How many ways can a baseball coach arrange the order of 9 batters If there are 14 players on the team?

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9 × 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 9! = 362880; There are 362880 possible batting orders.

How many ways can a baseball coach arrange the order of 9 batters If there are 14 players on the team?

726,485,760 different
The baseball coach can create 726,485,760 different batting orders from a team of 14 players if there are 9 positions to fill.

How many different batting orders are there?

Step-by-step explanation: So there are 362,880 different possible batting orders.

How many ways are there to select 9 players for the starting lineup and a batting order for the 9 starters?

= 1816214400 Therefore, there are 1816214400 ways to select 9 players for the starting lineup and a batting order for the 9 starters. c. Suppose 5 of the 15 players are left-handed. Select 3 left-handed outfielders and have all 6 other positions occupied by right-handed players.

How many ways can 3 runners be selected for the Olympics from a field of 5 contestants?

Therefore, there are 10 ways that 3 runners can be selected for the Olympics from a field of 5 contestants.

How many different batting orders can a baseball coach create from a team of 15 players when there are 9 positions to fill?

How many different orders of the justices are possible for this photograph? 5. How many different batting orders can a baseball coach create from a team of 15 players when there are nine positions to fill? TOTAL 15!

How many different batting orders does a baseball team of nine players have if the pitcher bats last?

So there are 720 different lineups.

How many batting orders are possible for the Indian cricket team?

Total number of batting orders possible = 14C9 . 11!

How many ways can 9 starters be chosen from a team of 15 players?

= 5005 Therefore, there are 5005 ways to select 9 players for the starting lineup. b. Selecting 9 players for the starting lineup and a batting order for the 9 starters 15!

How many ways are there to assign players to the positions?

Thus there are 1,037,836,800 ways to assign the 10 positions.

How many different ways can you have 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th in a race with 10 runners?

7! There are 720 different outcomes possible in the race.

How many permutations of 3 numbers can be selected from a group of 6?

There are 120 permutations.

Who are the four batsmen in the batting order?

1 Two opening batsmen – able players who can negotiate a typically difficult period of play. 2 Four middle order batsmen – specialist batsmen who may be more attacking. 3 A wicket-keeper – the equivalent of the catcher, who is also expected to contribute with the bat. Weitere Artikel…

Which is the first batter in the batting order in baseball?

It is not an official statistic. Opinions differ as to whether nine batters must get an at-bat, or if the opening batter must bat again for “batting around” to have occurred. In modern American baseball, some batting positions have nicknames: “leadoff” for first, “cleanup” for fourth, and “last” for ninth.

Can a manager change the batting order in baseball?

Once the home plate umpire gives the lineup cards to the opposing managers, the batting lineup is final and a manager can only make changes under the Official Baseball Rules governing substitutions. If a team bats out of order, it is a violation of baseball’s rules and subject to penalty.

Where does the # 9 hitter go in the batting order?

In a situation where the pitcher is batting in the #9 slot, #8 hitters are sometimes intentionally walked to get to the pitcher’s spot in the #9 hole; however, with two outs the opposing pitcher is expected to battle the #8 hitter, so in the event of an out the pitcher leads off the following inning.

When we say "batting order", we are indicating that we care about which player bats first, then second, etc. and so it's a permutation.

Let's think about this in a slightly different way. Let's say there is a local Little League team that has exactly 9 players. How many ways can we determine the batting order using a permutation and then using a combination.


We have 9 players and 9 spots in the batting order.

  • In the first spot we can put any of the 9 players.
  • In the second spot we can put any of the remaining 8 players.
  • In the third spot we can put any of the remaining 7 players.
  • And so on.

We can write this as #9xx8xx7xx6xx5xx4xx3xx2xx1=9!#. We can also write this as a permutation, with the general formula being:

#P_(n,k)=(n!)/((n-k)!); n="population", k="picks"#

And so we'd get:


And in the end, whichever way you write it, you get 362,880 ways to set up the batting order.


With a combination, we don't care in what order the players are placed - we only care that they are in the batting order somewhere. (It's like with a poker hand - we don't care that we drew the Ace of hearts first, the Ace of spades second, the Ace of diamonds third, and the Ace of clubs fourth - all that matters is that we have 4-of-a-kind in Aces).

So let's look at our Little League club again. There are 9 players and 9 spots and so each player will be in the lineup. And so there is only 1 combination possible.

We can see it in the equation - the general equation of which is:

#C_(n,k)=(n!)/((k!)(n-k)!)# with #n="population", k="picks"#

and so we get:


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