Are cars with push button start easy to steal?

Despite modern technology making it seem as if car theft may be a thing of the past, it’s far from it. The threat of a vehicle getting stolen is still much more prominent than one might think. In fact, in some cases, modern technology may make it easier for car thieves. Most notably, it seems that having the convenience of a push-button ignition system may make it much easier for thieves to steal your car than having a traditional key.

Can vehicles with push-button start be stolen?

engine start and stop button | Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images

According to The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, a push-to-start car is definitely capable of being stolen. Worse yet, CBC reports that a push-button start system with a proximity key fob makes it easier to steal than a car with a standard key.

You may be familiar with a relay attack. This is a method used to capture a key fob’s signal from inside a house and amplify it so that thieves can unlock a car’s doors. However, CBC reports that car thieves are turning to old school methods to get in. Lock picks.

Lock picking sets are incredibly cheap online and can make breaking into a car take only a matter of seconds. Furthermore, locksmith kits with tools used to pry open doors are also available on websites like Amazon for under $40. If that doesn’t concern you, the next part should!

For under $1,000, anyone can buy a key fob programming tool online. Once inside, car thieves can simply plug the device into the vehicle’s OBD II port and program a blank key fob to match the vehicle’s push-button ignition system. So, in just a matter of minutes, thieves can get into your car and make a clone of your key. This allows them to drive it as if they have the original key.

Professional locksmith Yaser Jafar told CBC how easy it is to pull off.

“When it’s in the wrong hands, and if they have a little experience, or if they learn it, very quickly they can easily steal any car that they want,” said Jafar.

Cars are being stolen frequently in Canada and sold in Africa

Man wearing a balaclava, about to break open the side door of a vehicle | Andia/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

Apparently, this is all too common of an occurrence in Canada right now. Cars are frequently stolen right outside of peoples’ homes and shipped overseas. Worse yet, the stolen vehicles keep appearing on a West African marketplace website called Jiji. The cars frequently appear for sale with their Ontario, Canada license plates still on them.
The cars are selling for over double their Candian value as they are quite sought after in West Africa. Canadian police say that 80 to 85 percent of cars stolen in Canada are linked to criminal organizations overseas.

Unfortunately, the crime rings’ execution of these thefts is systematic and hard to stop. They steal the car and leave it in a “cool down” location to ensure it isn’t being tracked. Once the thieves are convinced it isn’t, it’s driven to a Montreal or Halifax port and loaded on shipping containers to go overseas.

Unfortunately, there are no regulations on the tools required to clone the key. So, there aren’t many tips to give push-button start car owners to prevent theft. Realistically, parking your car inside a garage or using things like a steering wheel lock may be the only real solution. Remember to be mindful of where you’re parking and ensure that you’ve got a decent security system.

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  • Guides
  • Keyless car theft


If you want to know more about keyless car theft, you've come to the right place. We’ve put together this guide to explain what it is, what cars are vulnerable and how you can prevent yourself from becoming a victim of keyless car crime.

Thieves are increasingly thought to be using keyless technology to bypass security systems on modern cars, with some of today’s most popular models — including the Ford Fiesta, Volkswagen Golf and Nissan Qashqai — being vulnerable. 

What is keyless car theft?

Keyless car theft  (sometimes called relay theft) is a way of stealing a vehicle without using the physical keyfob. The targeted vehicles are those with keyless entry and start systems, exploiting the technology to get into the car and drive it away.

Keyless car theft is simpler and quicker than you might imagine. Police say that it can take less than two minutes for a car to be stolen. In 2019, a vehicle was stolen every five minutes in the UK. Most of these thefts were keyless entry and it’s a crime that’s increasing significantly.

How does keyless car theft work?

A keyless fob has an in-built transceiver, which can send and receive coded radio signals. The car and the key send these unique, encrypted signals to each other to lock the doors when the key isn't within range and — likewise — unlocks the doors when the key is close enough. When thieves target a car, they can use the features of keyless entry to break into the car without actually having the key.

One of the most common types of keyless car theft can be done within 2 minutes, right outside your house. Criminals use a pair of devices to carry out the theft. 

Firstly, the signal from your car key is captured or amplified and this copied signal is then sent to another transmitter.  This can be done quite easily even if your key is indoors because the tech used by thieves extends the signal from the key inside your home so the car is tricked into thinking it's nearby enough to unlock. 

This transmitter then acts as an additional key, so the car can be opened, started and driven away (as long as the car also features keyless start, which is when a car starts via a button rather than the physical turning of a key in the ignition). Once the car has been stolen it may be sent abroad, broken for parts or re-sold with false documents.

Are keyless cars easier to steal?

Yes, in many circumstances keyless cars are easier to steal. That said, it also depends on the particular model, as well as the situation. Some models have keyless entry that unlocks the doors when the key is close-by but still have a conventional key that is physically put in the ignition to start the car. Cars that are most vulnerable to relay theft are those with keyless entry and keyless start.

Relay theft is no longer new either, so manufacturers have been working on ways to combat it for a while — meaning some more advanced models have systems designed to thwart the keyless car theft.

Which cars are vulnerable to keyless car theft?

Any vehicle that has both keyless theft and keyless entry is more vulnerable to theft than a vehicle without either. A large number of new cars have keyless entry either as standard or as an optional extra, and there are thousands of used vehicles already on the road with this technology.

However, some models are arguably more secure. For example, Jaguar Land Rover have fitted some models with ultra-wide-band (UWB) radio technology, which transmits over a wide range of frequency channels so that thieves can’t trace the code. 

Audi, BMW, Ford and Mercedes-Benz have, instead, added motion sensors in their keyless fobs that stop them from sending out a code when they haven't moved for a while. While this offers protection when the fob is asleep, they don’t provide as much if they’re moving – such as when you're out and about with the key in your pocket.

This led some carmakers to introduce two methods of activating the sleep mode on the fob: automatically (after it hasn’t been moved) or immediately, by pressing a button on the fob. Keyfobs that can't be manually deactivated are just as vulnerable as standard keyless fobs if, say, you park at a store and walk away from your car — leaving the fob at risk of being relayed by thieves hanging about in wait. 

How to avoid keyless car theft

Keyless car theft sounds almost unstoppable, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t preventative steps you can take.

If you haven’t bought your next car yet, the easiest way to avoid keyless theft is to buy a car without it. It is becoming increasingly popular as standard on cars, though, so that may or may not be an option. If you're in the process of buying, talk to the dealership or current owner about the security of the keyless function and also if the system can be disabled.

If you already have a car with keyless entry and start, putting the keys somewhere safe within your house should be your number one priority. What does that entail? Firstly, keep the key away from doors and windows. Thieves usually have to try and ‘grab’ the signal from outside, so the further away the keys are from the exterior walls, the better.

Some metal boxes (like those that biscuits or tea bags come in) can work — plus, then you get biscuits, too. Signal-blocking pouches, often called faraday bags, are metal lined wallets. You can buy them online and from motor retailers with prices starting at about £5. To check that it works, put the key in the bag when you’re standing beside the locked car. The doors should stay locked. You should also put the spare key that lives in the house in a similar bag.

Anything else you can do to make the car harder to steal will be a deterrent. Putting the car in a garage, getting a lockable post on your driveway and in-car security devices such as steering wheel locks can also help.

If you have a high-value car, consider getting a tracking device fitted as well.

No, while it's true that keyless entry is no longer the rare commodity it once was, not all cars have the feature as many new models still have keyless entry listed as an additional extra.

A key fob usually has buttons for locking and unlocking the car. Lock your car and place the key fob a few metres away, then try to open the driver's side door. Your car door shouldn't open because it's locked. Then, with the fob on you, try the door again. If the car unlocks and the door opens, you have keyless entry. If not, you haven’t. A  look at the owner's manual should also offer some guidance.

Generally speaking, there's no limit to the distance a vehicle with keyless entry and start can go without the keyfob being in the car. The vehicle will often just beep without the key present. After they steal a vehicle, the thieves often run the car until they're either out of fuel or until they're turned off and can't be started again without the key. Many of the stolen cars are hidden away out of sight or driven to ports where they're then sold overseas.

Watch a keyless car theft in action

Find cars that are hard to steal

Is push

Keyless entry systems are a great innovation. Yet, they're not perfect. The technology in keyless entry systems actually makes it easier than ever to steal a car. Back in the old days, you needed to either obtain a key or be able to access a vehicle and hotwire it if you wanted to steal a car.

Can you steal a keyless start car?

Keyless theft (otherwise known as relay theft) is relatively simple; all it requires is two small boxes of electronics, which thieves can use to open your car in as little as 60 seconds. Crooks will typically work in pairs to commit relay theft, with one holding a relay amplifier, and the other a relay transmitter.

Can a push

Can thieves steal a push-button start car without a key or key fob? Reviewed by Shannon Martin, Licensed Insurance Agent. You can steal a push-start car without the key. Interestingly, many push-start cars are actually easier to steal than cars that require a key.

How do I protect my push

To protect your keyless entry from being a victim of relay theft, here some are some quick tips:.
Use a Signal blocking pouch – Keep your car keys safe. ... .
Turn off Keyless Fob's Wireless Signal. ... .
Use a Steering Wheel Lock or Car Alarm. ... .
Re-programme your keys. ... .
Park defensively… ... .
Keep your vehicle tidy. ... .
Get your windows etched..


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