How to prepare 0.1 M Na2CO3 solution

Chemistry Lab ManualNCERT Solutions Class 11 Chemistry Sample Papers


Sodium carbonate is a primary standard. Its molecular mass is 106.
To prepare \(\frac{M}{10}\) Na2CO3 solution, 10.6 g of sodium carbonate should be dissolved per litre of the solution. Normally in the laboratory we are required to prepare 250 ml of solution. Therefore, to prepare 250 ml of \(\frac{M}{10}\) Na2COsolution, \(\frac{10.6}{4}\) = 2.650 g of sodium carbonate are dissolved in lesser quantity of water and the solution diluted to exactly 250 ml.


Weight box, chemical balance, watch glass, 250 ml beaker, glass rod, 250 ml measuring flask, wash bottle.


1. Take a watch glass, wash it with distilled water and then dry it. 2. Weigh the clean and dried watch glass accurately and record its weight in the note-book. 3. Weigh 2.650 g sodium carbonate on the watch glass accurately and record this weight in the note-book. 4. Transfer gently and carefully sodium carbonate from the watch glass into a clean and dry measuring flask using a funnel. Wash the watch glass with distilled water with the help of a wash bottle to transfer the particles sticking to it into funnel [Fig. 8.7(a)]. The volume of distilled water for this purpose should not be more than 50 ml. 5. Wash funnel several times with distilled water by using a wash bottle to transfer the sticking particles into the measuring particles into the measuring flask. While washing the funnel, add water in small amounts. The volume of distilled water used for this purpose should not be more than 50 mL. 6. Finally wash the funnel thoroughly with distilled water with the help of a wash bottle to transfer the solution sticking to the funnel into the measuring flask [Fig. 8.7(6)]. 7. Swirl the measuring flask till solid sodium carbonate dissolves. 8. Add enough distilled water to the measuring flask carefully upto just below the etched mark on it, with the help of wash bottle. 9. Add the last few mL of distilled water dropurse until the lower level of the meniscus just touches the mark on the measuring flask [Fig. 8.7(c)]. 10. Stopper the measuring flask and shake gently to make the solution uniform throughout. Label it as \(\frac{M}{10}\) sodium carbonate solution.

A standard solution is a solution whose concentration has been accurately determined. Standard solutions are prepared from highly pure chemicals and the exact concentration is determined by a process called standardisation. The substance available for the standardisation of a solution that is highly pure and is called a primary standard.


To prepare the 250 cm3 of N/10 standard solution of sodium carbonate.


Sodium carbonate is essentially insoluble in nearly saturated sodium hydroxide. The insoluble sodium carbonate will settle to the bottom of the container after the saturated NaOH has equilibrated for a couple of days. The supernatant can be withdrawn carefully to prepare a diluted NaOH solution free of sodium carbonate. The water for preparing NaOH standard solution should be boiled to remove any dissolved CO2, because dissolved CO2 can cause a titration error. To prepare the standard solution of sodium carbonate, The equivalent weight of sodium carbonate =

\(\begin{array}{l}\frac{Molecular\ weight}{2} = \frac{106}{2} = 53\end{array} \)

1000cm3 of normal sodium carbonate solution requires 53g of sodium carbonate. Therefore, 250cm3 of

\(\begin{array}{l}\frac{N}{10}\end{array} \)

sodium carbonate requires

\(\begin{array}{l}\frac{53}{1000}\times\frac{250}{10}=1.325g\end{array} \)

Materials Required

  1. Chemical balance
  2. Watch glass
  3. Weight box
  4. 250ml beaker
  5. Glass rod
  6. 250ml measuring flask
  7. Wash bottle
  8. Weighing tube
  9. Sodium Carbonate
  10. Funnel
  11. Funnel stand
  12. Distilled water

Apparatus Setup


  1. Take a watch glass, wash it with distilled water and dry it.
  2. Weigh the exact amount of clean and dried watch glass and record its weight in the notebook.
  3. Weigh correctly on the watch glass with 1.325 g of sodium carbonate and record this weight in the notebook.
  4. Using a funnel, transfer sodium carbonate softly and carefully from the watch glass into a clean and dry measuring flask.
  5. Wash the watch glass with distilled water to move the particles that stick to it into the foam with the assistance of a wash bottle.
  6. For this purpose, the volume of distilled water should not exceed 50 ml.
  7. Wash funnels several times with distilled water to move the sticking particles into the measuring flask using a wash bottle. Add water in tiny quantities while washing the funnel. The distilled water quantity used for this purpose should not exceed 50 mL.
  8. Using a wash bottle, wash the funnel carefully with distilled water to pass the solution attached to the funnel into the measuring flask
  9. Turn the flask of measurement until the sodium carbonate dissolves.
  10. Using a wash bottle, thoroughly add enough distilled water to the measuring flask just below the etched mark on it.
  11. Add the last few mL of distilled water drop into the measuring flask until the reduced meniscus level just touches the mark.
  12. Put the stopper on the mouth of the flask and shake softly to make the entire solution uniform. Calculate it as a solution of sodium carbonate N/10.


Weight of the watch glass W1g
Weight of the watch glass + Sodium carbonate W1 + 1.325 g
Weight of Sodium carbonate 1.325 g
Volume of distilled water 250 cm3

Results and Discussion

250cm3 of decimolar or N/10 standard solution of sodium carbonate is prepared.


  1. While weighing do not spill the substance on the balance pan
  2. While preparing the laboratory reagent apron should be used.
  3. Bases are highly corrosive so they should be handled with extreme care.
  4. Watch glass must be dry.
  5. Funnel should be washed thoroughly several times.
  6. Shaking of solution should be done thoroughly so that it may become uniform.
  7. While making the solution the solvent should be added such that the lower meniscus of the solvent must be on the mark of the measuring flask.
  8. Last few drops should be added using a pipette to avoid extra addition of distilled water above the mark on the neck of the measuring cylinder.

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