How to get soap taste out of mouth










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My friend played a nasty trick. She was making lime jell-o shots and the cup she gave me was a cup full of Palmolive Dish Liquid!!! I've been rinsing here over an hour and tried everything, Listerine, water, mints, throat spray, toothpaste.. nothing is getting this soapy taste away. What the hell do I do??

* my friend isn't getting off easy. i'll see how she likes Palmolve when she's sleelping ;)


My friend played a nasty trick. She was making lime jell-o shots and the cup she gave me was a cup full of Palmolive Dish Liquid!!! I've been rinsing here over an hour and tried everything, Listerine, water, mints, throat spray, toothpaste.. nothing is getting this soapy taste away. What the hell do I do??

* my friend isn't getting off easy. i'll see how she likes Palmolve when she's sleelping ;)

eat raw onion or garlic grey goose vodka or hennessy will take that taste out call a doctor and see wat he/she says I would try this italian soda called beverly its gross but can clense ur palate or watevr

First of all, why are you typing everything in capitals? That's really annoying.

Here's what you should do to her. Ever heard of antiquing? Check the link homes. And as far as the soap, consider it payback for all those cuss words you said to your momma.

The best way to get rid of a soapy taste in your mouth is to taste something else that's stronger.  Good options include coffee, sweet tasting things, and even mouthwash.  But before you reach for the mouthwash or toothpaste, you should probably read on.

Why shouldn't you just brush your teeth?

Most of the time, brushing your teeth and using mouthwash will get rid of unwanted tastes in the mouth.  Of course, if you've actually eaten soap, this is probably a great way to remove the soapy taste in your mouth.  There is, however, another more serious reason for having a soapy taste in the mouth.

Ingesting too much sodium fluoride can be a common reason for a soapy taste in the mouth.  It's used in toothpaste, mouthwashes, and even tap water.  Too much sodium fluoride isn't good for you, and if you continue to have a soapy taste in your mouth, you should visit a doctor for further advice.

thanked the writer.

There are few things worse than getting soap in your mouth. It doesn't happen often but it's bound to have gotten in there at some point in your life, and it takes a while to shake it off. But what if your mouth taste like soap, but you haven't been anywhere near a bar of soap? It can be as disconcerting as when your mouth tastes like metal, but it has different potential causes. 

According to Healthline, the most common reason that your mouth tastes like soap is because you've eaten a certain type of food such as carrot and coriander (also known as cilantro), which actually comes down to your genetics. As Professor Russell Keast, who specializes in sensory and food science at Deakin University's School of Exercise and Nutrition Sciences, explains, "We have smell receptors in our nose that are responsible for identifying volatile compounds in the atmosphere, including volatile compounds released from potential foods." 

These receptors differ from person to person, and aid in deciding how things like coriander and carrot taste and smell. For some, this means carrots and coriander will taste like soap from the day they are born, and no matter how good it looks, it will still taste awful.

It's important to know taste doesn't come down to smell receptors alone. It may also differ from one person to the other simply because of the culture or house they grew up in. "For example, many Australians have problems with the intensity of fish sauce, yet South-East Asian populations find it an integral part of their flavoring," said Keast. However, while you can sometimes force yourself to like the taste of certain food, Keats says your genetic smell receptors will never change.

If you constantly have a soapy taste in your mouth, Healthline notes that overexposure to sodium fluoride could be the reason. While it is often found in toothpaste and water, when you consume or are exposed to too much of the chemical, you're likely to experience a soapy taste in your mouth, along with other symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and abdominal pain, among others. In this case, you should seek help from a medical professionally immediately as you may actually have fluoride poisoning.

Mr. Farmiga


Join Date: May 2004

Location: Tennessee

Okay, so I was cooking earlier. I had some spices, seasonings and oils going. I looked on my counter, between my sink and stove, and see a button-sized glob of yellowish thick liquid right beside the bowl I was mixing stuff into. Considering what I was making, I simply thought I'd spilled some olive oil or sauce, and so I stick my finger in it, wipe it up, place it into my mouth and swallow heartily. No, it's a big stray drop of Joy lemon dishwashing liquid from when I'd washed two bowls and a glass a few moments earlier. This has been nearly four hours and everytime I swallow, gulp or burp, I taste Joy dishwashing liquid. At least I'll have a squeaky-clean, grease-free mouth! I immediately started drinking water, and then I realized "what if I start sudsing up from within?", so I stopped. Because I didn't want to "bubble out" everywhere (but I drank enough, I think, to dilute it). It's not as strong as it was, but it's still there. Moral to the story...don't stick your finger in yellowish thick liquid and eat it without first making sure what it is. I's one of those things you wouldn't think you'd have to actually say or make clear. It should just be "one of those automatic rules of life".

Lucinda weighs in...


is the next Chiquita

So sorry about that. At least you'll be joyful for tonight.

Besides, be thankful it wasn't Comet that you tasted. My sister ate it. Twice.

To think that she's still alive is something of miracle.


Senior Member

You might be in for a long ride on the Porcelain bus....



M AH - ch ain saw

Yeah, soap will leave you praying to the toilet gods. Usually.


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Eat some dirt or grease. If you eat enough then the soap will all be used up neutralizing the dirt / grease. When your mouth tastes neutral, stop!


Sneaky Punk


Join Date: Oct 2005

Location: Vancouver, BC


Yikes. Take it easy until the stuff clears your system.


Senior Member

Are you farting bubbles yet?!


Subdued and Medicated


Join Date: May 2004

Location: Over Yander


duude... had a mocha from a coffee shop and took my first sip with a big glob of soap on the rim of the glass... OMG it burned my throat so bad. :/ bummer... it sucks


Antimatter Man


Join Date: May 2004

Location: that interweb thing

Lots of profanity.

Your mouth has been soaped already, so you might as well let loose like a sailor.


Veteran Member


Join Date: May 2004



Originally Posted by curiousuburb

Lots of profanity.

Your mouth has been soaped already, so you might as well let loose like a sailor.

Would that be a YMCA sailor?

"In the Navy!"

also for the future, "DONT EAT THE YELLOW SNOW"


Senior Member

Dibs on your mac.


Veteran Member


Join Date: Jul 2007

Location: St. Louis, MO

Well, at least it's good clean fun.


Likes his boobies blue.


Join Date: May 2004

Location: Hell

Oh jesus, you're going to be having stool so loose it'll jump out, do the hallelujah dance, pop back in, and invite the rest of the gang out to the sunshine.

Well at least your toilet bowl will get well sudsed...

My other brain is hung like a horse too. #IRC isn't old school.

Old school is being able to say 'finger me' with a straight face.




Join Date: May 2004

Location: Minnesota


Originally Posted by curiousuburb

Lots of profanity.

Your mouth has been soaped already, so you might as well let loose like a sailor.

No offense to you pscates, but just based on how you post here, I imagine your curses consisting of words like "shucks," "phooey," "gosh darnit," and for truly egregious situations, "fudge."


Mr. Farmiga


Join Date: May 2004

Location: Tennessee

Hey, I take that as a compliment. It means I don't have to constantly wallow in the gutter to express myself. And on the rare occasion I let a word slip by, it probably carries a bit more impact because it's not the 38th time I've used it that day (or post).

Doesn't take too much art or skill to say "fuck" (and all its variations) all day long, in every single post. The trick is not doing it and still conveying outrage, bemusement, passion, etc. Thank God for smileys, that's all I can say.

BTW, no weird effect from the Joy. I didn't eat a huge amount (just a "glob" about the size of a shirt button). But it sure does linger, the taste. I no longer taste it, but it hung around for several hours last night. But, I'm happy to report, no gastrointestinal distress or crisis. Whew...I dodged a bullet! And expulsion of bubbles from either end, I'm happy to report. I wasn't a human Mr. Bubbles.




Join Date: May 2004

Location: Minnesota


Originally Posted by pscates2.0



Mr. Farmiga


Join Date: May 2004

Location: Tennessee




Thunderbolt, fuck yeah!


Join Date: Jan 2005

Location: Denmark

Ok, just for good orders sake, here's the proper order as it has been established though natural selection: 1. Does it look suspicious? 2. Does it smell suspicious? 3. Does it feel suspicious? 4. Does it taste suspicious? 5. Did it make you feel suspicious? Good job skipping from 1 to 5, pscates!


Mr. Farmiga


Join Date: May 2004

Location: Tennessee

I know. Any other time, I would not be so quick to stick an unknown substance in my mouth (no jokes, please). But I'm standing right there, whipping up some delicious dinner and I (understandably) thought "oops, I dripped some sauce...". It didn't occur to me - until I swallowed - that it could be anything other than that. Then I did one of those classic "freeze and retrace" moments...I stopped, had my tongue out and was spitting in the sink, drinking water, etc. all while remembering back to 20 minutes earlier, how I'd washed a few dishes in that same spot and realizing what it was that I'd ingested. "Hey, I'm officially an idiot!" It is indeed "ultra concentrated", because for such a little glob, it packed quite a punch in the "lingering aftertaste" department. I can personally vouch for the "concentrated, strong cleaning power" of Joy.


is the next Chiquita

Tell us, do you feel joyful now? Enquiring minds want to know!


Mr. Farmiga


Join Date: May 2004

Location: Tennessee

I'm so happy, I'm bubbling over. And I have a squeaky-clean, fresh lemony scent!

So there's that.


is the next Chiquita

"Studies show that 100% of participants reported being so happy, they were bubbling and general feeling of squeaky-clean with fresh lemony scent. We therefore recommend that Joy be added to the municipal water supply."


Thunderbolt, fuck yeah!


Join Date: Jan 2005

Location: Denmark


Originally Posted by pscates2.0

(...) It is indeed "ultra concentrated", because for such a little glob, it packed quite a punch in the "lingering aftertaste" department. I can personally vouch for the "concentrated, strong cleaning power" of Joy.

Maybe you should talk with their marketing department? Just imagine a TV ad where you stand there telling your story. Joy: "Very concentrated, but I didn't get sick." Or perhaps something along the lines of that stoned girl in that old Apple advert?


Formerly Roboman, still


Join Date: Jul 2004

Location: Portland, OR

This thread is like the best non-drunk post ever. <3 paul.

And some of us do like wallowing in the fucking gutter to express ourselves, thank you very much.

But I like smileys too. Wee!!!

and i guess i've known it all along / the truth is, you have to be soft to be strong


Likes his boobies blue.


Join Date: May 2004

Location: Hell




Mr. Farmiga


Join Date: May 2004

Location: Tennessee

I'm tellin'!


is the next Chiquita

Tell who? Obama? I can see him holding a press conference: "This is a era of hope and change. If we are to change, we must let go of our old habits. Therefore from this day, we will not say the f-word. We will say "Change!" We will not say J-word. We will say "Hope!""


Mr. Farmiga


Join Date: May 2004

Location: Tennessee

Aww, please don't take this thread "there". I'll get blamed for it and I've not brought the man up once...




Join Date: May 2004

Location: Purgatory.


Originally Posted by Kickaha



Hooligan! Ruffian! Cad!


Likes his boobies blue.


Join Date: May 2004

Location: Hell

You forgot 'jackanape'.


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