How long does it take for a dog to forget his previous owner?

For a dog to forget its owner, 1 to 3 years must pass without having direct contact with himself. However, the connection regarding experiences, smells, sounds, among others, can cause immediate recognition by the dog. Dogs remember how their owner attached the harness to them, according to a new study.

How long does a dog remember a person?

So, how long does it take for a dog to forget a person? A dog will not forget you. A dog can remember someone his entire life. It’s safe to say that your dog will not forget you after two weeks, a month, or even if you are gone for many years.

Can a dog forget it’s owner?

There is no way that the dogs can ever forget their owners, not even after years. … There are studies that have proven that dogs display more affection and love towards their owners when they are separated for a longer period of time. Thus, even if you give your dog for adaptation, the dogs will still remember you.

Do dogs remember their owners after a long time?

A dog’s memory works differently than a human’s, but they are still able to remember people and other dogs over time as a result of strong associations. Dogs can get extremely excited to see you when you come home from a long day at work. … A dog might lovingly greet its owner after years apart.

Will my dog forget me after 5 days?

In my experience, the short answer: YES! Your dog will definitely remember you. As I mentioned earlier after raising a puppy for 12-18 months, puppy raisers have to return their puppies to school for formal training. Puppy raisers may not see their puppies again for 6-12 months, sometimes even longer.

Do dogs forget their owners after 2 months?

Will your dog remember you after months apart? Luckily, the answer is yes! In fact, studies have shown that the longer a dog is separated from their owner, the happier the dog will be when they return! So, it’s actually true, even for your pups, that time really does make the heart grow fonder!

Do dogs feel abandoned when rehomed?

A sad dog may also sleep more often and at unusual times. Some dogs may react by suffering from severe anxiety after a rehoming. These symptoms can include whining and barking out of fear or frustration; they may pace and continuously search for their previous owner.

Do dogs get sad when you give them away?

It’s not unusual for dogs to grieve the loss of a person they’ve bonded with who is no longer present. While they might not understand the full extent of human absence, dogs do understand the emotional feeling of missing someone who’s no longer a part of their daily lives.

Do dogs forget?

The short answer is, they probably don’t. But that doesn’t mean they don’t remember you. Dogs may have some type of episodic memory, or the ability to remember specific events in the past. … Indeed, a dog’s sense of smell helps them recognize and “remember” you.

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How do I know if my dog misses his owner?

If they miss you more than they can bear, your pooch will offer you a few telltale signs. Chewing on your possessions, crying when you leave, and staring at the door after you’ve gone are all key indicators.

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You’ve most likely seen a tear-jerking video of someone being reunited with their dog. It doesn’t seem to matter whether it‘s been 7 months or 7 years, the dog can’t contain their happiness and it’s clear they know exactly who it is. And then there’s the countless dogs that have been adopted or rescued after years of abuse. So how long does it take for dogs to forget people? It turns out they can remember someone their entire life. Read more details below.

Based on scientific evidence, dogs brains have the ability to store visual, olfactory, and auditory experiences indefinitely, per Canine Bible. Humans have episodic memory which allows us to recall specific times and places in our lives and dogs remember things by association. So while they may not be able to remember a specific event, dogs will associate any gesture, voice, and smell with you.

So when a dog remembers people, places, and experiences their reaction will be based on associations they have with them. If a dog sees an old owner, their body language will give you a good idea of the treatment the dog received in association with that person‘s scent. Another example is if they had a negative experience at the vet, they may never want to go back.

Dogs also remember people or situations visually and they have amazing facial recognition. Which explains why dogs can react in a similar way to specific physical characteristics, such as gender, body shape, and even facial hair.

Studies also show that dogs recognize individual voices, and are responsive to tones of voice. So as long as a dog can smell, has healthy eyes, and can hear, they will most likely remember you no matter how long you’ve been out of their life.

If you are wondering if your dog misses you while you’re gone they don’t have any knowledge of time but can experience separation anxiety. You can add an item of clothing near their bed while they‘re gone to help soothe them.

No one gets a dog with the intention of surrendering or rehoming them. Still, it’s a common occurrence. Many dogs have more than one owner in their lifetime. This can leave you wondering, does a dog forget their previous owner? 

A temporary absence can also raise these questions. I once had to leave my Shepherd for a week while I was recovering in the hospital. He barely ate. He watched out the window for me frequently. He was clearly sad, and we were both very happy when I got back home. I didn’t worry that he would forget me, but I did worry about the grief he seemed to be experiencing in my absence. 

Perhaps you can no longer keep your dog and you need to rehome them. Perhaps you are simply going on vacation, and are worried your dog will forget about you. These situations raise the question, do dogs forget their owners?

Dog’s Don’t Forget

The news, for better or worse, is that dogs do remember their owners. There are many reports of military personnel being deployed for a year or longer, and their dog being ecstatic when they finally return home. 

How Dogs Remember

Dogs remember through association. Your dog may forget that you took them for a walk every day after lunch, but they will remember that you had happy times together. 

Dogs usually recognize owners who return by scent or their face. If your dog doesn’t recognize you immediately, it may only take a smell for them to celebrate your return. 

How long does it take a dog to forget their owner?

Dogs don’t have a concept of time like humans do. Perhaps this plays a role in them not forgetting their owners. Based on research, it’s believed that dogs never forget their owners. 

How Long Does it Take a Dog to Adjust to a New Home? 

Dogs never forget their owners, but they will adjust to a new home. Unfortunately, there’s no set time limit on how long it takes. Puppies under 3 months old adjust quickly, within days to weeks. 

The older the dog is, and the stronger the bond between dog and owner, the more time it can take the dog to adjust. 

How Does a Dog Cope After Being Neglected?

You may assume that a dog who was mistreated by a previous owner would adjust very quickly to a safe and caring home. Dogs are extremely loyal animals. 

They don’t possess concepts like morality and the right to be treated humanely. They will remember if their owner causes them pain, but they will likely still love them. If they were physically taken care of but didn’t get much social or emotional interaction, they may find the transition easier. 

Any time a dog has been mistreated by an owner, whether through neglect or abuse, it will be hard for them to trust a new owner. It requires lots of love and patience to help the dog through the adjustment process. 

However, once they are fully adjusted, you’ll find that they are the most loving, loyal, and grateful dog you could ask for. 

How long can a dog remember a person?

Similar to humans, it seems that absence does make the heart grow fonder. The longer you are away, the happier your dog will be to see you again. Dogs never forget owners. When it comes to acquaintances, the answer isn’t as clear. 

Do Dogs Remember Acquaintances? 

It’s difficult to pinpoint how long a dog can remember someone they’ve met, but aren’t intimately attached to. They can remember other dogs for several weeks, so it’s likely they can remember people for that long as well. 

Do dogs get sad when they change owners?

Yes. It’s common for a dog to get sad when it changes owners. Sometimes, there are no other options available, and the dog has to go to a new home. As sad as it is for the previous owner, it can be very difficult for the dog. 

How Do Dogs Know They’ve Lost Their Owner? 

Dogs seem to know the difference between a temporary separation, like going to work, and the loss of their owner, despite a very limited concept of time. 

It’s believed this is because the dog notices changes in its environment and routine. It no longer sees, smells, or hears its owner. Someone new is feeding them and taking them for walks. 

This still doesn’t explain how dogs seem to sense when something is wrong, and their owner is gone for good, or for a long time. Dogs often grieve when their owner is in the hospital, even for a short time. Many seem to know the moment to expect their owner home at the end of the day. Many people believe that dogs possess a sixth sense that may tell them when something is wrong with their owner. 

Do Dogs Grieve? 

It’s difficult to determine exactly how closely a dog’s feelings of grief mimic the human experience. However, research and anecdotal evidence have come to the same conclusion. Dogs grieve when they lose their owner. 

Brain scans have shown that the same areas of the brain are activated in human grieving as in dogs, suggesting that they have similar feelings. 

Grief in dogs is defined as behavior that is very different from their routine. A happy, energetic dog may suddenly be lethargic and unenthusiastic, for example. A dog that was a healthy eater may refuse food and lose weight. The behaviors may be different than those of people.

A person may cry, while a dog may spend hours staring longingly out a window. But the feelings underlying the behavior seem to have a lot in common. 

Just like a grieving person, no two dogs will grieve in the same way. Signs your dog is grieving include whining, barking, and pacing. In addition to loss of appetite and fatigue, your dog may be clingy or desire space. 

Do dogs miss their owners?

Yes, dogs miss their owners. This can leave you wondering if you should ever leave your dog’s presence. At least for more than a day. The good news is you can help your dog cope with your temporary absence. 

Do Dogs Feel Abandoned?

We know that dogs grieve the loss of an owner, but what happens when you leave temporarily? You can’t explain to your dog that you’ll only be gone for a week. 

Leaving your dog is actually quite similar to leaving a small child. A toddler doesn’t know the difference between a week and an hour. They simply know you are gone. While they may have some understanding that you’ll return, there can still be some fear. 

However, not having a concrete concept of time can be a blessing in disguise. If your toddler attends daycare every day, they know that you leave, and that you come back. 

The same can be true for your dog. If you leave the house and come back regularly, this can reassure them that you aren’t abandoning them. 

Stay Positive

Your dog will pick up on your emotions. If you are sad or anxious, this will add to your dog’s feelings of fear and unease. No matter what the reason for the separation is, be sure to stay upbeat. 

Spend some extra time with your dog before your absence. This can ease your pet’s mind when you’re gone. It also helps strengthen the bond between you.


The more familiarity you can give your dog in your absence, the better. If you can find someone to come to your home to dog sit, this may be ideal for some dogs. Other dogs may prefer the socialization of being boarded or staying with a trusted friend. 

No matter where your dog will be staying, it’s best to familiarize them with their temporary caregiver and the location, if it’s not your home. A few visits before you leave will ensure that your pet doesn’t feel they are left with a stranger. 

You can also send a few items with your dog. This may be an old t-shirt you’ve worn, or a pair of socks. Dogs love anything with their owner’s smell, and socks tend to have an abundance of it. You should also send a toy or two, or perhaps your dog’s food bowl. These items will help them feel a little more secure. 


Most dogs recognize their owner very quickly. If yours doesn’t, give them a little time. They will get there. Once they do, you’ll see the moment of recognition and happiness. Be sure you have time set aside to spend with your dog when you return. 

Give them lots of pets and a treat or a new toy. Don’t feel guilty or apologize to your dog for leaving. This could cause confusion for your dog. Instead, focus on how happy you both are to be back together again. 

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