How to be ceo of your life

Take a deep breath and ask yourself, “Are you living proactively or reactively?”

What answer did you get or how did your body feel? Whether you live a life of design versus default a whole-body plan will help you get more proactive and take greater charge of your life.

Consulting executives in the corporate and business world has taught me that structure and planning has its benefits. When I left my full time sales management job many years ago, I decided to apply a corporate flow chart model to my new life. I appointed myself the C.E.O. of Sisgold Unlimited. I reasoned that having the title of C.E.O. meant that I was in charge of the all the parts of my life, so I called them divisions, just like a company would. A good CEO knows better than to neglect a single product or division of his/her company because success depends on his/her attention to the entire company. In my case my divisions included my mental, physical, spiritual, relationships, and creative parts of my life. I also added a twist to my CEO plan, by listening to how my body responded to any decisions, before I finalized them,

Is it really much different in this business called life?

With no overarching vision or plan you can be prone to making impulsive decisions and ignoring some very important aspects of your life. For me reacting by default instead of being proactive by design was problematic for a number of reasons. First, it makes for messes that then require time and energy to clean up. And second, it can lead you down unnecessary dead-ends if you follow impulses that leave your true priorities in the lurch.

Having your priorities and desires clearly mapped out in this way also assists you to stay on track and move in the direction of what you really want; design versus default. All of these elements together give you a rock-solid foundation from which to create the life of your dreams.

My Life Unlimited Inc.

I sat down one afternoon and examined my life and looked at the key divisions or areas that were crucial to the success of My Life Unlimited. Then, using my whole-body principles and processes, I generated a detailed plan for each area. The divisions include all the areas of your life that are most important to you: health, career, relationships, relaxation, fun, personal growth and so forth. Each division also has subsidiaries. These considerations will be of great use when you sit down to draw up your CEO Action Plan.

Your CEO Action Plan

Step One

Think of your family and friends, as well as your creator, or any other positive force, as your possible stockholders in your company. These people depend on you as the CEO to be accountable for every action and its results. Keep them in mind when you consider your commitments and make a conscious, intentional choice about what you can give yourself over to and get behind 100%. Also give some thought to what individuals you would invite to sit on the Board of Directors of You, Unlimited.

Step Two

Sketch out your own CEO plan. Draw a circle and place each division inside of a circle. Under that put action steps and dates of completion under each division. Here are some questions to guide you to make up your divisions and goals for each one. As you answer each one, listen to anything you notice that your body is telling you.

What are your professional and business goals?

What are your goals with respect to income, investment, and savings?

What knowledge, expertise or skills do you want to acquire?

What new professional contacts do you want to develop?

What organizations do you want to join and become actively involved in?

What kind of image do you want to project?

What kind of relationship do you want with your spouse, your children, your extended family, and your friends?

7. HOME:
What type of environment do you want to live in?

What interests do you want to actively pursue?

How will you keep yourself healthy, fit, relaxed and calm?

In what areas do you need to develop yourself on a personal and spiritual level?

11. FUN:
How will you create fun and humor in your life?

The book is about the transformation journey every individual has to take if they want to improve their life for a greater success. In this book, you will discover key factors to improve and grow both professionally and personally! Within these chapters, you will find seven simple, yet profound, steps to invest in yourself and transform your professional career and personal life, regardless of your current level of success, or lack of it. I know these steps works because they have made efforts to improve the lives of my family members, friends, colleagues and myself. I am confident that if you integrate these seven aspects in your life, you will ultimately be able to achieve your dreams and in turn, live a happier and successful life with an abundance of energy and enthusiasm.

In this book, you will learn how to:

  • Build a right attitude
  • Learn the essentials of communication
  • Build better relationships
  • Upgrade your knowledge
  • Understand your mind better
  • Think like a leader
  • The great way to live your life intentionally

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Veera Budhi has over twenty years of working experience and holds a Master Degree in Computer Science from India. He is a certified speaker, mentor, coach and trainer on leadership principles and personal development. He offers customized presentations, 10 minutes briefing, lunch and learns, keynotes speeches, seminars, aiding the personal and professional growth through study and practical application of proven leadership methods to fit any specific individual or organizational needs. His passion for helping others to reach their goals and achieve their life ambitions has driven him to become part of one of the greatest leadership team in the world – "John Maxwell Team."

Veera Budhi also works at IBM as a Technical Evangelist, where he evangelizes the next generation technologies like Big Data Analytics, Open Source, Cloud, Cognitive, Machine Learning and so forth. He has co-authored a technology book on IBM's big data streaming technology (InfoSphere Streams).

Veera Budhi has worked in the industry for years and has closely watched great leaders at work, seeking to understand what makes some people excel in the field and gleaning the secrets of their success in the process. In this book, he helps readers to enjoy professional growth and personal success through the study and application of proven leadership methods that can be flexed according to organizational or corporate needs.

The Ultimate Guide To Fulfilment ...or How To Live Happily Ever After!

  • This chapter gives the general introduction on setting the stage for the book

  • This chapter talks about the benefits of having right attitude and how to work on it

  • This chapter talks about Communications Skills and its benefits

  • This chapter talks about how to build long lasting relationship

  • This chapter talks about the benefits of knowledge and how to be a life long learner

  • This chapter talks about Positive thinking and how to implement in your life

  • This chapter talks about leadership principles and growth

  • This chapter talks about how to live a life with purpose

  • This chapter summarizes all the above chapters.

  • Build a right attitude
  • Learn the essentials of communication
  • Build better relationships
  • Upgrade your knowledge
  • Understand your mind better
  • Think like a leader
  • The great way to live your life intentionally

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