In a crowded mall parking lot, dozens of people hear a female voice yell, "he's killing me!" yet no one calls the police. what is the reason for the lack of action, according to darley and latané?

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Social psychology is the scientific study of how a person’s behavior, thoughts and feelings are influences by______.

a. cognition b. mental processes c. the real, imagined, or implied presence of others

d. psychology


Vince has always believed that children deserve the best prenatal care available. However when he hears several speakers voice opposite claims, when it’s his turn to speak he changes his opinion to the same as the others. Example of________.

a. compliance b. persuasion c. conformity

d. obedience


Asch’s studies showed that overall conformity to group pressure occurred about____of the time.

a. one-fifth b. one-third c. one-half

d. three-fourths


Which aspects of culture tends to decrease rates of conformity?

a. sex-role stereotypes b. low socioeconomic status c. lower levels of collectivism

d. high levels of societal dependence


When a group of gang members associate a random accident to rival gang retaliation, the more they talk about it being intentional and they talk of revenge. What form of social psychology may contribute to an act of violent revenge in this case?

a. social influence b. prosocial behavior c. altruism

d. groupthink


In order to reduce groupthink, which of the following strategies would NOT be employed?

a. making sure that group leaders remain partial b. finding holes in all arguments that go against the group’s desires.

d. voting for a choice by secret ballot rather than with a show of hands


A golfer misses a one foot putt which he had practiced many times before. Which phenomenon may have contributed to the errant putt?

a. social impairment b. social loafing c. social facilitation

d. diffusion of ability


A teacher decides against assigning group projects in which all group members get the same grade. What social psychological phenomenon might the teacher be concerned about?

a. conformity b. social loafing c. social influence

d. social facilitation


After agreeing to Nat’s request to share her lecture notes from one class, Maria now agrees to Nat’s request to share her notes from three classes. This example illustrates the_____ technique.

a. lowball b. foot-in-the-mouth c. door-in-the-face

d. foot-in-the-door


When a kid asks for a playstation 3 and the mom replies no, then the asks for only a playstation 2 game and the parent agrees. The parent doesn’t realize that the kid, having a psychology class has just used the_______ technique to get what he wanted.

a. door-in-the-face b. foot-in-the-door c. that’s-not-all

d. lowball


Which of the strategies for gaining compliance discussed by your textbook is LEAST likely to influence an individual from a collectivist culture, such as Japan?

a. that’s-not-all b. lowball c. norm of reciprocity

d. foot-in-the-door


A social psychologist has been invited to give a community lecture on the importance of Milgram’s research. He asks a social psychology class for suggested titles. Which of the following titles might they suggest as the most appropriate?

a. "Obedience and Aggression Are Inborn" b. "Do Not Underestimate the Power of Perceived Authority" c. "Training in Ethics Can Overcome the Pull of Obedience

d. "Make a Small Request First and the World Can Be Yours"


Some have suggested that the results of Milgrams’s obedience study may have been due to the_____effect.

a. reciprocity b. indebtedness c. foot-in-door

d. returning-a-favor


Which of the following is the best example of the behavioral component of an attitude?

a. Bea feels recycling is a great concept b. Bob is upset when he hears a corporation plans to build polluting plant near his home c. Bill struggles to understand the arguments both sides present in a debate over a new manufacturing plant.

d. Betty writes a letter to her senator asking for support of a law making corporations responsible for the pollution they cause.


Which of the following is NOT one of the three major components of attitudes?

a. thoughts b. feelings c. goals

d. behaviors


Which of the following statements about persuasion is correct?

a. Fast speakers are less persuasive than slow speakers b. Arousal of strong emotions, such as fear, is not persuasive if the message includes specific advice about how to produce a positive outcome. c. People with high self-esteem are more susceptible to persuasion.

d. People who are perceived as trustworthy are more persuasive.


A local car insurance company company advertises their products with television commercials. The commercial has attractive features and does not even talk about features or costs associated with the product. This company is attempting to earn customers through which path of processing?

a. central route b. tertiary route c. secondary route

d. peripheral route


Which of the following is an example of cognitive dissonance?

a. You are a lousy cook but you keep trying different recipes b. You believe that reality TV is for morons by are addicted to American Idol and watch every episode. c. You dislike doing exercise but do it anyways to improve your health

d. You are polite and civil to people you dislike.


Which of the following would result in cognitive dissonance?

a. I believe smoking is bad for my health; I love to smoke b. I believe exercising is healthy; I love to exercise c. I believe dresses are feminine; Nicole Kidman sometimes wears pants.

d. I believe profanity is childish; my father uses profanity


Which part of the brain has been identified as being particularly active when people experience cognitive dissonance?

a. the left frontal cortex b. the anterior amygdala c. the ascending pyramidal tracks

d. the dorsolateral hypothalamus


"We" have all different types of personalities and lost of endearing little quirks, whereas "they" all think and act alike. This assumption would be an example of the cognitive schema called________.

a. mindlessness b. a stereotype c. a fundamental attribution error

d. mental set


Attributions are ______.

a. explanations that account for one’s own behaviors and/or the behaviors of others. b. innate personality traits = c. genetic predispositions to behave a certain way

d. physical qualities people have, such as attractiveness


What do social psychologist call the tendency to rely on internal characteristics for explanations of the behavior of others and to ignore the influence of the situation?

a. availability heuristic b. augmenting principle c. self-fulfilling prophecy

d. fundamental attribution error


A social group of people viewed as competitors, enemies, or different and unworthy of respect is a(n)_______

a. pariah b. in group c. threat group

d. out group


Which of the following is NOT one the processes associated with social identity theory?

a. social categorization b. identification c. authoritarianism

d. social comparison


The part of a person’s self concept that is based on his or her identification with a particular social group in society is called_______

a. the fundamental attribution error b. self serving bias c. ethnocentrism

d. social identity


The classic Robber’s Cave study showed that prejudice can be reduced by______

a. mere exposure b. relearning social norms c. cooperating to meet a mutually beneficial goal

d. rethinking one’s stereotypes


How are proximity to others and attraction correlated?

a. not correlated b. positively correlated c. negatively correlated

d. inversely correlated


The cliche familiarity breeds concept contradicts which of the rules of interpersonal attraction?

a. reciprocal liking b. physical attractiveness c. similarity

d. proximity


All of the following are Sternberg’s components of love EXCEPT________

a. passion b. intimacy c. loyalty

d. commitment


The hormone associated with aggression seems to be____

a. testosterone b. estrogen c. MDH

d. peptone


In March 1964, Kitty Genovese was the victim of a brutal assault that led to her death in the entryway of her apartment complex. Police reports that out of the 38 people who observed the attack happening,______ called 911 to request assistance

a. 0 b. 10 c. 19

d. 38


The Kitty Genovese case depicts?

a. social loafing b. group polarization c. the bystander effect

d. obedience to authority


A car crash woke John from his afternoon nap. When he looked out his apartment window, he saw several people ,killing around two smashed cars. He decided not to dial 911 because he assumed someone had already called. John’s reactions is an example of_____

a. the bystander effect b. pluralistic compliance c. obedience to authority

d. conformity to social norms


In a crowded mall parking lot, dozens of people hear a female voice yell, He’s killing me. Yet no one calls the police. What is the reason for the lack of action, according to Darley and Latane?

a. People are too busy to respond b. Most people do not want to become involved c. The fight or flight response is not active when others are in danger

d. Diffusion of responsibility is the reason most people do not respond


All of the following are decision points helping behavior EXCEPT____

a. noticing b. defining an emergency c. taking responsibility

d. diffusion of responsibility


In Darley and Latane’s five step model of bystander intervention, help will be offered if the answer is yes to___ of the five steps/

a. one b. two c. three

d. all


Which of the following brain structures has been defined as being particularly important in one’s acting in a prosocial manner?

a. the temporoparietal junction b. the acromioclavicular joint c. frontopatellar chiasm

d. the occipital parietal intersection


The unique and relatively stable ways in which each individual thinks, acts and feels is called_____

a. personality b. nurture c. a trait

d. nature


Which theory of personality was a direct reaction against the psychoanalytic and behaviorist perspectives?

a. humanistic perspective b. trait perspective c. projective perspective

d. inventory perspective


Which of the following is NOT one the layers of consciousness proposed by Sigmund Freud?

a. conscious b. conscience c. preconscious

d. unconscious


For Freud, thoughts and feelings that are well bellow the surface of awareness and cannot normally be recalled are int the_____ mind.

a. unconscious b. preconscious c. collective unconscious

d. conscious


Freud named the most primitive part of the personality the id, which is Latin for______

a. sex b. pleasure c. I

d. it


In Sigmund Freud’s theory, the_____ operates according to the pleasure principle.

a. id b. ego c. thanatos

d. superego


There were three friends. Maybe you’ve heard of them, Harry was rational, logical and cunning. Hermione was rule oriented, moral and always ethical. Ron was pleasure seeking, found it hard to delay gratification and usually did what he wanted. According to Freud Ron was mostly_____

a. id b. ego c. superego

d. libido


The_____ controls the satisfaction of the id’s drives in a socially acceptable manner.

a. personal unconscious b. ego c. superego

d. persona


There were three friends. Maybe you’ve heard of them, Harry was rational, logical and cunning. Hermione was rule oriented, moral and always ethical. Ron was pleasure seeking, found it hard to delay gratification and usually did what he wanted. According to Freud Hermione was mostly_____

a. id b. ego c. superego

d. libido


Which element in Freud’s personality theory contains conscience?

a. id b. ego c. superego

d. preconscious


From what Latin phrase is the term superego derived?

a. without morals b. above the rules c. beyond me

d. over the self


Mahmoud was just told his father has cancer. Mahmoud’s first response is that there must be mistake a mistake and he demands that the doctor repeat his tests. Which defense mechanism is at work here?

a. reaction formation b. denial c. repression

d. undoing


Sigmund Freud’s psychosexual stages focus on several parts of the body, identified as______

a. focal zones b. erogenous zones c. pleasure zones

d. unconscious zones


According to Freud, personality develops through a series of psychosexual stages. During infancy, the psychosexual stage is called the_______

a. latency stage b. oral stage c. anal stage

d. phallic stage


Steve is extremely uptight and compulsively neat and orderly. According to Freudian theory, he became fixated at the______ stage of psychosexual development.

a. oral b. anal c. latency

d. genital


In which psychosexual stage do sexual interest reawaken and become stronger?

a. anal b. latency c. genital

d. phallic


Jung believed that there were two levels to the unconscious mind, the personal and the______

a. collective b. animus c. anima

d. preconscious


Which neo-freudian viewed personality disturbances as resulting from the feelings of inferiority that all people share?

a. Carl Jung b. Alfred Adler c. Carl Rogers

d. Karen Horney


Which neo-freudian theorist believed social relationships were the key to understanding personality?

a. Carl Jung b. Alfred Adler c. Carl Rogers

d. Erik Erikson


The textbook suggests that Freudian theory, though controversial, has had an impact on many things seen in today’s society. Which of the following is NOT cited by the book as having been influenced by Freud?

a. children’s cartoons b. movies c. professional sports

d. literature


Which of the following was not a facet of Bandura’s theory of reciprocal determinism?

a. feelings of inferiority b. environment c. personal/cognitive factors

d. behaviors


Ruth-Ann just graduated from high school; she is trying out for the soccer team at the college that she will attend in the fall. She knows that it will be more competitive than her high school team, but she believes in her ability to succeed and plans to practice all summer. Bandura would say that Ruth might have an edge over some competitors simply because she has______

a. high self-efficacy b. self-actualized c. set aside the time to practice

d. an external locus of control


Carl Rogers emphasized accepting people for what they are, not for what you would like them to be. This acceptance is termed______

a. conditional esteem b. unconditional esteem c. conditional positive regard

d. unconditional positive regard


Which theories are less concerned with the explanation of personality development and changing personality than they are with describing personality and predicting behavior base on that description?

a. trait theories b. psychodynamic theories c. archetype theories

d. behaviorist theories


Which of these is an acronym that could help you remember the Big Five traits?




Which of the following is correct concerning cross-cultural studies on trait theories?

a. No evidence has been found to support these theories b. Research in this area is too new to report any findings c. Evidence for the five trait dimensions has been found in several cultures

d. Most cultural research methods are too vague to be validated


Adoption studies focusing on the heritability of traits have_______

a. disputed findings of twin studies b. been attacked for ethical reasons c. confirmed what twin studies have shown

d. shown that twin studies have methods that need to be reexamined


Which of the following is considered to be an individualistic culture?

a. Japan b. Qatar c. Mexico

d. Great Britain


When assessing personality, many psychologists take the eclectic view which means they______

a. use only one specific approach b. use a variety of approaches c. focus on behavior

d. focus on unconscious motives


Projective test make use of_____ stimuli.

a. objective b. paper-and-pencil c. three-dimensional

d. ambiguous


Which of the following is a projective test?

a. MMPI-2 b. 16PF c. NEO-PI-R

d. Rorschach


Which of the following statements is a claim often made by critics of projective testing?

a. The interpretation of projective tests is too subjective b. These test are effective in predicting job performance c. People try to answer questions in ways that make them look better than they are

d. these tests create anxiety in those being tested


An assessment in which a numerical value is assigned to specific behavior(s) that is/are listed on the assessment is called a__________

a. rating scale b. frequency count c. projective test

d. interview


Probably the biggest problem with personality assessments by behaviorists is the ________

a. observer effect b. subject bias c. experimenter bias

d. test bias


If you are completing a paper/pencil test that requires you to read statements and indicate true or false as to whether or not they apply to you, then you are likely taking a(n) ________

a. observational measure b. TAT c. projective test

d. personality inventory


The most commonly used personality inventory is the________

a. MMPI-2 b. MBTI c. TAT

d. CPI


What is one purpose of the validity scales of the Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory(MMPI)?

a. to assess levels of current stressors b. to check the appropriateness of a particular diagnosis c. to detect tendencies of test takers to present themselves in a favorable light

d. to distinguish items that incorrectly diagnose from those that correctly diagnose an individual


While taking the MMPI, Vince notices that it contains certain questions that are asked several times in different ways. He asks his daughter, who is a graduate student in psychology, why that is. What is his daughter likely to say?

a. Truly psychotic individuals expect to find strange items on tests. b. Those items contain hidden content that is not apparent to normal people. c. Some items are used to determine if test takers are trying to fake the test by not reading.

d. The MMPI contains a number of experimental items that are used in developing future versions of the test.


What is the branch of psychology that is concerned with the study of abnormal behavior?

a. health psychology b. psychopathology c. psychobiology

d. developmental psychology


It is not unreasonable to assume that in ancient times, signs of mental illness were believed to be cause by______

a. am imbalance of bodily fluids b. demons c. improper diet

d. social forces


Which of the following is one the bodily fluids that ancient Greeks linked to abnormal behaviors?

a. ear wax b. urine c. black bile

d. saliva


Which of the following is one definition for abnormal behavior?

a. behavior that is rare b. behavior that is consistent with the norms of society c. behavior that does not create distress

d. behavior that is adaptive


Which term refers to a way to define abnormality by comparing an individual’s behavior to the norms or standards of the society in which an individual lives?

a. social discomfort b. social mores c. social context

d. social norm deviance


One sign of abnormality is when a person engages in behavior that creates a great deal of emotional distress or______

a. subjective discomfort b. social deviance c. statistical rarity

d. situational anxiety


Joanna is experiencing severe anxiety. Her psychiatrist attributes her disorder to a chemical imbalance. Her psychiatrist is using the ________ of abnormality.

a. psychoanalytic model b. interpersonal model c. biological model

d. behavioral model


According to the behaviorists disordered behavior is a result of_______

a. repressed thoughts and memories that to resurface b. a set of learned responses c. illogical thinking patterns

d. chemical imbalances and brain damage


Which model of abnormality views abnormal behavior as the result of illogical thinking?

a. psychoanalytic b. cognitive c. behavioral

d. biological


Which of the following culture-bound syndromes is found mostly in Wester cultures?

a. anorexia nervosa b. amok c. susto

d. koro


The primary purpose of the DSM is to_____

a. help psychologists assess only normal behavior b. keep the number of diagnostic categories of mental disorders to a minimum c. help psychological professionals diagnose psychological disorders

d. describe the causes of common physiological disorders


What is the most frequently diagnosed anxiety disorder in the United States?

a. specific phobia b. social anxiety disorder c. post-traumatic stress disorder

d. obsessive compulsive disorder


Free-floating anxiety refers to anxiety that is__

a. related to a specific event b. unrelated to any realistic, known source c. related to specific source

d. related to a specific object


An anxiety disorder that involves fear of interacting with others or being in a social situation is called______

a. agoraphobia b. social anxiety disorder c. a specific phobia

d. generalized anxiety disorder


Fears of snakes, thunderstorms, darkness, and water are classified as____ phobias

a. specific b. social c. primary

d. innate


Fear of being in a place or situation from which escape is difficult or impossible if something should go wrong is called_____

a. agoraphobia b. a social phobia c. a specific phobia

d. trypanophobia


An anxiety disorder characterized by frequent panic attacks that affect the person’s ability to function in a day-to-day living is called_____

a. panic disorder b. obsessive-compulsive disorder c. generalized anxiety disorder

d. phobic disorder


Intruding thoughts that occur again and again are called______. Repetitive behaviors are called_____.

a. intrusions; impulses b. obsessions; compulsions c. impulses; intrusions

d. compulsions; obsessions


Each day, while Sid is sitting at his desk at work, he continually thinks about germs. Each time this occurs, he washes his hands. Sid probably suffers from______

a. agoraphobia b. panic disorder c. generalized anxiety disorder

d. obsessive compulsive disorder


Which of the following is a symptom of acute stress disorder and post traumatic stress disorder?

a. persistent reliving of the event b. an obsessive need to be close to anything associated with the trauma c. decreased arousal

d. symptoms of a manic episode


The behavioral perspective views anxiety as__

a. a danger signal that repressed conflicts are threatening to surface b. a learned reaction c. the result of illogical, irrational thought process

d. linked to an imbalance in several neurotransmitters in the nervous system


According to the biological perspective, generalized anxiety disorder is

a. a danger signal that repressed conflicts are threatening to surface b. a learned reaction c. the result of illogical, irrational thought process

d. linked to an imbalance in several neurotransmitters in the nervous system


Severe depression that comes on suddenly or seems to have no external cause is called___

a. dysthymia b. bipolar disorder c. hypomania

d. major depressive disorder


______ is mood disorder that is caused by the body’s reaction to low levels of light present in the winter months.

a. Panic disorder b. Bipolar disorder c. Dysthymic disorder

d. Seasonal affective disorder


Which cognitive event, often attributed to the work of Martin Seligman, is hypothesized as contributing to the development and maintenance of major depression?

a. self-efficacy b. learned helplessness c. reciprocal determinism

d. all-or-none thinking


Tara and Sarah are identical twins. If Tara has bipolar disorder, then Sarah has______

a. a 100% chance of developing a mood disorder b. a 100% chance of developing a bipolar disorder c. a 40-70% chance of developing a mood disorder

d. a 60-80% chance of developing a bipolar disorder


Each of the following is symptom of bulimia nervosa EXCEPT_______

a. recurrent episodes of binge eating b. refusal to maintain body weight at or above minimal normal weight for age and height c. recurrent inappropriate behaviors, such as self induced vomiting, to try and prevent weight gain

d. body shape and weight excessively influencing the persons self image


After being passed up for a promotion and then getting into a heated argument with his son, a man disappears. He shows up two weeks later in another town with no memory of who he is or how he got there. He appears to be suffering from_____

a. paraphilia b. schizophrenia c. a somatoform disorder

d. a dissociative disorder


Eve seeks treatment to learn how to relax. When her therapist hypnotizes her, her voice changes and someone claiming her name is Joan begins to speak. During therapy, 23 separate entities each with its own name, personal style and memories emerge. Eve appears to be suffering from____disorder

a. depersonalization b. dissociative identity c. convention

d. schizoid personality


A person who is suffering from disordered thinking, bizarre behavior, and hallucinations, and who is unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality, is likely suffering from___

a. schizophrenia b. bipolar disorder c. a dissociative disorder

d. passive-aggressive personality


The television talks to Heidi. It tells her the police are out to get her. Because Heidi has schizophrenia, she is mostly experiencing a__

a. delusion b. flat affect c. evolution

d. hallucination


Nick is admitted to a mental institution because he hears voices talking to him that no one else can hear, and he sees demons attacking him, though no one else can see anything near him. Nick’s symptoms are known as_____

a. delusions b. hallucinations c. obsessions

d. compulsions


Sal has decreased levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine in his frontal lobe areas. Which disorder might he be at risk of experiencing?

a. antisocial personality disorder b. agoraphobia c. schizophrenia

d. dissociative fugue


People with _____ disorders have an excessively rigid, maladaptive pattern of behavior and ways of relating to others.

a. personality b. somatoform c. affective

d. schizophrenic


John has made a career stealing old people’s pensions with schemes. He rationalizes saying that if they weren’t greedy it would work. John is typical of someone with______ personality disorder

a. schizoid b. schizotypal c. passive-aggressive



Marty is moody, manipulative, unstable, lacks a clear sense of identity, and often clings to others. He wants to have close relationships but is unable to do so because he is untrusting of others. Marty is suffering from____ personality disorder

a. antisocial b. avoidant c. dependent

d. borderline


Kevin shows a pattern of instability in his relationships, self-image, and feelings. As such he most likely has_____ personality disorder

a. antisocial b. borderline c. dependent

d. avoidant


Which of the following statements represents the cognitive behavioral theorists view of personality disorders?

a. They are due to an inadequate resolution of the Oedipus complex. b. They are a type of learned behavior c. They have physiological causes

d. They are due to disturbances in family relationships


Which if the following reflect behavioral aspects of test anxiety?

a. excessive worrying, expecting to do poorly, and finding it hard to study in the first place b. procrastination, avoiding studying, or deficient study skills c. body tension, difficulty breathing, and sweaty palms

d. anger, depression, and frustration


You are a contestant on Jeopardy and it is your turn. You say ill take History of Therapies for $100. The answer is He began the movement for humane treatment of the mentally ill. The smile on your face reveals the confidence when you say_______

a. Who was Sigmund Freud b. Who was Carl Rogers c. Who was Philippe Pinel

d. Who was Abraham Maslow


Therapies aimed mainly at understanding one’s motives and actions are referred to as__

a. actions therapies b. insight therapies c. biomedical therapies

d. relationship therapies


William is interested in helping his client change his maladaptive behavior. He is most likely to be a(n)_______

a. action therapist b. insight therapist c. biomedical therapist

d. relationship therapist


Dr. Shedrika uses a from of therapy that emphasizes revealing his clients’ unconscious conflicts, urges, and desires, which he believes are the cause of his clients’ disordered emotions and behavior. This therapist is most likely using______

a. behavior therapy b. psychoanalysis c. Gestalt therapy

d. systematic desensitization


Omar is currently undergoing psychoanalysis. His therapy is based on his dreams, what is Omar’s therapies trying to do?

a. uncover repressed material b. facilitate positive transference c. create resistance within the client

d. facilitate unconditional positive regard


The psychoanalytic patient who lets her thought flow without interruption or fear of negative criticism from her therapist is using?

a. dream interpretation b. positive transference c. regression

d. free association


Edward starts to worry about telling his therapist about his drinking. He is afraid that the therapist will get mad at him like his mother used to. Edward has started relating to his therapist as he related to his mother. Edward is experiencing__________.

a. transference b. countertransference c. catharsis

d. resistance


Which of the following individuals would be considered a good candidate for psychoanalysis?

a. Mary, who is extremely withdrawn b. Kaleem, who suffers from a severe psychotic disorder c. Pasha, who is unable to verbally express her thoughts and feelings

d. Lou, who suffers from anxiety


_______ is credited with developing person-centered therapy.

a. Sigmund Freud b. Carl Rogers c. Albert Ellis

d. Aaron Beck


According to Carl Rogers, the_____ is how people see their actual traits and abilities.

a. ideal self b. real self c. ego

d. id


The therapist’s feeling of respect and affection for the client that exists without any string attached, no matter what the client may say or do is called_______

a. conditions of worth b. empathy c. catharsis

d. unconditional positive regard


Expressing empathy, developing the discrepancies between a client’s present behaviors and values, falling with resisting and supporting a client’s self-efficacy are the four pillars of _______

a. motivational interviewing b. rational-emotive therapy c. person-centered therapy

d. contingency contracting


__ therapies have been used not only to threat mental disorders but also to help people make career choices, deal with workplace problems, and as a from of marriage counseling

a. Humanistic b. Psychoanalytic c. Biomedical

d. Biological


Which type of therapy is based on various learning principles?

a. behavior b. cognitive-behavior c. psychoanalysis

d. person-centered


The basic goal of systematic desensitization is to____

a. relax body muscles b. address the causes of one’s fears c. relax individuals in the presence of a feared object or situation

d. understand what an individual is thinking when faced with a feared object or situation


Iran is afraid of snakes. In an effort to help him overcome his fear, his therapist has him enter a room where there a dozens of snakes and has him hold them. Iran is not permitted to leave the room until the therapy session is completed. Iran’s therapist is using_______

a. systematic desensitization b. flooding c. paradoxical intent

d. aversion therapy


What is an advantage of using operant conditioning in treating undesirable behaviors?

a. The results are usually quickly obtained b. Clients ca get an understanding of the underlying cause of the problem. c. Unconscious urges are revealed

d. Clients can change distorted thought patterns that affect behavior.


Juan is so afraid of germs that he wears gloves when opening doors. He is encouraged by his therapist to imitate a person in a video who demonstrates opening a for, step by step, without wearing gloves. Which technique is his therapist using?

a. systematic desensitization b. token economy c. participant modeling

d. extinction


Aidan goes to a therapist looking to loose weight. They set a written agreement which states goals and penalties. The therapist is using which of the following methods

a. classical conditioning b. desensitization c. contingency contract

d. a token economy


A client at a mental institution is rewarded for improved grooming habits with coupons he can exchange for special foods or weekend passes. This technique is called______

a. modeling b. negative reinforcement c. token economy

d. systematic desensitization


_____ therapies have had considerable success in treating bedwetting, overeating, drug addictions and phobic reactions.

a. Behavior b. Psychoanalytic c. Biomedical

d. Humanistic


Beck’s cognitive therapy is particularly effective in the treatment of______

a. anxiety disorders b. somatoform disorders c. schizophrenia

d. depression


___ focuses on the present and assumes that people observe the world and the people around them, make assumptions and inferences based on these observations, and then decide how to respond.

a. Person centered therapy b. Cognitive behavioral therapy c. Behavior therapy

d. Gestalt therapy


A therapist challenges what she sees as her clients irrational and self defeating beliefs. She uses persuasion confrontation arguments and even homework assignments to challenge those beliefs. She is probably a_____

a. biomedical b. person centered c. psychoanalytic

d. rational emotive behavioral


Most family therapists who work with couples concentrate on_____

a. exploring the marital parters childhoods to understand the source of the current conflicts b. desensitization techniques to help the marital partners become more tolerant of each other c. changing the behavior of the person in the marriage who is the source of the couples problems

d. improving the couple’s patterns of communication so they can find better way of solving their problems


An advantage to group therapy is that groups_____

a. are a source of social support b. allow countertransference to occur c. bestow unconditional approval on group members

d. allow an extremely shy person to feel more comfortable speaking up


In a recent survey of college students receiving services in a college counseling center,___% of those students surveyed were taking psychiatric medication.

a. 5 b. 15 c. 25

d. 45


When looking for a therapist you are attracted to eclectic practices. The description of this practice is_____

a. Our group focuses on clients early life experiences b. Our staff uses a combination of methods to fit the client’s needs c. All the professionals in this group have training in psychoanalysis

d. The staff is trained in the biological perspective


____refers to psychotherapy that is provided on the internet

a. Cybertherapy b. Participant modeling c. Virtual reality

d. In-vivo exposure


In general, antipsychotic drugs work by___

a. inhibiting the reuptake process of serotonin b. increasing the amount of acetylcholine in the brain c. blocking dopamine receptors in the brain

d. inhibiting the function of the hypothalamus


Bob has been under a physician’s care for bipolar disorder. Bob’s doctor is most likely to prescribe which of the following to treat Bob’s disorder

a. Ritalin b. tricyclics c. lithium

d. Prozac


Some drugs that combat depression work by__

a. increasing the amount of serotonin in the brain b. blocking dopamine receptors in the brain c. inhibiting the function of the medulla and the pons

d. increasing the amount acetylcholine in the brain


What is one of the main advantages of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors(SSRIs) as compared to similar drugs?

a. They have fewer side effects b. They only need to be taken weekly not daily c. They affect several different neurotransmitters

d. They work immediately


For which disorder was electroconvulsive therapy(ECT) originally developed for?

a. panic b. schizophrenia c. bipolar disorder

d. cyclothymia


Cassie is diagnosed with severe depression. Her psychiatrist has prescribed many medications and psychotherapy, none of which have helped to alleviate her depression. Her psychiatrist is now recommending_____

a. prefrontal lobotomy b. electroconvulsive therapy c. trephining

d. relaxation training and meditation


Prefrontal lobotomy is one form of_____

a. shock treatment b. drug therapy c. psychosurgery

d. EST


A patient scheduled to have an operation called a bilateral anterior cingulotomy may have which of the following diagnoses?

a. panic disorder b. bipolar disorder c. catatonic schizophrenia

d. antisocial personality disorder


Bilateral anterior cingulotomy has been performed in cases of _____ that have not responded to other therapy techniques.

a. antisocial personality disorder b. major depression c. schizophrenia

d. panic disorder


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