24 weeks pregnant how many weeks left

On this page

  • Your baby
  • Your body
  • Things to remember
  • Related information on Australian websites

Your baby

Your baby is now about 25cm long – about the size of a very large corn cob. They weigh from around 0.6kg to around 0.7kg.

Your baby's brain is growing rapidly and their senses are continuing to develop. The tastebuds on their tongue are growing and becoming more sensitive, their eyes respond to light and they can hear sounds from outside the uterus.

Their lungs are developing too. They are growing branches and getting ready to produce surfactant, the substance that will enable the lungs to expand when your baby is breathing.

Preterm babies born at 24 weeks have about a 1 in 2 chance of surviving if they are delivered in hospital and receive expert care in a neonatal unit. However, they would have a high chance of having a disability, such as cerebral palsy or blindness, if they were born this early.

Your baby at 24 weeks

Your body

The top of your uterus is just above your belly button now. As the baby’s movements get stronger, you might be able to feel them by placing your hand on your tummy. You might find other people making comments about your pregnancy or even trying to touch your tummy, which might make you feel uncomfortable.

You may start to feel Braxton Hicks contractions from now on. These are a type of contraction when the muscles of your uterus tighten and your bump goes hard. You can tell the difference between Braxton Hicks contractions and labour contractions because they aren’t regular and they will probably stop if you shift position.

Always seek medical attention if you experience:

  • contractions that become stronger, more frequent or that last longer
  • persistent pain or pressure in your tummy, back or pelvis
  • vaginal bleeding
  • your baby’s movements slowing or stopping

Things to remember

At some time between 24 and 28 weeks, you might be offered a test for gestational diabetes. This is a type of diabetes that develops in pregnancy and goes away once the baby is born.

The test is called a Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT). It’s a blood test that you have after you have fasted for 8 to 12 hours. You then have a glucose drink and 1 to 2 hours later you have another blood test.

If the GTT shows you have gestational diabetes, you can manage the condition by monitoring your blood sugar, making changes to your diet, exercising, and sometimes taking medication. You will need extra care for the rest of your pregnancy.

Read next

Your pregnancy at 25 weeks

Learn about your pregnancy journey and what is happening to you and your baby.

You at 24 weeks pregnant

You might be able to feel your baby moving from the outside now, by putting your hand on your belly.

As your baby gets bigger, you and others will be able to see your baby moving. Towards the very end of your pregnancy, you might even be able to recognise some body parts.

Other people might comment on your belly or even touch your belly, even if you haven’t asked them to. It’s OK to tell people not to do this if it makes you uncomfortable – it’s your body.

Blood sugar test for gestational diabetes
You might have this test at 24-28 weeks of pregnancy. If you’ve had a previous pregnancy with gestational diabetes or have a high chance of developing the condition, you’ll probably be offered a test earlier than this. Ask your doctor or midwife for more information.

Planning some help
It’s a good idea to plan practical and emotional ‘back-up’ for after your baby is born. For example, could extended family, friends or other people cook you a meal, drop in for a visit or give you a call? You don’t have to do everything if others are willing to lend a hand.

It’s OK to ask for help too. In fact, many people will appreciate it if you tell them exactly what you need.

If you haven't felt your baby move by now, it's important to call your doctor or midwife immediately.

Your baby when you’re 24 weeks pregnant

Your baby:

  • measures about 21 cm in length and weighs about 630 gm
  • still looks thin, because the ‘fattening up’ process hasn’t really started
  • has a layer of fat developing underneath the skin, so the skin is less see-through
  • likes to move when you’re trying to sleep – this is why you might feel your baby’s movements more at night
  • might be hiccupping, which might feel like tiny waves of regular movements in your belly – this is completely normal.

Some babies could survive if born now. But they are regarded as extremely premature. They need help to breathe and would have to spend a long time in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).

Are you 6 months pregnant at 24 weeks?

How Many Months Is 24 Weeks Pregnant? At 24 weeks pregnant, you're just a few weeks away from the end of the second trimester, which runs from 14 to 27 weeks. This puts you approximately at the end of six months pregnant.

How many months along is 24 weeks pregnant?

How many months is 24 weeks pregnant? You're in your sixth month.

Is 24 weeks halfway through pregnancy?

Congratulations, at 20 - 24 weeks pregnant, you are halfway through your pregnancy! Your pregnancy might be starting to feel much more real as you are well into the second trimester. You may also feel like you are connecting with your baby as their movements become stronger.

How many is 25 weeks pregnant?

At 25 weeks pregnant, you're approximately 5 months and 2 weeks along.


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