How to do coloured text in minecraft

Color codes in Minecraft allow you to color text, signs, and fabrics, as well as change team colors. Even chat messages can be colored. Here you’ll learn how to use color codes and what you need to keep in mind.

Minecraft stands for freedom and customizability: From the play style to the architecture of your buildings to basic game elements, almost everything can be adjusted to your wishes – not least thanks to the extensive mod support. The colors of the texts you enter are no exception.

Minecraft color codes on signs and in books

The easiest way to use Minecraft color codes is on elements that can be labeled directly in the game. This applies to books and quill, for example. To color your entered text, you just need to put the §-character at the beginning and append the code of the desired color. To color text on signs, Unicode is used instead of the §-code, but is also inserted right before the text.

List of Minecraft color codes

Here you can find a list of all color codes:

§1\u00A71dark blue
§2\u00A72dark green
§3\u00A73dark aqua
§4\u00A74dark red
§5\u00A75dark purple
§8\u00A78dark grey
§d\u00A7dlight purple
§g minecoin gold

Minecraft chat colors

Chat messages are not so easy to colorize by now. The §-character can no longer be inserted and unicodes also have no effect in ordinary chat messages. To use Minecraft color codes in chat messages, you need the /tellraw command:

 "/tellraw @player{"text": "YOUR TEXT", "color": "COLOR"}"

Colorize chat messages via server console

Administrators can send colored messages via the server console. To do this, navigate to the “Log and Chat” window in the server console. In the corresponding input line, all commands can be executed without a preceding slash, and the use of color codes works without any problems.

Other text formatting options in Minecraft

In addition to color codes, there are other formatting options available to you. For example, you can use the code “§k” to obfuscate writing so that the characters change constantly and thus become unreadable. With the command “§l” you can write bold, with the command “§o” italic and with “§n” you can underline your text.

Text formatting in Minecraft

Here is a list of more codes for text formatting in Minecraft: 


We hope we could give you a useful insight into the use and functionality of Minecraft color codes. Now it’s up to you to add color to your Minecraft text input. With a Minecraft server from G-Portal, you won’t be the only one to enjoy it either.

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In this tutorial on Minecraft, we will see how to use color codes and text formatting to create beautiful messages in-game!

Minecraft Color Codes

To add colors in your messages (chat, motd, etc.), you must use color codes that start with the symbol & or § followed by a letter or number:

  • &0 - Black
  • &1 - Dark Blue
  • &2 - Dark Green
  • &3 - Dark Aqua
  • &4 - Dark Red
  • &5 - Dark Purple
  • &6 - Gold
  • &7 - Gray
  • &8 - Dark Gray
  • &9 - Blue
  • &A - Green
  • &B - Aqua
  • &C - Red
  • &D - Light Purple
  • &E - Yellow
  • &F - White

Text Formatting

  • &M - Strikethrough
  • &N - Underline
  • &L - Bold
  • &K - Random
  • &0 - Italic


To use the codes, add them in your message.


&LWelcome on &9&NMinecraft Server

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Ever wanted to have a pretty adventure map and didn't want to use mods? Here's how.

  1. 1

    Place the Command Block. If you're making a map and/or want this concealed, you should hide this someplace flat. For this example, we will use the impulse command block.

  2. 2

    Open the Command Block.

    • Enter the following: /tellraw @a [{"text":"<insert text here>","color":"<color>"}]</color></insert>
    • This must be typed in as shown, otherwise it might not work. Replace the color/text with your variables.

  3. 3

    After setting this command, the command block must be powered. To do this, simply put a stone button on the command block by shift-right clicking on it. (Don't use the "Needs Redstone" button!)

  4. 4

    Press the button. The command displayed above should show aqua text in chat.

  • Question

    What are the specific colors that can be used for this?

    As it says in the "Tips" section at the bottom, you can use Red, Green, Blue, White, Yellow, Dark_Red, Dark_Green, Dark_Blue, and Gold.

  • Question

    How do I type bold, red letters?

    Using some formatting in the command. Here is a command for the big red text: /tellraw @p {"text":"TEXTHERE","bold":true,"color":"dark_red"}

  • Question

    What colors can I use?

    As it says in the "Tips" section at the bottom, you can use red, green, blue, white, yellow, dark red, dark green, dark blue, and gold.

See more answers

  • Command Block (for complicated/long messages)
  • Singleplayer Cheats/Operator Permissions (at least level 2)/Realms Operator Permissions

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wikiHow Technology Writer

This article was written by Travis Boylls. Travis Boylls is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. Travis has experience writing technology-related articles, providing software customer service, and in graphic design. He specializes in Windows, macOS, Android, iOS, and Linux platforms. He studied graphic design at Pikes Peak Community College. This article has been viewed 327,926 times.

Co-authors: 41

Updated: September 2, 2022

Views: 327,926

Article Rating: 53% - 29 votes

Categories: Minecraft

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