal issues can affect job performance and even lead to instances of verbal abuse or violence at work, whether that person is the perpetrator or the victim.

Benefits of an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

More employers are offering EAPs, signaling a growing understanding that workers have personal struggles and that those struggles can spill into the workplace.

EAPs have many beneficial applications for both employees and employers, but they can be particularly helpful in high-risk situations.

For example, a victim of domestic violence may seek help through an EAP, thereby decreasing the probability of a violent outbreak at the organization by the hand of the abuser.

An EAP also has a place in assisting Human Resources staff when counseling, as they can refer troubled employees to the program. Company leadership can also use an EAP as a resource to offer at-risk employees. Even an employee can refer to an EAP when concerned about a troubled co-worker.

Among other things, an EAP assists employees who may be struggling with feelings of isolation or depression. This, in turn, helps minimize the risk of those troubles escalating to an episode of workplace violence.

EAPs can also be seen to serve a similar purpose as school programs specifically targeted to support, encourage, and provide resources to at-risk students.

A support program for an at-risk student provides resources to increase their psychological functioning and achievement – both while at school and at home. Such a plan also aims to help a student increase test scores, academic performance, and improve their psychological functioning.

A company’s EAP program meets similar needs for those in the workforce. It serves to increase job performance and overall functioning at work. Company leaders encouraging the use of EAPs understand that employees are not robots may have plenty of non-work-related issues that cannot always be “turned off” and “tuned out” during work hours.

Workplace Violence Triggers and How an EAP Helps

An EAP’s primary function is to serve as a resource for individuals suffering from a range of personal problems. Such problems, when left unattended, can escalate into acts of workplace violence.

According to a report by the U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC), all of the analyzed active shooters in 2017 suffered from at least one severe stressor in the five years before the attack.

More than half of those attackers suffered some type of financial difficulty such as job loss, loss of a home or business, moving to a shelter, wage garnishing, or eviction.

It is at such points in an employee’s life that an EAP can provide a glimmer of hope and support. Because an EAP comes into play when the life stressor arises, it can help diffuse an escalation that can lead to instances of violence. This can be true for both perpetrators and for victims.

Employers should note that job loss is a marked stressor in the study, indicating that proper termination procedures carried out with compassion and respect are also key to minimizing workplace violence.

Encourage Employees to Use an EAP

The effects EAPs have on the reduction of workplace violence can’t be overstated. It is one of the most proactive measures an organization can take to ensure the health of its employees and workplace safety.

The decision to put an EAP in place is a good starting point, but to be effective, an EAP must be accessible and highly promoted. Current participation rates for many EAPs are only 3-5%, according to one account.

When questioned, employees report that they don’t know about it, that they fear there will be a stigma attached when using the program, or that they have concerns about confidentiality. These are the barriers company leadership must address to make their EAP an effective mitigation tool against workplace violence.

Employee barriers to entry aside, an EAP remains a cost-effective mitigation strategy for employers. According to a report by the Employee Assistance Society of North America and the Kaiser Foundation, an EAP makes up less than 0.5% of the average employers’ annual health insurance costs per employee.

If the EAP serves to spot trigger events and offers employee support that results in the avoidance of even one incident of workplace violence, it is more than worth its cost.

A Problem that Must Be Addressed on All Fronts

Workplace violence is a complex problem that must be addressed with complete commitment from an entire organization. High-level executives, as well as operational staff, must be wholly devoted to stopping workplace violence before it begins.

Preventing workplace violence is only part of the commitment, every organization must also have an appropriate response plan in place for times when workplace violence does occur. To this end, McGowan offers Active Shooter/Workplace Violence Insurance programs to allow organizations to prepare for and respond to a wide range of risks in the workplace.

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