How long for botox to work second time

I had always considered getting botox, and starting early as a “preventative measure.” I heard that if you are proactive, you almost prevent the wrinkles from ever forming. Yet, I’m low maintenance and I don’t like to add things to my maintenance routine that require regular visits.
You also know that I was pregnant, had baby #1, nursed/pumped for an entire year, immediately got pregnant with baby #2, had baby #2 and then went right into nursing/pumping again. 2 kids in 2 years. I was mom-ing 24/7. I am so blessed and wouldn’t change it for the world. However, do you know that feeling when you are giving, giving, giving, and you just want to do something for yourself. That’s where I was when I decided to try botox.


I did a ton of research, got recommendations from people, and decided on a cosmetic dermatologist near me. I went in, shared what I was looking for and clearly stated that I do not want to look over-done. I received the botox and went home. It can take a full week to set in, so I anxiously awaited the results. About 2-3 days later, my right upper eyelid looked a little puffy when I woke up. I brushed it off, thinking I slept weird. That following day, my eye was so puffy and swollen that I worried I was having some sort of allergic reaction. Fast forward several weeks… the dramatic puffy-ness did wear off. However, I was frozen AF to say the least. I had zero movement in my forehead. That right eyelid remained slightly puffy for at least 2 months until the botox began wearing off. I was definitely not going back to that doctor and I sort of questioned going back at all.


It was 6 months since my first botox injection… the botox completely wore off and I had full expression in my forehead. I decided to make an appointment at a plastic surgeon’s office. I explained to her my past experience and she asked a few more questions on how many units I received and where it was injected. She concluded – it was simply too much for me. She very educatedly explained that botox relaxes the muscles and that if they relax too too much/combined with it being injected too close to the brow, the muscle actually relaxes down into the eye. This is why you can get a slightly droopy eyelid, or, in my case, the muscle relaxed and pushed normal fluid down into that eyelid. She assured me she would go very conservative. She said I will be so conservative that we can schedule an appointment for next week and I can add more then if desired. OBSESSED! Night and day difference. My forehead actually still had a bit of movement but the majority was motionless yet subtle. She injected in a way that actually lifted the right lid (an aesthetic technique that can make the eyebrows and face more symmetrical). I could not have loved the results more. I’ve been back here for a second appointment (3rd time total).


you shared your questions with me on Instagram, so I collected the most popular ones…


I had botox injected in my forehead and a tiny bit between my eyebrows.


Botox is priced per unit. The exact price per unit varies depending upon who you’re going to and your location. By me, I would say an average price is about $12-$15/unit. Then, obviously you multiply that number by how many units injected. I did a quick google search and found a common forehead treatment range of 30-50 units of botox.


This is a question I do NOT want to answer because I think a professional should tell YOU how many would be ideal for YOU. I know that’s annoying but because of the bad experience I had, I don’t want anyone using my numbers as what they should do.


Once you are injected with botox, it takes about a full week to set in. When you leave, you’ll be able to use your face muscles as normal. Day by day, the muscle movement diminishes (it’s oddly interesting to track). 1ST EXPERIENCE: : when I received too much botox for my personal preference, I was “frozen” for a good 2.5 months. From 2.5 months – 3.5 months, it was wearing off (some movement). At about month 4, it was fully worn off. 2ND EXPERIENCE: I would say from 1 week after injection to about 6 weeks, I don’t have much muscle movement. What I love about the units I get and how she injects it is that I always have some movement in my forehead just not wrinkling. From about week 6 – week 10, it is wearing off where I have some movement/wrinkles but not like “normal”. After about 2.5-3 months, it’s fully worn off. Again, this is because I do “less” in general so I probably have to go more often.


10 minutes. The initial consultation takes a bit of time, especially if you’re like me and dot every i and cross every t… that appointment was about 30 minutes. However, the actual appointment is less than 15 minutes… 10 minutes if I need to be in and out.


They serve two different purposes. I was told that botox paralyzes the muscles to help prevent fine lines and wrinkles from developing. Fillers are substances that physically fill in spaces; lips, smile lines, cheeks and under the eyes seem to be common places for filler.


It is actually pretty painless. It feel like tiny pinches and a bit on stinging. When it’s done, the pain is done. I have a pretty high pain tolerance, and I would say botox is “uncomfortable” but not “painful.” By the time you feel any pain, it’s over.


I don’t know if you’d consider it a side effect, but the first time I did botox, I just received too much, which contributed to the puffy eyelid. If I could go back, I would have really emphasized how conservative I wanted to go… I would have specified that I still want some movement in my forehead. Also, I do get slight headaches as the botox sets in but it’s nothing bad.


1) NUMBER OF UNITS USED: the 2nd time, I had almost half of the units of botox used and achieved a better results (goes to show less really is more)
2) THE INJECTOR: I think you have to take the time (maybe go through a treatmeant you don’t love) to find someone you do like. The woman I see is *amazing* – she’s so conservative, knows exactly where to inject to maximize the results. I love her!


I’m sure you’ve seen the botox commercials that say botox can limit the number of migraine days. Interestingly enough, I have migraines and I don’t know if it’s a placebo effect but I do think I have less headache days. However, I personally get slight headaches a few days after getting botox as it sets in, which I was told is a common side effect.


This is a funny question… it’s probably as addicting as when I started getting a shellac manicure or the first time I got my hair highlighted. For me, it’s not addicting in the fact that I *could* stop and still love the way I look BUT it is addicting in the fact that I really like the results and want to keep it up.


This is honestly something I thought about. I am a very confident person. I believe in wholistic health and wellness. I didn’t want getting botox to twist the fact that I’m still that person but also care about my looks enought to inject a toxin into my forehead. Also, I’ll be honest… when I grew up in Wisconsin, botox and plastic surgery was not nearly as common as it is now in 2020 and where I currently live in Houston.


I have not had a single person ask me, “do you have botox?” Maybe people are just polite?! Personally, I like the look. My husband was not crazy about me getting botox – he loves the natural look – and he has told me several times how great and subtle it looks.  

Bottom line… do you research, but truly, you can do all the research in the world and you may not love the first place you try… or the second. For me, it took 2 tries but I am thrilled now. You always here people say “less is more” but truly, start on such a conservative side that you have to go back in for more sooner than expected (it’s the same price whether you have it all at once or in 2 sessions). I am so happy with my decision to get botox.

The longevity of Botox lasts anywhere from 2-6 months. The average longevity lasts about 3-4 months. So, why does Botox eventually stop working? Your body makes new neurotransmitters all the time, so the “blocking” effect of Botox gradually wears off naturally. Therefore, the muscles are no longer inhibited. 

If you are a first-time Botox user, it’s important to be mindful that your first experience is not likely to result in optimal, long-lasting results. Initially, it can taking multiple Botox treatments before your muscles become adequately conditioned and respond to the botulinum toxin. Results last longer after several sessions, as the skin has more time to regenerate the collagen it needs to fill in those fine lines and wrinkles. When injected for cosmetic reasons, Botox lasts four to six months on average, but you can expect the effects of your first treatment to wear off faster. You’ll likely need to schedule your second appointment for two or three months following your first treatment. 

So, What Causes Botox to Wear off?

  • Your metabolism – Your body chemistry will process Botox on its own timeframe, typically the effect lasts 3-4 months.
  • The size and depth of your wrinkles – People with fine lines may enjoy their Botox longer than those with more prolonged wrinkles and bulkier muscle tissue.
  • Your physical activity level – Proteins needs time to get into the muscles after they are injected. The facial expressions made while working out could make your muscles contract much faster and cause the Botox to wear off.
  • The quality of the Botox – Botox is sensitive to temperature and time. Supplies must be kept refrigerated
  • The area being treated – Results in the forehead and between the eyebrows typically last the longest.
  • Your facial expressions – Some patients are more fortunate and “forget” to use their facial muscles even after the effects of Botox wear off. Their results will last longer than those who are extremely animated with their facial expressions.
  • The skill and accuracy of the injector – Botox works right where its injected. The best injectors target your muscles with accuracy and place injections perfectly for maximum benefit.
  • The amount of Botox injected – There is no one-size fits all standard recipe for Botox. Your treatment should be tailored to your muscles’ specific level of activity strength and bulk. Larger muscles require more Botox.
  •  How often you have Botox treatments – The more frequently you have Botox injections, the longer the effect will last between visits. Some Doctors have reported repeat clients who can go up to a year between injections.
  • Other potential factors – Some patients will experience a shorter longevity of Botox if they are ill or stressed.

Can I Make my Botox Last Longer?

There are also other long term and short term techniques to increase the longevity of your Botox treatments.

Short term methods

Zinc supplements have recently been discovered to help extend the efficacy of your Botox treatment. In a 2012 study, Houston-based oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Charles Sopokar reported that 44 patients who took a zinc and phytase supplement, called Zytase, four days before their Botox injections experienced better and longer-lasting results. This is because the botulinum toxin belongs to a group of enzymes that are zinc dependent.

Retin-A wrinkle treatments can also assist in extending the effects of Botox. The combination of Botox with a topical retinoid cream can decrease the need for additional Botox units per visit, and potentially prolong the time between treatments. Retinoids can also be applied to parts of the face not typically treated by Botox.

Long term methods

In general, regular treatments yield optimal longer-lasting results. A recent study revealed that administering Botox to a specific area on the face at regular four month intervals for two years causes the muscles to take an increasingly long time to recover, meaning that the effects of Botox lasted longer.

When you receive your first Botox treatment, your muscles are at their strongest. This means you require more units and more frequent visits when you first start using Botox.

The most effective way to prolong the effects of your Botox treatments is to remain a regular at your injector’s office. In addition, it is helpful to receive injections before your previous treatment has entirely worn off. This will maintain the muscles at a halt and state and keep wrinkles at ease.

Learn More about How Long Does Botox Last? 

Ready to block those wrinkles?


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