Blue cheese has mold in it facebook

🎵 Turning Random Internet Drama Into Songs Pt. 4 with @lubalin_vibe_co & @alisonbrie 🎵

“Blue Cheese Has Mold In It” 🥗#FallonTonight

— The Tonight Show (@FallonTonight) January 22, 2021

A recent TikTok video by Montreal-native Lubalin, featuring Jimmy Fallon and "Glow" star, Alison Brie, insisting blue cheese is full of mold has gone viral.

Fallon featured the video on The Tonight Show, and it now has more than 150,000 views on YouTube.

The viral TikTok, with nearly three million likes and over 10 million views posted to Lubalin's account, was a "dream come true" for the Canadian singer-turned-TikToker, he said in the video's caption.

Kraemer Wisconsin Cheese' Chief Cheesemaker, Michael Kraemer, confirms that blue cheese does in fact have mold in it.

Based in Wisconsin, their original products are shipped quickly to the Hot Springs Village location which has become popular since opening early in 2020.

"Despite the pandemic, we have many customers as our products are safely wrapped and ready to take out," said Kraemer. "We have two types of blue cheeses from our plant in Wisconsin, one is smoked and the other is natural."

Kraemer explained their blue cheese is made using a type of mold called Penicillium. He said it can be added to many types of cheese including those made from cow, goat or sheep's milk. It is injected in a variety of cheese choices and creates a distinctive odor along with a bold, tangy flavor.

Following mozzarella, blue cheese is the #2 safest cheese on the market, he said. Blue cheese is very nutritious and has more calcium than other cheeses.

"Penicillium we use to make blue cheese doesn't produce mycotoxins. It is safe to consume, but it is also important to store blue cheese and other cheese products properly."

Because blue cheese is high in calcium it is good for optimal bone health and adding it to the diet may help prevent bone-related health issues.

"Some medical experts have said because blue cheese is loaded with calcium, it may promote bone health and help prevent osteoporosis. I love the pungent flavor of blue, especially on hamburgers, popularly called the black and blue burgers, and it tastes great on pizzas, and salads made with spinach, nuts, and apples or pears."

The legend says a French shepherd left his cheese in a cave, and when he returned there was mold on it. He thought it had an exquisite taste. Although it has been consumed for centuries, there are no reports of death due to the consumption of blue cheese.

So enjoy the tangy taste and tradition knowing Jimmy Fallon finally admitted loving chunky blue cheese dressing.

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