How to make my husband happy again

As that kind of blissful happiness wears off, your marriage life gets back to normal pretty soon; even you have realized that your marriage is stuck in a rut; you always cherish the memory of the happy time when you were madly in love, but now you find that your husband changed a lot; most especially, he seems no longer happy like before; and understandably, living with an unhappy husband is also miserable for you.

If you wonder how to make your husband happy again, the tips below may be of some help to you.

(1) Show respect to him:

Let your husband feel that he is the best in your heart, even though your respect towards him is not reciprocated. Don’t degrade him on the spot, especially in front of his friends or family. Even though you differ from each other on a certain issue, you still need to be respectful of his opinions.

If you want to learn more tips on how to respect your husband, you might go on to read the post below:

Is respect important to a man – How to respect your husband.

(2) Express your interest in his hobbies:

At this point, don’t misunderstand that you should force yourself to be with your husband every time he plays with his friends. You’ve got to know which things he is willing to do with you, instead of tagging along at his heels all the time. Moreover, being interested does not mean that you have to be fully involved with something; for example, if he likes basketball, you may subscribe to a basketball magazine that he craves, or buy him a basketball that he ever had his eye on.

(3) Have sex:

Although this seems like cliches, you should pay adequate attention to it because of its importance. This not only means you should try to have more sex with your husband but also means that you should learn how to initiate sex and enjoy sex in a more positive manner. Sex is always an essential act to a man in a love relationship. Your husband always wants you to be devoted and passionate while having sex. By experiencing how invested you are during sex, he will understand better how much you love him. So, next time you have sex with him, try to put your all into every sex act and put your insecurities aside for the time being; remember, your husband is a man that you have made a soul vow to and will spend the rest of your life with, and your life can have more fun by keeping exploring each other’s bodies.

(4) Give him some surprise:

On your way home, you may stop by a grocery or bakery to pick up his special treat; you may go for a weekend trip away, or you may send him a message when you come back home… Yes, you must think that these things are usually the jobs of your man, and you may wonder why you should take an initial part in doing them. By occasionally surprising your husband in this way, you can remind him that he has a dedicated wife around him, and every man will be pleased to feel that there is a woman that she deeply falls in love with him.

(5) Let go of the past and move forward:

Do you feel upset with your husband at the thought of something hurtful that he did to you in the past; maybe, he ever forgot your anniversary, or he slept with another woman while you were dating? Yet you have said to him that you decided to forgive him and let it go. Obviously, if you don’t want those unpleasant things to be buried and you still bring them up at times, how can you make him happy at the moment when you still rake over the ashes? You must be aware that it is definitely harmful to your relationship to hold on to the painful memories.

(6) Take care of your husband:

When he is feeling unwell or under the weather, be attentive to him. At this point, you shouldn’t poke fun at him; let him realize that you are always there for him and take care of him; for example, you may make him his favorite dishes, and buy medicine for him. And likewise, if he is having a hell of a day, allow him plenty of space and let him feel that you are always ready to support him whenever he needs you.

(7) Stop nagging him:

Although this is an obvious statement, this is hard to comply with all the time. In case he does something that drives you crazy, try to express your feelings about what he does in a peaceful manner. Anyway, make sure not to nag your husband endlessly about trivial matters and things that he can’t change. Nagging easily makes your husband angry or annoyed, thereby resulting in resentment towards you.

For more tips on how to stop being a nagging wife, you might go on to read the post below:

Are you a nagging wife – How to stop nagging him.

For more tips on how to deal with resentment in marriage, you might go on to read the post below:

How to deal with resentment in your marriage – Reduce resentment.

(8) Release your emotional baggage:

Don’t prejudge your husband unless he gives you a solid reason to distrust him. If you admit that you often have a nasty feeling that your husband is cheating on you, in all likelihood, you have ever been hurt or cheated on in your past relationship; probably you often ruminate or think negatively about the past relationship issues that were not resolved, and your emotional baggage is sabotaging your relationship because you treat your man the same way you have ever dealt with your ex; no doubt, this damages your mutual trust greatly; so, you must be aware that your emotional baggage causes a lot of unnecessary anxiety and trust issues between the two of you, and it hurts your husband; for a woman who experienced ups and downs in a relationship, it is indeed hard to not carry any emotional baggage into a new relationship, so you should allow yourself enough time to learn to let go of your past relationship baggage and move on.

For more tips on how to release your emotional baggage, you might go on to read the post below:

How to deal with emotional baggage in marriage.

(9) Try not to change him just for you, and let him be himself:

There is no need to change your husband into someone who he is not himself obviously, except for some of his terrible habits (e.g. alcoholism, drug abuse, smoking, etc) that cause harm to him or others. You must know well that you marry a man who he is just that kind, so allow him to be himself as much as possible.

(10) Learn to use naughty words:

When it comes to sex-related things, to let him instantly understand what you secretly want to do with him in bed, you need to learn to wisely use some short and meaningful words or messages.

Both sending sexy text messages and whispering naughty words are good ways to let him feel you are thinking of him. Surely, there is no need to send him such text messages or say such words to him every day; usually, a reasonable frequency is about once a week. Actually, while you are trying to make him yours through “dirty” words, there are many details you need to attend to. For more techniques about how to arouse him sexually by utilizing short and powerful words, you might take some time to read the page below:

A powerful set of words that make your man lust uncontrollably for you even though he is not interested.

Or you might go on to read the post below:

How to seduce your husband with words – Sexually arouse him.

(11) Cook for him:

When it comes to home cooking, probably you are sure that you can’t do as well as a full-time homemaker, especially if you are often busy with your own career. But it is worthwhile to take some time to learn to cook for him. Even if you are indeed not good at cooking, learn to cook some of his favorite meals and continuously optimize them. As long as you are determined to cook for him, there must be some dishes that you can cook well. In addition to buying recipes, all sorts of food recipe blogs and even social media like Pinterest have already provided detailed guidelines for making fast and easy food at home. To a large extent, what really makes your husband moved is your effort to show your care for him, instead of the taste of a dish.

(12) Take more care of yourself:

It is difficult to retain a slim figure all the time, and you can’t also apply makeup perfectly at all times. However, you can still do many small things to show your beauty to him. As your marriage bogs down in monotony and indifference, gradually you will feel you are stuck in a rut; in this situation, you feel like there is no need to make yourself look nice for your husband. At least, you have to admit that you have paid less attention to take care of yourself than when you were falling in love with him.

If you are confused about how to make your man happy again, you might as well take more care of yourself, as this change helps improve your image in the eyes of your husband. For example, from now on, you may leave the ratty sweatpants, old T-shirts, and frayed shorts in the drawer, wear your favorite clothes and practice yoga on a daily basis. In doing so, it is more likely that he will change his bad impression on you.

(13) Avoid expecting too much of him:

The real marriage life is never a romantic comedy. Your man can’t always have suave things to say to you. You are not Cinderella, and your life has not been a fairy tale. Your man messed up before, and inevitably he will also mess up a lot in future life. Therefore, don’t always expect that you can receive a bunch of roses or a long apology letter after every argument/fight; of course, if he can do that once in a while, it is also nice. However, you have to be aware that men and women differ greatly in behavior. In many cases, what you think that he should do is not what he is willing to do. By the way, the majority of romantic novels and plays are written by women, not men.

(14) Lighten up:

Do you still remember the days when you and he just started dating? Were you a carefree girl who laughed and flirted at that time? Life’s stress takes a toll on this long-term relationship, and sometimes you may feel too depressed to enjoy something that you should have been happy about, even you may feel like everything in marriage is too serious to be joked about. And probably, your man also feels that way.

For more tips on how to deal with stress in a marriage, you might go on to read the posts below:

How to survive a stressful marriage – Deal with marital stress.

7 simple tips on how to deal with financial stress in a marriage.

And if you wonder how to make your man happy again, you may try not to take your marriage life too seriously. For example, occasional teasing and banter between spouses can bring some fun into the marriage life; but keep in mind: do it sometimes.

(15) Take more initiative to handle relationship issues:

A marriage is doomed to be a long and bumpy road. Usually, when your relationship comes to a point where you miss the direction, you might work hard to deal with the existing issues first. So, don’t just complain about the relationship status, you need to pay enough attention to how to take action to handle it. As long as you are sure that you love your man truly and you aim to keep your marriage alive, you do not have to wait for him to take the first step to repair the relationship.

Understandably, some relationship issues may make you feel awkward and unsure of yourself, and maybe you still do not know how to handle them; but anyway, even if you are the only one who wants to fix the marriage, it is still possible to make your marriage thrive again, for more marriage-saving tips, you might go on to watch the presentation below:

3 key steps to remain happily married.- Make him obsess about you again…

The final word:

In your married life, your husband also wants to receive the connection, pleasure, and attention he deserves. A key reason why your husband is not happy is that you have not figured out what he truly desires in the long-term relationship.

If you want to learn more about how to make your husband happy and keep him devoted to you, you might go on to read the page below to follow the comprehensive guidance that is offered by Brad Browning, a marriage coach with 12+ years of experience:

Make your husband obsess about you again – In this video, I’ll reveal to you how those married couples stay together for tens of years…and still feel that connection, love, and unbreakable desire for each other.

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