Best way to work under car

Any time we think about doing any maintenance to our cars, chances are good it will need to be off the ground. To remove a wheel, the tire needs to be at least a couple inches off the ground. To change the oil, depending on the car, you’ll need to lift the car at least a foot. Lifting a car is one thing, but that’s not enough for a safe DIY job – NEVER (we can’t stress this enough) ever put any part of your body under a vehicle supported only by a jack! If you’re going to do anything under a lifted vehicle, it must be supported by jack stands. Otherwise, the results could be disastrous.

Thus, we have consulted Holy Writ and compiled “The Ten Commandments of Lifting Thy Chariot,” which translates in the modern tongue, “How to lift and support your car safely.”


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Work with a Friend

While maintaining or repairing your car, work with a friend if at all possible. His or her having automotive knowledge is good, but not necessary. If you have to bribe them something canned, bottled, or corked, it’s a worthwhile investment, as they can encourage you, keep you company, or hand you tools. If there is an emergency, your friend can call 911 and possibly save your life!


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Park on Level Ground

Jacks and jack stands only function vertically, and the same gravity that keeps your car firmly planted on the pavement will just as easily pull your car off a jack or jack stand on a slope. Always park your car on level ground.


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Read the Manual

Read the manuals for both your car and your lifting and supporting equipment. Every vehicle has suggested jack points, also solid suspension and frame points. If you don’t have an owner’s manual, seriously, buy one or Google it – you might be able to download it for free. Similarly, read and obey jack and jack stand capacity limits and safety instructions. A good rule of thumb to follow is to use a jack and jack stands with a capacity of at least 50% the weight of your car.


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Assemble Your Gear

Depending on the job at hand, you might need to lift just one wheel, the front end or back end, or the entire car. Assemble your lifting and supporting gear. Lift your car with a quality jack. If lifting just one end of your car, you’ll need two jack stands. If you’re lifting the entire car, use four jack stands. On soft earth, such as asphalt or grass, thick plywood can prevent them from sinking.


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Chock the Wheels

Put the transmission in gear or in park, and chock the wheel opposite where you are lifting. Use two wheel chocks, in front and behind the wheel, to keep the car from moving forward or backward. Plastic, metal, rubber, or wooden chocks are all good choices. Rocks, block, and bricks are not such good choices, as they may crumble or slide. 


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Lift Your Car

Always Use a Safe Lifting Point to Jack Up the Car.


Lisa Schaetzle/Getty Images

Jack up the vehicle using a solid jacking point, leaving enough room for the jack stand to support the car. If lifting just one wheel, lifting just that corner of the vehicle is a good idea. If lifting the entire front or rear, choose a jack point in the center of the front or rear suspension or frame.


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Support Your Car

Support the vehicle with jack stands. If supporting one corner of the vehicle, place the jack stand under the jacking point and adjust the height, locking it in place with the pin or pawl, as applicable. If supporting the whole front or rear of the vehicle, use jack stands in pairs, preferably set and locked to equal height. Do not use wood blocks to gain more height, as a wood block may slip or split – buy taller jack stands. Lower the jack slowly until the full weight of the car rests on the jack stands.

If lifting the whole car, lift and support the front first, to the maximum height capable of your jack and jack stands. Then lift and support the rear of the vehicle, using a second pair of jack stands.


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Check Each Jack Stand

Always Check that the Jack Stands are Supporting the Weight of the Car.

Ramón Espelt Photography/Getty Images

Check that each jack stand is supporting the vehicle – it shouldn’t move if you wiggle it. If there is movement, jack up that corner again and move the jack stand up a notch. Double-check that all jack stand locks are set properly.


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Shake Your Car

Gently shake the vehicle to confirm it is secure. Check that all jack stands are planted flat on the ground and that they don’t move when you shake the car. A tilted jack stand may collapse, as it is not designed to hold a load at an angle. Once your car passes the shake test, it is safe to work on your car.


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Get to Work

Only Start Maintenance or Repairs with the Car Safely Supported on Jack Stands.


mathieukor/Getty Images

Mechanics, enthusiasts, DIYers, and people in a hurry have damaged vehicles, even injured or killed themselves or other people, for skipping this critical safety step! No matter how experienced you are or how quick the job will be, never forget to support your vehicle properly, every time you need to lift your car.

How do I get my car high enough to work under?

Use A Car Ramp I rarely use car ramps, but they make it so easy to lift the front end of the car off the ground. Just drive your car onto the ramp, support the front with a jack stand and then raise the rear with a hydraulic car jack.

What do you lay on when working under a car?

Park on a level and strong floor: when working with Jack and jack stands, the no. 1 safety tip you should follow is to work on level ground. This will help prevent the jacks and axle stands from sliding off. Locate the jack points: Every vehicle make and model have jacking points.

How much room do you need to work under a car?

How Much Lift Do I Need to Be Able to Work Under My Car? You need 24-30″ of distance between the floor and the bottom of your vehicle to work comfortably underneath it. This is enough space for someone to easily roll under their vehicle on a creeper.

Are car ramps better than jack stands?

Many people also swear by ramps for the safety factor—auto ramps are generally thought to be more stable than jack stands and there's less of a chance for error with ramps because they offer a larger surface area for support, both in adding traction to the ground (on applicable surfaces) and to supporting the wheels of ...


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