Are pigeons the most common bird near adelaide sa

Pest birds damage property with their droppings and nesting habits.

More than just a nuisance, they displace native bird species, and encourage other pests such as rats, cockroaches, flies, and lice. They also spread dangerous diseases and harbour many toxic bacteria.

But, which are considered pest birds in Australia?

And how can you stop these birds from damaging your property, spreading disease, and causing a nuisance?

Keep reading to find out!

Which Birds Are Considered Pests in Australia?

Pigeons, mynas, starlings, and sparrows are the four main types of bird pests in Australia:


Pigeons are by far the most common pest bird in all areas of human habitation throughout Australia. Although, since pigeons are dependent on humans to a great extent, you’re more likely to find them in urban areas.

What do they look like? Pigeons are much larger than the other birds on this list, measuring around 300 to 350 mm in length. They tend to have plump bodies, short legs, and a smooth plumage featuring various shades of grey.

How to get rid of Pigeons: Pigeons will often nest under solar panels, under the eve of your house, and in warehouses. We recommend installing bird traps to reduce the flock. This method of pigeon control is ideal when there are non-target birds also around such as native birds which we don’t want to remove. Once the flock has been reduced bird netting or other pigeon control procedures can be implemented to prevent pigeons returning.

Bird trapping involves trapping birds in cages maintained with water and seed. Pest birds are then euthanised as per government regulations.

Indian or Common Myna

This South Asian bird first came to Australia in the 1860s. Mynas are now a common pest around Sydney and some country areas of Melbourne, Queensland, Tasmania, Adelaide, and NSW.

What do they look like? These known scavengers are around 240 mm in length. They have a yellow beak and legs, and brown feathers with a slight green sheen on the head and cinnamon touches on the body.

How to get rid of Mynas: Mynas like to nest in your roofs and removal is best undertaken by removing the nest and babies. Once they’ve been removed we recommend bird proofing to prevent them returning. You can also make sure your compost is covered and no other scraps are accessible. They like manicured gardens and artificial structures, so you can also think about your landscaping to deter Mynas.

European Starling

First introduced in 1861, the European starling used to be a protected species. Since then, it’s become commonplace in cities, towns, and open country areas throughout Victoria, NSW, Tasmania, South Australia, and some of Queensland. It is considered to be one of the world’s most invasive species of birds.

What do they look like? Adult starlings measure up to 215 mm in length and have black feathers with hints of purple, green, and blue iridescence. For most of the year, a starling’s beak is dull in colour but turns bright yellow during mating season.

How to get rid of Starlings:Like Mynas, Starlings will nest in your roof and removal should be done by removing the nests and babies. Deterring Starlings naturally can be difficult as they adapt when their food sources are scarce, they’ll even get into your garbage to feed. Once Starlings are removed we recommend bird netting to prevent them returning.

Bird proofing is blocking their access with an aluminium mesh or installing bird spikes or bird wire to prevent them from being able to roost in these areas.


Sparrows are now common in both urban and countryside areas of Eastern Australia after their introduction in 1862. Sparrow nesting is typically untidy and grass-lined. They do this in gaps of buildings and between and beneath roofing material.

What do they look like? Sparrows only measure up to 160 mm long at most, with both sexes featuring dark beaks, brown legs, feet, and eyes. Male sparrows have a darker underbelly than female sparrows, as well as two white streaks on their wings and a grey tale.

How to get rid of Sparrows:You will find sparrow nesting on ledges, rafters, roof voids, and crevices within walls. Reducing the number of sparrows is best approached, like Mynas and Sparrows, by removing the nests and babies and then installing bird proofing.

Main Problems Caused by These Pest Birds

There are many reasons to consider certain birds as pests. But, the two main concerns are the damage they cause and the health and safety risks they pose:

Damage and Defacement

Bird droppings deface building surfaces, ledges, windows, footpaths, and roofs.

Since bird droppings don’t dissolve easily in water, removing them can be difficult and time-consuming.

Droppings can even cause rust and corrosion to vehicles, machinery, and buildings due to their uric acid content. And, a build-up of droppings in one place can block gutters and pipes, and shorten the life of roofs by causing leaks and further damage.

As well as leaving their droppings everywhere, pest birds love nesting anywhere they can. Due to their proximity to human life, this often means in and around homes. Many people, for example, need pest control for birds in loft installations, air conditioning units, solar panels, gutters, ledges, and other common nesting locations.

Also, those of you with a vegetable garden or fruit trees in your backyard may have extra problems to contend with if you’re overrun by non-insect pest birds. In particular, these pests target soft fruits, peas, and brassica vegetables, shedding seeds, tearing leaves, and destroying a lot more than they ever eat.

Health and Safety Threat

The droppings of pest birds serve as a disease reservoir for fungal infections such as cryptococcosis, histoplasmosis, gastroenteritis, encephalitis, toxoplasmosis and aspergillosis.

Bird droppings, feathers, nest debris, or dead birds can soon contaminate livestock feed, soil, and food supplies.

The nests and debris of pest birds can also disrupt and spread disease through ventilation systems, while an accumulation of droppings can make footpaths and fire escapes hazardous to human traffic.

And the threat that pest birds pose to health and safety doesn’t stop there either. Certain mites, ticks, and insects live on these birds or in their nests, including bed bugs, red poultry mites, pigeon ticks, and spider beetles, while their debris and droppings can attract rats, cockroaches, flies, and other pests.

Preventing Pest Birds in Australia

It’s never too early to start bird-proofing your home or business, especially if you live in an area plagued with pest birds. Or, if you’ve removed birds, you’ll want to ensure that they don’t come back.

Pest bird prevention methods include spikes, wire, netting, shock tracking, and perimeter roof-proofing.

Bird pest control services can place spikes or bird wire anywhere outside your home, including ledges, roofs, and pipes. These stop birds from sitting on these surfaces by making access difficult or uncomfortable.

Polyethylene bird netting is ideal for stopping birds from disrupting pebbled paths and pergolas. And roof-proofing helps protect your roofs and gutters from birds, droppings, and even leaves.

But, the most effective bird pest control method is a shock tracking system. This conditions birds to start avoiding areas by giving them an electric shock. Although, this method is only suitable for areas inaccessible to humans.

Your Guide to Pest Birds

Whether you’re currently facing a pest bird problem or you’re looking to prevent one from occurring, this guide should make it clear which birds to look out for and how to stop them from setting up home on your property.

And remember, if the issue is too big for you to tackle alone, a quick search of ‘bird pest control near me’ will help you find local services you can rely on.

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Chris is the Managing Director of Forensic Pest Management Services. Having been in the industry for well over 20 years, Chris along with his team of Licensed Technicians are now highly sought after and well respected within the Residential and Commercial property sector for their expertise within the pest control industry.

Are pigeons common in Australia?

Common in most built-up areas, the Rock Dove is familiar to most people. Flocks of 'pigeons' have been a regular sight in Australia since the first birds were released in the 1870s. Since then, the population is regularly added to by 'homing pigeons' becoming lost and joining wild birds.

Where are pigeons most common?

They are commonly found around farm yards, grain elevators, feed mills, parks, city buildings, bridges, and other structures, although they can live anywhere where they have adequate access to food, water and shelter.

What is a pigeon called in Australia?

Torresian imperial pigeon
D. spilorrhoa
Binomial name
Torresian imperial pigeon - › wiki › Torresian_imperial_pigeonnull

Is pigeon a common bird?

The rock dove, rock pigeon, or common pigeon (/ˈpɪdʒ. ən/ also /ˈpɪdʒ. ɪn/; Columba livia) is a member of the bird family Columbidae (doves and pigeons). In common usage, it is often simply referred to as the "pigeon". ... .


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