In what way does e business differ from traditional business activities multiple choice question?

Difference between E-commerce vs Traditional commerce

E-commerce is the process of exchanging goods and services in the form of digital mode where the payment to the goods and services happens in electronic form. E-Commerce is a form on the online shopping market where customers can buy goods and services easily from their home including a few discounts and the goods will be delivered at the doorstep. Traditional Commerce is the process of exchanging goods and services in the form of money directly. Traditional Commerce involves face to face and in person dealing with all the parties to perform the exchange of goods and services with predefined prices.


In E-commerce most of the time and money can be saved in spending on traveling and selecting the goods. The payments can be made in any form of digital modes such as Credit Card, Debit Card, Digital Wallets or Net Banking. In E-Commerce, the goods can be bought round the clock without any hassles during our free time. E-Commerce provides greater benefits in buying goods and services easily.

Traditional commerce

Traditional Commerce began at the time of the barter system which was introduced in the early millions of years ago. The barter system defines the exchange of goods with other goods instead of money where money was not available during those days. This is where Traditional Commerce began and has been continuing till today in the form of exchanging money rather than with only goods. Nowadays Traditional Commerce lost its popularity and got reduced due to the E-commerce introduction in the early 20th century .

Head To Head Comparison Between E-commerce vs Traditional commerce (Infographics)

Below is the top 9 difference between E-commerce and Traditional commerce

Key Differences between E-commerce vs Traditional commerce

Both E-commerce vs Traditional commerce are popular choices in the market; let us discuss some of the major Difference Between E-commerce and Traditional commerce:

  1. E-Commerce is completely an in digital and online mode where the communication is through electronic form completely whereas Traditional Commerce is completely offline and through in person or face to face.
  2. E-Commerce is reachable worldwide and has more connectivity whereas Traditional Commerce is limited to a particular geographical area especially smaller.
  3. E-Commerce information of exchange takes place in different forms either through digital ads or emails etc.  whereas the information of exchange in Traditional Commerce happens in the form of hoardings or pamphlets distribution or through any physical mode of exchange.
  4. E-Commerce can have one to one marketing whereas Traditional Commerce can have only one-way marketing.
  5. E-Commerce can have several payment modes such as online transactions or digital wallets or cash on delivery whereas Traditional Commerce can have only cash payment in person.
  6. The delivery of goods in E-commerce is either the on the same day or any other day depending on the availability of logistics and several other restrictions depending on the location of the customers whereas in traditional commerce the delivery of goods is instant.
  7. E-commerce provides a lot of discounts and at lower rates whereas in Traditional commerce there will be no or fewer discounts and no other options except to approach different seller which takes time.
  8. E-Commerce provides good customer services in different forms such as chat option or direct call with customer care executive whereas Traditional commerce does not provide any such customer support.
  9. E-Commerce accepts the return of the products if not interested or not liked by the customer within 7 – 15 days depending on the seller whereas Traditional commerce does not provide such return policy until there is damage in the product.
  10. E-Commerce provides a lot of products in scope and a wide variety of products irrespective of brands and types of products whereas Traditional commerce has limited number of products with a particular seller as space is limited.

E-commerce vs Traditional commerce Comparison Table

Let’s look at the top Comparison between E-commerce vs Traditional commerce –

The basis of comparison Between E-commerce vs Traditional commerce


Traditional commerce

Definition E-Commerce is a form of online shopping where users can buy goods and services from their electronic devices such as a laptop, mobile, tablet. Traditional-Commerce is a traditional approach to buy goods and services in person which involves face to face dealing.
Usage It is used to save valuable time and money. It is ancient and still in usage where the digital network is not reachable.
Process It is easier to use and operate if the customer has basic digital gadget knowledge. It can be followed by any person irrespective of education or knowledge.
Mode It is in electronic or digital mode only It can be in any form which is non-electronic or manual form.
Time It is available round the clock It is available during the limited time as prescribed by the law and based on the type of business.
Purchase Inspecting a product before purchasing is not possible in this type. Inspecting a product before purchasing is possible in a traditional commerce business model.
Involvement It involves only digital gadget engagement to place the order It involves face to face involvement of both buyer and seller
Business More business can be done easily without any hassles It is difficult to perform more business in this model
Maintenance Easier to maintain this as the only warehouse is enough to store the goods. It is cost effective as display and showcase of the products are required to attract the customers.

Conclusion – E-commerce vs Traditional commerce

E-commerce is the trending form of business being carried nowadays by most of the business traders or sellers for retail and wholesale as well. Traditional commerce is still popular where there is no reachability for the delivery of the goods and services to faraway places from the urban areas. Also where few people are not in a position to attain the digital gadgets come under uneducated and traditional commerce is a popular form of business in this case.

E-commerce has reached most of the target audience now as the digital devices can be available at lowest prices and lot of competitive sellers, this has also become easier and day by day the connectivity to the digital world is also getting increased due to the efforts being done by the e-commerce industry. Both E-commerce vs Traditional commerce models are still popular based on the availability, requirement, and emergence of the requirement to the customers.

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This has a been a guide to the top difference between E-commerce vs Traditional commerce. Here we also discuss the E-commerce vs Traditional commerce key differences with infographics, and comparison table. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more-

This post discusses the differences between traditional businesses and digital businesses. It also talks about the types of business models that come under these two forms of businesses.

Managing a business is both challenging and interesting. It’s not like your 9-5 government job where one reaches the office at or before a particular time, does some mundane tasks, and then wraps up for the day at a fixed time. With business, everything takes a different turn. Inherent risks and the constant need to pacify customer requirements float in the business owners’ minds.

A traditional business setup has a physical presence, and it serves people locally by providing services or products through brick-and-mortar stores. In case of a digital business setup, people sitting in any corner of the world can scroll through the web and avail the company's services and products.

What is Traditional Business?
Types Of Traditional Business Models
What is Digital Business?
Types Of Digital Business Models
Traditional Business V/S Digital Business

Difference between Traditional Vs Digital Business

What is Traditional Business?

Organizations such as restaurants, agencies, and anything resembling an office-setup fall in this category. Traditional business-oriented organizations usually sell products or services through stores.

A traditional business serves customers in exchange for monetary compensation. It works on CAPEX and OPEX. While such organizations focus on profit generation, a few of them—non-profit organizations—work for customers without expecting profits.

Types Of Traditional Business Models

Various types of business models used in traditional business are:


The manufacturer business model utilizes raw materials to create products that are then sold in the market. This type of business model involves the assembly of pre-manufactured items. The products are either directly sold to the customers in what’s known as B2C model (business to customer), or to another business unit in the form of B2B model (business to business). Automobile manufacturers are an example of B2C model, and wholesalers follow the B2B model.


A company in the distributor business model buys products directly from the manufacturer. The company then sells the procured products to consumers or retailers.


A company following the retailer business model purchases products from the wholesaler/distributor. It then sells the inventory to the public. Brick-and-mortar stores fall in this category.


In this setup, the company buys the franchise of a very successful brand and promotes the brand’s services/products to the general public. The franchise segment is a popular way to build awareness across geographies.

Traditional And Digital Business Model 

What is Digital Business?

Digital business is the modern form of business, a significant deviation from the established norm. This model leverages technology for value creation & addition, thereby giving an entirely different customer experience.

The umbrella term includes both digital-only brands as well as traditional businesses that use modern-day innovations. Prominent examples of digital businesses are Uber, the cab-owning service which allows the user to book cabs online, Disney+Hotstar, and Netflix (video streaming service).

Types Of Digital Business Models

Types of the business model used in digital business are:


Small businesses fall in this category. With a small presence on digital platforms, such ventures rely on traditional marketing methods like direct mail and print advertising.

A level where small businesses employ tools like websites with basic functionality; these sites don't have e-commerce or mobile rendering capabilities. Other factors like listing in online directories and third-party marketplaces play a major part here.


Advanced websites with mobile app versions or e-commerce abilities are used by digital businesses in this category. The reliance on Social media engagement is quite significant. Video conferencing, SAAS apps, etc. are part of the toolkit.

This model is the epitome of digital business. Such ventures have high social media visibility, have little or no physical presence (as in brick-and-mortar stores), and engage with customers extensively through the internet.

Traditional Business V/S Digital Business

Traditional v/s Digital Business

There are various differences between traditional business and digital business which are listed below:

  • The traditional business model requires more capital than its digital counterpart. The former needs place, furniture, transport, staff, and other utilities. Digital businesses are cost-effective in this aspect.
  • A business unit following the digital approach is convenient for customers in terms of the flexibility offered in the variety and cost of products (consider Amazon's extensive product catalog). In the traditional setup, rigidity is a major issue. As a result, consumers are now inclined towards shopping online.
  • The digital business model is yet to achieve perfection when it comes to real-time customer experience. For example, you can’t try a mobile phone before purchasing it from Amazon. You rely on customer reviews and the specifications listed on the website. This obstacle is overcome in the traditional business model.
  • Online businesses tend to have a larger digital market spend than their old-school counterparts. Traditional businesses diversify marketing strategies to attract customers from both local areas and online demographics. But their reach is relatively restricted to digital businesses.
  • Digital businesses work 24/7 and overcome both geographical and timing barriers. You can carry out online purchases in the middle of the night from anywhere in the world.
  • Organizations based on the traditional business model have restrictions on when and where they function. Timings are rigid and customer service isn’t flexible either. There are exceptions where few traditional business operates 24/7, but those are limited in numbers and function in select locations only.


What is the difference between traditional business and digital business?

A traditional business setup has a physical presence, and it serves people locally by providing services or products through brick-and-mortar stores. In the case of a digital business setup, people sitting in any corner of the world can scroll through the web and avail the company's services and products.

Why is online business better than traditional business?

Digital businesses work 24/7 and overcome both geographical and timing barriers. You can carry out online purchases in the middle of the night from anywhere in the world. Traditional business has restrictions on when and where they function.

What is traditional business?

Organizations such as restaurants, agencies, and anything resembling an office-setup fall in this category. Traditional business-oriented organizations usually sell products or services through stores.

What are traditional business models?

Types of Traditional Business Models:

  • Manufacturer: The manufacturer business model utilizes raw materials to create products that are then sold in the market. This type of business model involves the assembly of pre-manufactured items.
  • Distributor: A company in the distributor business model buys products directly from the manufacturer.
  • Retailer: A company following the retailer business model purchases products from the wholesaler/distributor. It then sells the inventory to the public. Brick-and-mortar stores fall in this category.
  • Franchise: In this setup, the company buys the franchise of a very successful brand and promotes the brand’s services/products to the general public. The franchise segment is a popular way to build awareness across geographies.

What is the difference between traditional and non-traditional business?

The major difference between traditional and non-traditional business are:


Standalone stores, retail spaces in malls, and any other type of place that houses a usual location for a given franchise fall under the category of traditional businesses.


Non-traditional businesses conduct most of their operations over the internet. They might have a few physical stores but these are generally for resolving customer issues and function as a point-of-contact.

What are the types of ECommerce Business models?

Four Traditional Types of Ecommerce Business Models are:

  • B2C – Business to consumer
  • B2B – Business to business
  • C2B – Consumer to business
  • C2C – Consumer to consumer

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