How to scare away fruit flies


Are there extra guests in your kitchen that you didn’t invite? Are they buzzing around your fresh fruit and vegetables, or even your trash can? Maybe you left out some empty beer bottles and they’re flying around those, too? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have a fruit fly infestation in your home.

Here are seven things you can do to help get rid of these pests.

The first thing you need do is figure out where the flies are coming from. If they’re hanging out around any open food items, throw the food out and scrub the area clean. You can use any type of cleaner to disinfect the area. In some cases, removing their “home” can be enough to drive the fruit flies away.

After you’ve found the source of the problem, check out the drain in your kitchen sink. If it’s clogged or in need of a good cleaning, now’s the time to take care of it. Fruit flies like to live and breed in warm, damp spaces.

Don’t forget to check your trash cans for any signs of fruit fly activity. Fruit flies have been known to lay their eggs in trash cans, worsening the infestation.

If they’re swarming around your trash can or if you’d like to prevent such a situation, take out the trash and wipe down the can using a heavy duty cleaner such as bleach. Make sure the cans are completely dry before using them again.

If you still spot fruit flies hanging around, you can set a trap using things that you may already have in your kitchen. This includes any rotten or open food that attracts fruit flies. Follow these steps:

  1. Instead of tossing out the rotten or open food, put the food in a disposable container.
  2. Cover the container with plastic wrap.
  3. Poke a few holes in the wrap, place it where fruit flies congregate, and wait.

The flies should swarm to the inside of the trap. You can then dispose of them how you see fit. Repeat this process until all of the fruit flies are gone.

Have leftover red wine that you don’t plan on finishing? Use it to create a swimming pool trap for the fruit flies. Here’s how:

  1. Pour some red wine and dish detergent into a disposable container and stir.
  2. Cover the container with plastic wrap.
  3. Poke small holes in the plastic wrap. Make sure the holes are big enough for the fruit flies to get in.

The wine should attract the fruit flies, and the combination of wine and dish detergent will make it difficult for trapped flies to fly and will drown them. You can repeat this process until you no longer see any more fruit flies.

You can also try to attract fruit flies by making a vinegar trap. Here’s how:

  1. Fill a disposable container up with water.
  2. Add a few tablespoons of vinegar and sugar to the water and stir.
  3. Add a few drop of dish soap to the solution and stir.

After mixing your solution, place the container wherever the fruit flies congregate. They should be attracted to this solution and will drown once they touch the water. Continue this method until you no longer see any fruit flies.

If homemade traps aren’t working for you, visit your local hardware store and purchase a sticky fly trap. These traps work on common flies and fruit flies.

Place the trap in the problem area and dispose of it once the sticky area is full. You can replace the trap as necessary.

Hiring an exterminator should be your last resort. Although this is usually effective, it can be costly. You or your pets may also experience adverse reactions to the chemicals used to get rid of the fruit flies.

If the fruit flies return after your house has been treated, the company may treat your home again for a free or reduced rate.

Learn more: Fruit and vegetable safety »

If left untreated, a fruit fly infestation can pose potential health risks. Fruit flies are known to fly around and pick up bacteria that they then deposit onto fresh foods.

They’re particularly drawn to manure and other feces that can contain bacteria such as E. coli. They then carry the bacteria with them.

Additionally, after mating, female fruit flies inject batches of eggs into fresh fruit. This contaminates the fruit.

To prevent future infestation, be sure keep food storage areas clean and dry. Don’t leave out fresh food once it’s been opened or after you’ve taken a bite out of it. Be sure to take out your garbage regularly and clean up any spills inside or on your trash bins.

Once you have a fruit fly infestation, it can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to get rid of the nuisance. By taking proactive steps in cleaning and trash disposal, you can save yourself the time and hassle.

Keep reading: The 9 dirtiest spots in your home »

Wednesday, 24 August 2022 2:56 PM

Here are some easy ways to keep fruit flies at bay.

Fruit flies can be an annoying problem year-round, but they're most common in the summer and fall, because they love ripened fruits and veggies.

Here are six ways to keep them away.


Fruit flies aren't a fan of clean surfaces, so make sure to wipe away crumbs and residue from sugary drinks right away. Fruit flies will also gravitate towards food particles left behind in the sink.

Females lay their eggs inside fruit or on surfaces that contain residue that's overripe or rotting. A female can lay up to 500 eggs at a time, and they hatch a day or so later.

Once you've spotted your first fruit fly, it's a good sign to start cleaning.

Some other tips related to this include:

  • Storing produce in the fridge.
  • Throwing out overripe fruits and veggies right away.
  • Taking out the garbage regularly.
  • Rinsing produce as soon as you get it home, to wash away any potential eggs and/or larvae.


Fruit flies are attracted to the smell of vinegar. You can make a DIY trap by pouring a small amount of apple cider vinegar into a glass and covering the opening with plastic wrap, kept in place with a rubber band.

Poke small holes in the plastic cover. The flies will be able to enter the glass but they won't be able to get out.

File photo: Getty Images.


If you don't use plastic wrap in your home, you can make a similar trap by adding a few drops of dish soap to the vinegar, and leaving it in an uncovered jar on your counter.

When the flies land on the concoction, the soap will weigh them down and they will drown.


Experts say a carnivorous plant like a pitcher plant, venus fly trap, or a sundew will help keep fruit files and other insects out of your kitchen.

A Venus fly trap. Courtesy: Getty Images.


Filling a bottle with rubbing alcohol and spraying the flies can be just as effective as a pesticide. The mist will kill them, and they can then be wiped away with a damp cloth.



Fruit flies dislike strong smells and you can repel them by grinding up, or hanging, fresh herbs in your kitchen. Lavender, basil, mint, and rosemary are said to be effective.

As I live alone, I have never been one to stock up on items like produce. If I bought too much, it'd go bad before I got to use it. But with tightening budgets and the desire to avoid too many grocery store trips, it has become essential in recent months to buy more at a time.

Buying a bag of onions or apples rather than one here and there undeniably saves in costs, but another problem entirely can arise: Those onions or apples, after they sit out for a while, may start to turn, and they will most certainly let out a siren call for pests like fruit flies.

Who among us hasn't walked into our kitchen and felt our hearts drop as those tiny flies circulate? For better or worse, fruit flies can happen to all of us — even those fastidious about using produce quickly in order to avoid the pests.

If and when your home is invaded, it's time to act to get rid of the fruit flies. Quick action at the first sight of fruit flies can curb the problem before an infestation gets out of control. We asked experts to share how to get rid of fruit flies, and we're revealing their DIY tips below.

Part of the problem with fruit flies is that they look a lot like other types of flies, and how you get rid of each does depend on what they are.

"It's important to confirm whether or not you are in fact dealing with fruit flies, because treatment for getting rid of them differs from something like fungus gnats or drain flies," says Wesley Wheeler, owner of Bug Lord.

So how do you tell the difference? Drain flies look like tiny black moths and can often be confused with fruit flies because both lay eggs in drains. "They have fluffy dark wings that are round and held flat on top of the body, and their antennae are fluffy and feathery like moth antennae," Wheeler says. In fact, another name for drain flies is moth flies.

"Fungus gnats are roughly one-eighth inch in size and have a similar resemblance to mosquitoes — just smaller," Wheeler says.  They have long legs and a lackluster flying ability, so you may see them stumbling around and spending more time scurrying along house plants and windows. Fruit flies on the other hand, Wheeler adds, are very quick and elusive, and are usually found in kitchens where there is ripening fruit and garbage. They can quickly be identified by their characteristically large red eyes.

Fruit flies hate several rather nice smelling natural scents, including peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus, lemongrass, and clove. "You can hang dried herbs in paper tea bags or muslin sacks around the house, or add essential oils of these plants into a diffuser," says Nicholas Martin, founder and editor-in-chief of Pest Control Hacks. A fun added bonus is that your home will smell really pleasant after doing this.

Sponges may be essential kitchen items for keeping things clean and tidy, but the reality is they are magnets for food leftovers. "They are accumulated inside even if you don't see them," Martin says. And you know what? Fruit flies breed on them. Replace these items weekly to prevent that. 

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That means taking care of crumbs, tiny cooking leftovers, dust, stains, dishes. "All these are highly attractive to fruit flies and many other insects, so keeping your kitchen sparkling clean is an essential step," Martin says.

If those bananas or onions are starting to look iffy, it's time to toss them before they become a breeding ground for pests. "Promptly discard any rotting food, as this is where fruit flies lay eggs — which can be up to 500 at a time," Wheeler says. That means you should also immediately take that garbage that's filled with rotting fruits and veggies outside and tie it up, too, instead of simply tossing it in your kitchen trash can. 

Fruit flies are extremely sensitive and can sense when there's fruit and vegetables they can get to. They can even do this from afar, according to Martin. That's why covering them with a cake dome, cloth, or plastic wrap is a good plan.

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Believe it or not, fruit flies can travel to your home right on the produce you get from the store. "Leaving unwashed produce on the counter, you just let the flies feast and breed nonstop," Martin says. To prevent that, you can simply wash new produce with a vegetable wash and water before putting them in their bowl or containers for sage keeping.

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A fruit fly trap can get the problem under control pretty quickly. Many store-bought traps perform really well, says Wheeler, pointing to the Terro Fruit Fly Traps specifically. It's simply a sweet liquid that attracts the flies into a container from which they are unable to escape. 

You can also make your own fruit fly trap though. It's not difficult to make your own fruit fly trap, and it can be a little cheaper and more satisfying than buying a commercial trap.

"The best way to make your very own fruit fly trap is to use a small jar like a mason jar, and put about a cup of apple cider vinegar into it," Wheeler says. Then add a few drops of dish soap. That is all there is to it.

"You can also add a funnel to the top of the jar which makes it easy for flies to enter, but very difficult to leave before touching the liquid," Wheeler says.

Related: The World's Greatest Fruit Fly Trap Is Hiding in Your Cupboard

Buy It: $6 (was $10); Amazon

Brace yourselves: Ultimately, there's no way of knowing how many fruit flies and eggs are inside your drains. Flushing out those drains can get things under control.

To do this, just use a commercially available fruit fly drain cleaner. Treat it like Draino, and pour it right down the sink, following the directions on the packaging.

"Green Gobbler is one example of a gel-based drain cleaner for fruit flies. It's created from natural citronella oil, so it won't hurt you or your pipes, but it will kill the flies hiding there," Wheeler says.

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