How to fix a zipper that splits open

I have a favorite hoodie. It’s comfortable, all lined in fleece, and has an embroidered logo of my favorite NFL team. I wear that thing constantly during football season and through the winter until the weather warms up. Out of nowhere, the zipper stopped working. The teeth would separate as soon as I’d zip it up. The good news is, I fix zippers for a living, so I knew just how to fix it, and I’m going to share how you can easily Repair Zippers That Separate or Come Undone, too.

Why does the zipper keep splitting?

Most of the time, a zipper won’t stay zipped because there’s not enough tension in the zipper slider to connect the teeth correctly. It’s not easy to diagnose because you can’t tell just by looking at the zipper slider that it has lost tension. But you know something’s wrong when your zipper separates as soon as you zip it up. Have you seen how much it costs to replace a zipper on pants? Replace a zipper on a dress? full zipper replacement will start somewhere in the $65 – $75, range. You also need to purchase the correct zipper. To repair something made of leather or a designer outfit costs double that. Read on to learn how to Repair Zippers That Separate or Come Undone.

How can I fix it?

When a zipper slider loses tension, the slider needs to be replaced. There’s not an easy way to put a new slider on a zipper. So unfortunately, you usually need to take out the entire existing zipper and put in a new zipper. This is a waste of a perfectly good zipper. Full zipper replacement will cost you up to $75.00 to have it done professionally! There is another way! Fortunately, for your favorite zipper clad item, I will show you here how to Repair Zippers That Separate or Come Undone.

Enter the FixnZip. Its' a replacement zipper slider and you don't need tools or sewing to install it. It is made to Repair Zippers That Separate or Come Undone! The unique thumbscrew design allows you to fit the slider right over the existing zipper teeth! Next, adjust the tension so your zipper always stays closed. This works no matter if the zipper is metal, nylon, or plastic, tooth or coil. Check out this video to see how it’s done:

Does it work on other zippers?

In the video to Repair Zippers That Separate or Come Undone, I showed you how to fix a separating zipper on my jacket. However, the FixnZip works on other zippers that keep splitting! Zippers on a tent, backpack, or sleeping bag. The only difference is that those have closed-end zippers. It makes installing the FixnZip is just a little different. FixnZip has a video showing you how to fix a closed-end zipper here.

What size should I use?

A quick note on sizing. The FixnZip comes in small, medium, and large. This sizing covers just about every zipper out there. I used a size medium FixnZip in the video. This is what fixed the separating zipper on my hoodie. Medium is the same size you’d use on a sleeping bag or tent. See the sizing page on our website to find the right size FixnZip to fix your broken zipper. You can buy the FixnZip on our online store or at one of our retailers.

In conclusion, if you need any tips on fixing a zipper that keeps splitting, we’re here to help. Do you have questions about Repairing Zippers That Separate or Come Undone? If I didn’t answer your question in the video, just shoot us a message on our contact page.


It can happen to anyone—while zipping your backpack, you overfill it, and the zipper splits. Or maybe your jacket zipper is splitting due to wear and tear. You don’t have to get rid of these items if you learn how to repair them. Find out why and how zippers split so that you can figure out how to fix your next broken zipper.

Reasons Zippers Separate

The fastener on your jacket, backpack, or another item may split for several reasons. The most likely reason is that the slide is loose and unable to close the teeth anymore. Another possibility is that the teeth are out of line and won’t latch together. 

Fix Your Slider With Pliers

A common solution to fixing your zipper is to use pliers to tighten the slide. If your zipper is separating, try pressing the slide together on the chain. Don’t make it so tight that it won’t glide. Make small adjustments until the slide is tight enough to fasten the teeth. 

Realign Your Zipper Teeth

Inspect your zipper for missing or crooked teeth. Use pliers to realign any out-of-place zipper teeth. Once they are straight, try using your zipper again. Continue to align the teeth and remove any threads until the slider glides smoothly. 

Attach a New Slide

If you can’t repair your current slider or it falls off, use an easy replacement zipper to fix your item. Attach a FixNZip to your bag or jacket to easily replace the slider and start using your item again. The FixNZip is easy to use and fits on any size zipper. 

Once you know why and how zippers split, you’ll know how to fix them. You can save money by mending your items rather than buying new ones when they break. A luggage or wardrobe malfunction can occur at any time. Be prepared with the right tools to solve the problem. Keep pliers and the FixNZip around to help fix all your broken zippers. Shop online to find yours today. 

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Have you ever had a jacket or a bag that was ruined because the zipper broke? Once the zipper goes, entire items can be rendered completely useless. The humble zipper really is an amazing invention when you think about it, and its mechanics have pretty much stayed the same after all this time.

It’s no wonder why zippers are used on so many things. So what happens when they split? As it turns out, you can totally fix zipper by yourself. but broken zippers are also frustrating little monsters. Without fail, zippers are the first thing to break on a much-beloved jacket. If you’re living with a broken zipper, take heart. You aren’t the only one.

One of the most common zipper malfunctions is a split zipper. You’ve probably had this happen to you with a jacket or coat zipper. Don’t you just hate it when your zipper splits off, especially when you are in a hurry? It’s frustrating isn’t it? After zipping your jacket, the zipper separates or splits open. Most people think that a split zipper must be replaced, but that is not always the case. You can fix split or separating zippers many times without doing any sewing at all.

What Causes Zipper to Split?

When you zip up your jacket or trousers, do you ever stop to think about how that zipper might be breaking down? In fact, zippers can actually break down from a variety of causes- from dirt and oil getting caught in the teeth to wear and tear on the metal coils. But what are the specific things that can lead to a zipper splitting?

Poor Quality Zippers

The root of the problem is often poor quality zippers. Zippers are made up of two metal tracks that zip together and a slider that moves up and down the tracks. The slider is moved by hand and is what separates the two sides of the zipper.

There are many factors that can affect the quality of a zipper, such as the type of metal used, the quality of manufacturing, and the finish on the zipper. If any of these factors are not up to par, then there is a greater chance that the zipper will split.

Overzealous Zipping

There are many reasons why a zipper may split, but one of the most common is when too much pressure is applied. This can happen when someone is trying to zip up a garment in a hurry or when they are carrying a heavy load.

Excessive Use of Force

Zipper splits due to excessive use of force which can be caused by many different things. When the slider on the zipper is pulled up and down too many times, the metal teeth can become misaligned and eventually rip apart.

Wrong Type of Zipper for the Job

The incorrect zipper can’t handle the stress of the fabric being pulled together, so it eventually breaks. Zippers are made of different materials and have different strengths, so it’s important to choose the right one for the task at hand. A heavy-duty zipper is necessary for a jacket, while a lightweight zipper is better suited for a skirt.

Improper Maintenance

When a zipper is not properly maintained, the individual teeth will eventually become misaligned and the zipper will split. This is often due to the fact that the slider is not pulled all the way down the teeth, which can cause undue stress on the zipper.

If the slider is not moved up and down the teeth regularly, the grease and dirt that accumulates can also cause problems. Zipper teeth can also become worn down over time, which can lead to a split.

Tips on How to Fix a Split Zipper

Zippers are one of the most commonly used pieces of clothing hardware, but they can also be one of the most frustrating. A zipper mishap can ruin your day, but with a little patience and practice, they don’t have to. Here are a few tips to help you avoid zipper mishaps and get your day back on track.

Check the Zipper for Damage

When checking a zipper for damage, it is important to look for any missing teeth, bent teeth, or tears in the fabric. If any damage is found, the zipper should be replaced as soon as possible.

Straighten Bent Teeth

If the zipper teeth are bent, they will need to be straightened in order to fix the split. This can be done with a small, flat-head screwdriver. Insert the screwdriver into the zipper teeth and gently push them back into place.

The next step is to remove any buildup from the zipper’s teeth. This can be done with a toothbrush and some warm water. Once the teeth are clean, the zipper can be fixed by sliding it back and forth a few times. You can follow the steps below:

  1. Mix water and soap in a small dish, and stir until foam form.
  2. Dip a clean rag in the soapy water and wipe down the zipper’s teeth.
  3. Grab a fresh rag and run it under the tap.
  4. Wipe the soapy mixture off the teeth with the damp rag.
  5. Attempt to zip and unzip as normal.

Fix the Slider

If the teeth are straight, and clean, take a look at the slider itself. Over time, the slider starts to come apart, and when that happens, it stops clinching the zipper teeth together. Follow these steps:

  1. Use a pair of pliers.
  2. Remove teeth, remove the little iron teeth of the top of the zipper, which will be on the same side of the jacket where the slider is.
  3. Remove slider, remove zipper pull. You can probably see that it is all distorted.
  4. Adjust the slider (Only for iron zippers) with the pliers close the two sides of the zipper pull, try to make it look like the original shape again. If your zipper pull is not too worn out you can try to close it directly on the zipper, without removing it.
  5. Put back the slider. It may take a little bit of time.
  6. Put back the iron tooth with the pliers.

If the zip still splits, replace the slider when replacing the slider, make sure to:

• Locate the side of the zipper that has the square tab on the bottom. • Wedge the top teeth of the zipper into the slider. • If necessary, use a flathead screwdriver to wedge the teeth into the gap.

• Wiggle and pull the slider until it moves down to the bottom of the zipper.

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