How to get netherite fast in minecraft

Ancient debris is one of the most valuable resources in Minecraft, due to it being a source of netherite scraps and thus netherite ingots. It is found in Nether most commonly at Y=15, although mining at lower levels is safer due to lower risk of mining into a lava ocean. While strip mining is still a potential and straightforward way of mining for ancient debris, using explosives is a lucrative possibility due to its high blast resistance. Furthermore, beds are commonly used, as they explode when used in Nether and are cheaper than other explosives. It is also possible to use Ghasts or the Wither to mine, however the player should be careful to not die by their explosions and not to break Ancient Debris with blue wither skulls.

Method comparison[]

This video compares the methods to find ancient debris, between strip-mining, the bed method and TNT method.

This video shows 5 different methods, with success rate for each method.

Branch mining[]

Using a diamond pickaxe with at least Efficiency II, the player can instantly mine the netherrack. With the proper angle, this makes it possible to mine while maintaining sprint. The player can then go in one direction until they hit lava, and proceed to mine in another direction. However, it is highly recommended to have multiple potions of fire resistance, as it is possible for the player to accidentally run directly into lava. Compared to using beds or TNT, traditional mining is resource-efficient, as only tools and food are strictly needed. This method allows you to go about 12 blocks per second.

It is recommended to have Mending and Unbreaking III on the pickaxe. This way, the player can mend their pickaxe by mining the quartz found along the way. This allows for the player to mine for ancient debris for as long as they have food. Also, the player should mark the coordinates of where they started mining so they can easily find their way back.

Combining beds with branch mining is also a useful method.

The bed method[]

This method utilizes the fact that beds, when used in alternate dimensions, explode with a larger blast radius than TNT. It is easy to do, as you don't need to mine a lot. You will, though, use up many beds, requiring reliable wool and wood resources. Furthermore, given the extremely large amount of damage bed explosions deal and the presence of underground lava pools, it may be advisable to bring Totems of Undying, Armor enchanted with Blast Protection and Potions of Fire Resistance to protect yourself. However, these are not required.

Step 1 - mining

Mine all the way to Y = 15, as there is the highest concentration of ancient debris in the exposed blocks.

Step 2 - crafting

Place a crafting table and craft a good number of beds. If your inventory is full, put unused wool and planks in a barrel or other storage. If there are any piglins nearby, don't use chests, as they become angered and come attack you!

Step 3 - main tunnel

Start mining a tunnel. At every 16th block, mine 1x1x5 tunnels (1 block wide, 1 block high and 5 blocks long) perpendicular to your main tunnel at eye level.

Step 4 - placing beds

Place a bed at the end of the side tunnel.

How explosion is calculated in Minecraft. The bed has an explosion power of 5, so you need to be 6 blocks from it. Otherwise, it can hurt and potentially kill you.

Step 5 - explosion

After the explosion, you may find up to 3 Ancient Debris in exposed blocks. Nearby nether gold ore might also break, dropping gold nuggets you can collect, and many more unbroken blocks are most likely revealed by the blast. You can mine these out if you like, but note that nearby piglins become angered if you mine these blocks.


This video explains the process of exploding beds for ancient debris. It also suggests a second explosion which is not necessary, but can increase the chance of getting ancient debris.

Repeat these steps on the other side until you have no beds (or food).

Chunk border mining[]

Instead of mining at just y= 15, ancient debris tend to generate more at chunk borders. This can be shown by doing F3+G in Java or going to an X or Z coordinate that is a multiple of 16 in Bedrock.

If you've arrived at y= 15 on a chunk border, then you can either strip mine or mine a tunnel then bed/TNT bomb the area.

When doing the strip mine method, mine a 2x2 tunnel then carve out a tunnel as long as you want. This method can potentially break your pickaxe though and miss some debris hidden under the netherrack.

If you want to bed-bomb the area, just do the same thing but after mining your desired tunnel, mine out a few blocks in either side of the tunnel, put a bed and right-click on it which causes the bed to explode and do the same thing on the other side and repeat. The optimal distance between branches is 8-10 blocks.

If you want to TNT mine instead, just mine a 2x1 tunnel as long as you want and you can place TNT on every other block. If you've reached the end, activate the TNT which will cause a massive chain reaction. You can then mine the ancient debris piece by piece although the method is a bit dangerous if you're too close to TNT so make sure to set your distance with the TNT and carry a totem. You can also block yourself in a wall using blast-resistant blocks such as ancient debris or obsidian to protect yourself.

I did some tests and it seems to be mostly distributed around y=[9-21], with the most at y=15.

Netherrack is very easy to blast, and one TNT blast radius in netherrack centered at y=15 reveals about 0.2 ancient debris. This means that blast-mining can yield one netherite ingot for 20 TNT. This is by far the fastest way, but it is also costly.

A TNT duping flying machine would be more effort to build and drain lava that's in the way (since you can't easily change direction) but it would cost less TNT and it would give you enough netherite to build with the blocks.

Edit: I'm stupid. Beds are even better and cheaper.

Normal mining would work too, but it would be much slower. While y=15 has the most, all levels from 9 to 21 have at least 0,08 ancient debris per chunk per layer.

(Image credit: Mojang)

Knowing how to get Minecraft Netherite and what you can do with it is crucial as Netherite allows you to create some of the best tools in the game. However, it's an arduous process to even acquire any Netherite and then use it to upgrade your tools. As the name suggests, you'll need to delve into the Nether and navigate the inhospitable environment to find Ancient Debris, which then needs to be processed in a few ways before you finally get usable ingots of Netherite. It's a lot of work but can definitely be worth it if you plan on tackling the toughest of foes in Minecraft, as it's a material that's even stronger and more durable than Diamonds. If you're planning on crafting the toughest tools in Minecraft, here's everything you need to know about how to find, craft, and use Minecraft Netherite.

(Image: © Mojang)

Getting Netherite unfortunately isn't as simple as finding the ore and mining it. It's a material that must be crafted into ingots and requires some high-quality tools, so knowing how to find Minecraft Diamonds will also be key. In short you'll need to get Ancient Debris in the Nether, smelt it, then combine the scraps with Gold to get Netherite Ingots that can be used for crafting. It's an arduous process, so we've broken down each step in more detail below:

(Image credit: Mojang)

Once you've got yourself a Diamond Pickaxe at the very least - although we'd advise getting a full set of Diamond armor, a Diamond Sword, and an enchantment or two for each of those items - you can create a Nether portal to reach the hellish dimension and begin your quest for Netherite. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Use a Diamond Pickaxe to mine at least 10 blocks of Obsidian and create a Nether portal
    Your portal should be four blocks wide and five blocks tall, but you can miss out the corners for the bare minimum.
  2. Go into the Nether and search for Ancient Debris
    Ancient Debris is a type of block that can only be mined using a Diamond Pickaxe (or a Netherite Pickaxe but we assume you don't have one of those yet). It spawns in small clusters, similar to Lapis Lazuli ore, and each block you mine goes straight to your inventory, ready for smelting.
  3. Smelt Ancient Debris to get Netherite Scaps
    Take your Ancient Debris blocks and plop them into a furnace or blast furnace with some fuel to smelt them into Netherite Scraps. The conversion ratio is 1:1, so smelting one Ancient Debris block gives you one Netherite Scrap.

Minecraft enchanting

(Image credit: Mojang Studios)

Learning about Minecraft enchanting will help you get the best tools for the job

When you go through your Nether portal, make sure you have your coordinates visible (press F3 on PC for Java Edition and toggle the 'Show Coordinates' option in your settings for Bedrock Edition) so you can find an appropriate Y-level to begin mining. Make sure you also note your Nether portal's coordinates so you can get home!

Ancient Debris can spawn in veins of 1-3 blocks at Y-level 8 to 22, and it can spawn in veins of 1 or 2 blocks at Y-axis 8-119. Since those Y-level ranges overlap, your time will be best spent mining between Y8 to Y22 if you want to get as much Ancient Debris as you can. Ancient Debris also never spawns exposed to air, so you will have to mine the Nether in order to find it.

(Image: © Mojang)

After you've smelted your Ancient Debris to get Netherite Scraps, you're ready to turn them into Netherite Ingots. Combine four Netherite Scraps with four Gold Ingots at a crafting table - given the amount of mining you've likely done to reach this points, you should definitely have some Gold lying around - and you'll create one Netherite Ingot. You can also find Ancient Debris blocks, Netherite Scraps, or even Netherite Ingots in lootable chests found inside Bastion Remnants structures in the Nether.

The conversion ratio for crafting Netherite Ingots is pretty awful and means that for every four Ancient Debris blocks you mine, you'll get just one Netherite Ingot in the end. Exploring Bastion Remnants can be a good way of finding more of the necessary materials, or even the ingots themselves if you're really lucky, allowing you to  upgrade a decent number of your tools and equipment to Netherite quality.

(Image credit: Mojang)

For a complete breakdown on this topic, make sure you look at our Minecraft Netherite tools guide. However, in short, you can use a single Netherite Ingot, along with a Diamond tool or piece of armor, to upgrade it to a Netherite tool or armor piece. You'll want to do this as Netherite tools have the highest durability in the game and can mine blocks slightly faster.

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