10 warning sign poor blood poor circulation in legs pictures

Picture of Peripheral Vascular Disease

Diabetes also affects the blood vessels and alters the flow of blood. Without adequate blood flow, it takes longer for a sore or cut to heal. Poor blood flow in the arms and legs is called "peripheral vascular disease." Peripheral vascular disease is a circulatory disorder that affects blood vessels away from the heart. If you have an infection that will not heal because of poor blood flow, you are at risk for developing ulcers or gangrene (the death of tissue due to a lack of blood).

Reviewed by Melissa Conrad Stöppler, MD on October 17, 2008

Image Source: BigStockPhoto / Jennifer Nickert

Text: WebMD Medical Reference in collaboration with The Cleveland Clinic - Diabetes and Foot Problems

What does bad blood circulation in legs look like?

Varicose Veins These appear as swollen dark-colored veins that are visible just beneath the skin's surface and are most commonly found in the legs. Swollen veins cause blood to flow less efficiently, which leads to poor circulation.

What are the first signs of poor circulation?

Plaque buildup, blood clots or narrowed blood vessels can lead to poor circulation..
Muscles that hurt or feel weak when you walk..
A “pins and needles” sensation on your skin..
Pale or blue skin color..
Cold fingers or toes..
Chest pain..
Veins that bulge..

When should I be concerned about poor circulation in my legs?

Symptoms of poor circulation numbness. throbbing or stinging pain in your limbs. pain. muscle cramps.

What kind of doctor treats poor circulation in legs?

You should see a vascular specialist when you are diagnosed with a vascular condition or when you exhibit common symptoms of vascular disease. Typically, a primary care physician or podiatrist provides a referral to a vascular specialist.


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