Baby doesnt like to cuddle autism


08/03/2014 at 10:31 am

Hi, DD2 is 9 months and I feel something is wrong. She has never been easy- difficulties latching as a newborn, cried a lot (loudly and angrily) from young, sleep regression from 5 months, allergic to stage 2 formula.
Now she is 9 months and these drama's are over I'm starting to notice other things. She has never liked to be held, she's ok on my hip but doesn't ever want to be cuddled. She will push you away and cry. She has yet to say an actual word.
In other respects, she's hitting her milestones. Eats and drinks well, feeds herself, crawling, nearly walking, babbles, smiles, laughs, mild separation anxiety. She knows her name and turns to you if you call her, eye contact is fine, she copies waving and clapping, plays with her toys normally & interacts well with others. She shows interest in the world, not hypersensitive to noise and is ok with change to routine.
It may sound like I'm being OTT but her lack of affection and speech severely worries me. These are key factors of autism.
If anyone has experience of seeing signs of ADD in their babies, I would love to hear from you.

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08/03/2014 at 10:39 am

It is natural to think a lot about your children, at this age they are your world. But from what you have said here I wouldn't be too concerned.

My daughter didn't like cuddles, I never got to rock her to sleep, from very early she preferred sleeping on her own. And she is still like this, she really doesn't like hugs when she is upset - we call her our little hedgehog and she gets her prickles out. But that is just her.

Also nine months old is very early for speaking. So long as she is responding and interacting then it sounds like she is doing great.

emma r(985)

08/03/2014 at 10:47 am

Hi Hun

My ds is 2 next week and doesn't speak, doesn't respond to his name won't interact with any other children and prefers to play in his own little "bubble" he will withstand cuddles and kisses but doesn't like to be "held or restrained" he has no understanding of things ie: where are your ears/eyes/shoes etc. he babbles but there is no comprehension or understandable things he says. He's obsessive with things especially cars/wheels and symmetry of Lego/duplo. That said he is a happy beautiful little boy. He is currently getting audiology and ASD assessments that are all self referrals as the "specialists" won't touch him as he's not yet two..

If you have any concerns Hun then get in touch with your hv and go however be prepared for them to just say theull monitor at a later stage with her being so young.

Xxx my little boy has his first operation on hîs ears Monday  so see where we go from there

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08/03/2014 at 10:55 am

Thanks for responding. I keep looking for every little sign and it's driving me mad. I know I should relax and give her a few months, but I guess I'm just so anxious I'm hyper-alert.
Good to know that not all little girls are cuddly princesses! I just assumed she would naturally want me, but she rarely does, though we do play and she is securely attached to me.


08/03/2014 at 11:00 am

Hi Emma,
Your son sounds amazing & you are obviously a really positive influence in his life. Can I pick your brains? What is his sleep like? DD2 slept amazingly from birth then at 5 months would wake up screaming inconsolably (seeing as she didn't want hugs) at all hours. Now she wakes once in the night for 30 secs but self-soothes. I've heard this is v common in children with ASD.
Thanks for the advice. I like my HV so will defo talk to her. I'm the type that gets frustrated if things don't happen immediately though so will have to be prepared to be patient!

ruth r(64)

08/03/2014 at 11:05 am

My DD was the same, just wasn't a cuddly baby, she wanted to be held but only on her terms and normally so that she could see!  She's 7 now and very definitely not autistic and loves a good cuddle, some babies just aren't very cuddly and like their personal space!  Also 9 months is young to be talking, some children do, but I would say more usual at about a year old.  I would be more concerned if she didn't seem to be understanding things, but as she is I wouldn't be too worried.

It's only natural to worry about our babies, and there is no harm keeping an eye on and mentioning it to your health visitor, even if it is just to put your mind to rest.

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08/03/2014 at 11:06 am

9 months old? I'm not sure I've met a 9 month old baby, and I work with little ones, that has ever said a single word. She sounds entirely and completely normal for her age. Please don't worry.

ruth r(64)

08/03/2014 at 11:07 am

Also my DS is 2 1/2 and still wakes up in the night 2 or three times.  I would say if at 9 months your LO is only waking once and self soothing then she sounds much more settled than many babies her age!  I'm jealous!

Julie P(737)

08/03/2014 at 11:13 am

Going by what you said she sounds fine. My dd now 7 never liked to be held when feeding had to put her around cushions, but all was fine with her. Try not to worry and just enjoy her, all will be fine I'm sure.

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08/03/2014 at 11:29 am

Nine months is very early to be expecting speech.  Sometimes at this age babies can maybe say 'mum' or 'dad' etc. but a lot of the time it's actually just babble and parents hear what they want to hear!  Many toddler still don't say anything by 18 months and it's really not something I'd worry about until more like two years so you have a way to go before it's a concern!

Some babies just aren't cuddly.  They all have their own little personalities just like older children and adults.  Also, it's a bit of a misconception that autistic babies/children always hate cuddles/physical contact; my sister has Asperger's and was actually more cuddly and clingy than most other babies.  She screamed and screamed and screamed any time she was put down for about the first year of her life!

Your LO sounds absolutely fine so try not to worry.  


08/03/2014 at 11:48 am

Hi, DD2 is 9 months and I feel something is wrong. She has never been easy- difficulties latching as a newborn, cried a lot (loudly and angrily) from young, sleep regression from 5 months, allergic to stage 2 formula.
Now she is 9 months and these drama's are over I'm starting to notice other things. She has never liked to be held, she's ok on my hip but doesn't ever want to be cuddled. She will push you away and cry. She has yet to say an actual word.
In other respects, she's hitting her milestones. Eats and drinks well, feeds herself, crawling, nearly walking, babbles, smiles, laughs, mild separation anxiety. She knows her name and turns to you if you call her, eye contact is fine, she copies waving and clapping, plays with her toys normally & interacts well with others. She shows interest in the world, not hypersensitive to noise and is ok with change to routine.
It may sound like I'm being OTT but her lack of affection and speech severely worries me. These are key factors of autism.
If anyone has experience of seeing signs of ADD in their babies, I would love to hear from you.

Did does your little one have/had silent reflux at all? My lo has bad silent reflux and many food intolerances and hated being held, which I'm told is completely normal as reflux babies don't like to be restrained.
Interestingly enough as we are (hopefully) sorting out his digestive problems, he is enjoying cuddles a bit more and some of his other quirks that have had me questioning asd in the past are slowly improving.

LISA V(70)

08/03/2014 at 11:57 am

Hi, I have a 5 yr old dd with asd, a 4 yr old ds just starting diagnosis pathway, and a 2 yr old dd. I think your baby is way too young for you to be concerned.  We started having concerns about our eldest 2 around age 2. As asd is very much about social behaviours, this is when differences became more apparent for us. In almost 3 years of Preschool our eldest didnt talk to another child, or know another child's name. They were completely irrelevant to her. She made no eye contact and struggled with routine change. My son likes other kids but struggles to play with them, loves cuddles and makes eye contact. Characteristics can vary widely but a child must show delays in social interaction, social imagination, social communication.

It's also not all about milestones, our dd1 walked at ten months, was counting to ten and talking in sentences a 15 months. She is very high functining but very affected by her autism. Our youngest has taken her time to talk and walk yet I have no asd concerns for her. Please try not to worry some  babies are less cuddly than others just as some people are.



08/03/2014 at 5:57 pm

Firstly, can I say thank you for your responses. I very much appreciate people taking the time to reassure me.

Carrie- yes DD2 had reflux, was intolerant to stage 2 formula and has on-going gastro issues (usually constipated, currently has diarreah). You could be right that this is why she doesn't like being held, as she gives and recieves kisses no problem. Unfortunately, the fact that gastro issues are v common in children with ASD means it has only added to my worry!

Lisa- thank you so much for sharing your experiences. Socially, DD2 is pretty good, despite not wanting me to hold her. But overall I'm hearing that 9 months is just too young to judge.

I've made it all worse by spending the last few days googling. Reading things like 'children with ASD often have their fingers in their mouth/have trouble latching on' etc, all these little things which apply to DD2. Of course, you could probably do this with anything & make the cap fit.

Regarding speech, DD1 spoke very early so I guess she just set the bar too high ;-)

Thank you ladies x

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Janette R(13)

08/03/2014 at 6:29 pm

Please stop worrying and googling, talk to your HV for reassurance and try to seem to have gone through a difficult time with her which will make you more anxious and this in turn will pass on to your LO making her less happy to cuddle.

All the things you will read are aimed at much older children and are in babies totally normal ... what baby doesn't put things in their mouths....fingers and toes included...and actually if they didn't do this it would be more worrying.

I have worked with many ASD children its far to early to diagnose a problem....and far to early to say she's not she babbling and listening to you?

Enjoy your LO she will be running around chatting ten to the dozen soon enough.

Georgina J(47)

08/03/2014 at 6:58 pm

Hi, DD2 is 9 months and I feel something is wrong. She has never been easy- difficulties latching as a newborn, cried a lot (loudly and angrily) from young, sleep regression from 5 months, allergic to stage 2 formula.
Now she is 9 months and these drama's are over I'm starting to notice other things. She has never liked to be held, she's ok on my hip but doesn't ever want to be cuddled. She will push you away and cry. She has yet to say an actual word.
In other respects, she's hitting her milestones. Eats and drinks well, feeds herself, crawling, nearly walking, babbles, smiles, laughs, mild separation anxiety. She knows her name and turns to you if you call her, eye contact is fine, she copies waving and clapping, plays with her toys normally & interacts well with others. She shows interest in the world, not hypersensitive to noise and is ok with change to routine.
It may sound like I'm being OTT but her lack of affection and speech severely worries me. These are key factors of autism.
If anyone has experience of seeing signs of ADD in their babies, I would love to hear from you.

9 months for speech is too young. Domt worry about that as for affecrtion some babies just prefer to be 'free'

my brothers have autism recent diagnosed. However they are completely different. One of them shows ALOT of obsessive behaviour and also ALOT of loving behaviour to the point it can get weird tbh. He is not so bad socially. He is more obsessive and asks alot of questions and doesn't 'get things' he likes to know everything though and say if we saying we are 'leavimg at 8.15 he will count down and remind us we are leaving in 10, 5, 3, 2 minutes etc. We first noticed his behaviour when he used to repeat things when he was a toddler, ocd like things.  He gets upset very easily. He used to just shout things out to and he has twitches and habits.

my other brother is different, he more socially affected. But also has obsessive behaviours. He was behind on his speech, he has a lisp and stutters all the time. Literally take a LONG time to tell us something. He's aggressive too. He doesn't like to be shouted at atal either. We first revonised something was mot quite right as he was always behind on things, such as walking really late, and only saying one word sentences at nearlly 3 years old.

i wouldnt worry atal at 9 months. I domt think they even start to diagnose something like that until pre school age...

Do autistic infants cuddle?

Between 1 and 2 years of age, baby sibs who go on to develop autism have more trouble with focus and with controlling their emotions, the study found. They are also less likely to smile, cuddle or laugh and more likely to seem sad or shy than typical children.

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Most babies revel in warm, close physical contact with their parents, so we expect to comfort them with holding, hugging, stroking, and rocking. However, some entirely normal infants don't find being held at all soothing.

What are signs of autism in babies?

Some signs of autism can appear during infancy, such as:.
limited eye contact..
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absence of joint attention..
no response to hearing their name..
muted emotion in facial expression..
lack or loss of language..

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