Baby fell off bed but seems ok Reddit

This is super reassuring. This was one of my fears and I’ve heard horror stories. So I knew and am always thinking of it- it’s insane at what can happen in a millisecond. I notice how strong and more mobile my child gets everyday; so I’m more careful everyday. Was changing him before bed ( I have a queen bed in his room) he was directly in center of bed for me to put PJs on after diaper. I barely turned my back to throw dirty outfit in hamper and he had rolled off. I don’t think I’ll ever forget or not cringe at the memory of that moment.

He didn’t lose consciousness, he was crying but I held him straight upright, consoled him keeping him as straight up as I could. I called my mom (who lives up the street). And 911.

It was evening when it happened and I wasn’t going to risk letting him go to bed if he wasn’t checked. About 6 EMTs arrived w a stretcher ;( took his vitals. Checked him out. His blood pressure and heart rate were normal (cpr can be required when this drops and can explain loss of conciousness). He was smiling, turning his head, moving with no pain or tears. They gave me choice to bring him in but they thought he seemed fine. They couldn’t scan anything but he was moving on all axis with no sign of pain or discomfort.

Between Covid and keeping a newborn up all night at hospital, I chose to monitor him at home w my Mom who has done newborn x3 successfully.

I’m a new Mom and they were so nice and gracious and I felt so much better after having them come. But ugh someone said if they’re crying it’s a good sign- I’ve never been more happy to hold a crying squirming baby as I was tonight. l also no longer hate carpet- especially for baby’s room. I’m also setting alarm to check throughout night and have his monitor on so any breathing errors detected- I will never hesitate to call 911 or over react. Much better safe than sorry.

Posted by1 year ago



My 7 month old rolled off the bed around 6:30 am. I heard the thud and then a terrible wail. I grabbed him, consoled him, and after about 10 seconds he was calmed down and going back to sleep. Throughout the day, he has been laughing and playing with toys. I’ve noticed a mark near one of his eyes (not sure if it’s related to this fall) but other than that, I haven’t seen anything odd. I checked his pupils, they’re fine. He’s been eating like normal. I don’t want to tell people because I feel like they will say something like “it wouldn’t have happened if you did this…” I just feel so guilty and don’t know what to do.

Just feeling the absolute worst. Last night after bath time my 6-month-old threw up on his onesie and needed to be changed. He was lying on his back near the middle of the bed. I took two steps back and one to the right and turned to throw his dirty clothes in the hamper. As I turned back I see him tumbling off the bed face first!

I grabbed him immediately and I he was crying, I was crying and holding him. He was okay, no bleeding or bumps. Probably just got a fright. But I have never felt more scared and stupid in my life.

Earlier this week I was sitting in bed feeding my 2 week old daughter. I was exhausted and I fell asleep. I woke to the sounds of her cries. It didn’t immediately register to me what happened until I realized she wasn’t in my arms anymore. I panicked and jumped out of the bed to find her on the floor between my bed and the nightstand. I picked her up and noticed a bump on the right side of her head. At this point I’m hysterical. I wake my boyfriend up and call the pediatrician but it’s the middle of the night and it can be up to 30 minutes before the on call doctor gets back to me. At this point my daughter falls asleep and we’re having trouble waking her so we put her in the car seat (which luckily got her to cry again) and drive over to the ER. When we got there we were quickly triaged and then the nurse said they’re calling a trauma alert. At this point I’m freaking out and sobbing. They bring her into the trauma room and she’s surrounded by about 20 people. The nurse pulled me aside and said “I know this looks scary, but it’s just so she gets care quickly. She’s actually looking very good.” That was reassuring but it was terrifying to watch. They performed an abdominal X-ray and a head CT. Both of which were negative for anything abnormal thankfully. At the end of it all she was deemed to be perfectly fine. She was acting like her normal self and other then a bump and bruise nothing was wrong. We followed up with the pediatrician the next day and we were told she hit her head in the perfect spot because she hit a boney area and not a soft area. I’m so thankful she’s okay, but I feel horrible for causing her harm and then subjecting her to tests with radiation. It’s days later now and I’ve cried every day since it happened. I can’t believe I let this happen to my baby. I feel like the worst mother in the world. I guess I’m just looking to vent because I’m too ashamed to talk to anyone I know about it.

Can a baby fall off a bed and be OK?

If your baby appears uninjured and is acting normally after a fall from a bed, it's likely they're A-OK. If you have any concerns, call your doctor and ask what symptoms you might watch for and for how long. In the meantime, remember squirmy and rolling babies can move fast.

How do I know if baby is OK after falling off bed?

If your child falls out of bed and has symptoms of drowsiness, vomiting, spitting up, or if the child is whining or won't wake up, this could be a sign of brain injury and you should take the child to see a doctor immediately. If your child has been cut or is bleeding, take him or her to see a doctor immediately.

How long should I watch baby after falling off bed?

Keep a close watch for the next 24 hours Babies are likely to want to go to sleep after a fall, whether they have a concussion or not. Dr. Ye Mon says it isn't necessary to try to keep them awake to monitor them, but you should try waking them every few hours to make sure they're rousable.


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