Arrange in increasing order of ionisation energy of Mg mg2+ and mg3+

Solution : a. Increasing orbder of the first iobnitsation enthalypy <br> `Na lt Al lt Mg lt Si` <br> The valence electronic configureation of these elements are as follows : <br> `{:[Na(Z =111 ) 3s^1],[Mg(Z= 12 ) 3s^2],[Al (Z=13) 3s^1],[Si (Z=14) 3p^2]:}` <br> These elements belong to the same period . Aklong the period (rarr) effecitve nuclear charg increase . Hence . `IE_1` should increase as `Na lt Mg lt A llt Si` . But `Al` has lower `IE_1` value as compared to `Mf` due to preneteration efect , Hence the ordr ereversea t `Al` and becomes : <br> ` Na lt Al lt mg lt lSi` <br> b. Increasing extent of hydrolysis : <br> `C Cl_4 lt MgCl_2 lt AlCl_3 lt SiCl_4` <br> In covalent halicdes , hydroluysis occures as a reslult of corredination of a water molecule to the less eelctrongative element `C Cl_4` does not undrgo hydrolysis dut to the absiece to d-orbitals in its valence shell . So it can not expand its coordination nbumber vbeyond `4`. Thus, it cannot orrdinate with water molecules . <br> c. Increasing reducing power : <br> `PbCl_2 lt SnCl_2 lt GeCl_2` <br> Amnong froup `14` elements the stability of lower oxidation states i.e `+2` increases doen the froup `(darr) ` doue to increase in inert parie effect . <br> d. Increasing oxidsing pwer : <br> `GeCl_4 lt SnCl_3 lt PbCl_4` <br> Among group `14` elements the stability of lower oxidation states i.e `+2` increases doen the group `(darr)` due to increase in inert pari effect . <br> e. Incerasing `pH` of the solution <br> `alCl_3 lt BeCl_2 lt mgCl_2 lt NaCl` <br> Whth increase in charge /radius ration of the central ion the tendcy to poarise eletron cloud in `H_2O` molecule and , hence dissorcattion of `O-H` bond in `H_2O` molecule increase i.e.m, more and more proton will be liberated and solution becames more actdic and `pH` decreases . In the compounds metioned charge /radius ration si in the order `Na^(otimes+) lt Mg^(2+) lt Al^(3+) lt Al^(3+)` and hence extent of hydrolysis follws the ordr : `NaCl lt MgCl lt BeCl_2 lt AlCl_3` This is why `NaCl` will be least acideic and ` AlCl_3` will be more ancidic . In other words , `pH` of `NaCl` will be least and that of `Alcl_3` will be maximum , hence the ordr : `AlCl_3 lt beCl_2 lt MgCl_2 lt NaCl`.

Which has highest ionization energy Mg or mg+ Mg2+?

Hence the correct answer is Mg2+ as it has maximum ionization energy.

How do you arrange ionization energy in increasing order?

The ionization energy decreases from top to bottom in groups, and increases from left to right across a period. Thus, helium has the largest first ionization energy, while francium has one of the lowest.

What is the first ionization energy of Mg?

First Ionization Energy of Magnesium is 7.6462 eV.

Why does Mg have a higher first ionisation energy than Al?

Magnesium to aluminium The outer electron in magnesium is in an s sub-shell. However, the outer electron in aluminium is in a p sub-shell, so it is higher in energy than the outer electron in magnesium. This means that less energy is needed to remove it.

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