Appetizers that go with chicken Alfredo

Transform your fettuccine alfredo into an unforgettable meal with these 10 savory side dishes. From grilled chicken to savory meatballs, these sides are sure to delight.

There’s nothing like al dente pasta coated in a thick and creamy white sauce. But it’s extra rich, so you’ll want some complimentary sides to balance things out.

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Now, while the pasta-bilities are endless, I’ve got the 10 best ones for you. 

Ready? Let’s dig in!

1. Grilled Chicken Strips

This is my go-to topping for Fettuccine Alfredo. Creamy and cheesy sauce just goes so well with chicken, don’t you agree? 

No need to coat your chicken in batter and deep-fry it. A simple grilled chicken breast sliced into strips is more than enough to amp up your alfredo dinner. Plus, that creamy sauce makes the perfect coating.

2. Meatballs

Fettuccine Alfredo is basically pasta, cheese, and butter. You’ll want to add some meat in there for a more balanced flavor and texture. So, if you’re not in the mood for the classic chicken alfredo, how about some classic meatballs?

Meatballs are more than just ground meat rolled into balls. They’re seasoned with the perfect combo of herbs and spices, making them extra flavorful! That’s why it tastes great not only with spaghetti, but with Fettuccine Alfredo as well.

3. Salad

If you’re looking for something on the lighter side, then a nice salad is the perfect combo. It’s light and crisp and offers a refreshing contrast to your creamy pasta.

And you can pick whatever leafy greens you want. Romaine, kale, spinach, arugula – it doesn’t matter! 

Same goes with the fruits and veggies. Tomatoes, cucumber, peppers, onions, olives, corn, oranges, mangoes – go ahead! 

You can even add some pecans, cashews, and walnuts for some crunch.

But, for the dressing, you’ll want to use a light vinaigrette. A creamy ranch or yogurt dressing will be counterproductive. I like mine with just a drizzle of balsamic and olive oil seasoned with salt and pepper.

4. Bread

You can’t go wrong with Fettuccine Alfredo and bread. They’re just a classic pair! Soak your bread in the sauce and bite into that rich pillowy goodness. Delightful! 

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And it doesn’t even matter what type of bread it is. Whether it’s Focaccia, breadsticks, or French bread, it will still taste amazing. 

5. Bacon

Fettuccine Alfredo is rich and creamy, so you’ll want to give it a contrasting flavor to balance things out. That’s nothing some bacon can’t fix! Not only will the bacon add a smoky flavor, it also gives the dish a wonderful crunch.

No bacon, no problem! Pancetta works great too.

6. Grilled Shrimp

Oh, how I love me some seafood Alfredo. And for me, nothing fits the bill better than some grilled shrimp. It’s sweet, crisp, and juicy – everything an Alfredo yearns for.

7. Asparagus 

Aside from the crunch factor, asparagus also adds a nice pop of color to your Alfredo. And, the freshness of the veggie cuts through the richness of the sauce, giving you a well-rounded meal.  

8. Broccoli

Here’s another green veggie that will balance out the umami-ness of your Alfredo. With the addition of broccoli, you’ll get a healthy and crisp pasta dish. And the color contrast? Gorgeous! 

And it’s so simple to use, too. Just blanch those florets and stems and dump them onto your pasta. 

Or, you can also just steam the broccoli as you boil the pasta! Just place the broccoli into the steamer and put it on top of the pot. Hitting two birds!

9. Steak

Steak and pasta for dinner? Count me in! Transform your simple Alfredo into a phenomenal, unforgettable meal by serving it with a fat and juicy steak. 

Now this combination is super savory to say the least, so you’ll want to reserve this for special occasions.

The New York strip is perfect for this pairing. Season your steak with salt and pepper and cook it in a hot skillet for 3-4 minutes on each side. Cover it in foil and let it rest for 10 minutes before serving.

10. Wine

A classic Fettuccine Alfredo is already hearty and tasty on its own. You need not top it with more ingredients or pair it with sides, to be honest.

But, if you want to fancify your meal without adding more food to the table, how about some wine? When serving Alfredo, you can’t go wrong with a nice glass of quality Chardonnay.


  • Grilled Chicken Strips

  • Meatballs

  • Salad

  • Bread

  • Bacon

  • Grilled Shrimp

  • Asparagus

  • Broccoli

  • Steak

  • Wine


  • Select your favorite recipe.
  • Organize all the required ingredients.
  • Prep a delicious side dish!

What protein goes well with Alfredo?

What Meat Goes Well with Alfredo Sauce?.
Pork chops. Pork is one of the most versatile meats there is, and it marries beautifully with alfredo sauce. ... .
Chicken. ... .
Beef. ... .
Steak. ... .
Salmon. ... .
Turkey bacon. ... .
Shrimp. ... .

How can I make Alfredo more interesting?

For an extra creamy sauce, add some cream cheese or heavy cream. If you don't have either of those, a little bit of sour cream also works wonders and adds depth of flavor to the sauce. If you want to add color to your Alfredo sauce, top it with chives, parsley flakes, or pieces of red bell pepper.

What kind of wine goes with fettuccine alfredo?

Fettuccine Alfredo The key for pairing with this wine is to look for options that combine body and acidity. Chardonnay is a natural choice, either from Burgundy (look to the Mâconnais or a standard Bourgogne Blanc to keep things affordable) or from the Willamette Valley in Oregon.

What is a good side for shrimp alfredo?

What goes with shrimp Alfredo? Personally, because this dish is quite rich already, I like to serve something simple on the side, such as a green salad with this Italian keto salad dressing or some steamed broccoli.

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