Call of duty infinite warfare zombies in spaceland map

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare features a full zombies mode with the Zombies in Spaceland and I've grabbed the map from the game so you can get a full look at it. It's located below with some slightl lighting adjustments since the map is quite dark and it's clickable if you'd like to see it in full screen. The amusement park type map is actually incredibly large in comparison to past level so it's nice to have something visual to plan with, will mention that Juggnernaut is by #4 on the map and each area has power. As I discover more secrets I'll most likely add another map with some more location tips.

Call of Duty's zombies mode has remained relatively unchanged since World at War. Any given map contains a number of new secrets and Easter eggs to hunt, but mechanically, barring the occasional odds and ends like Shadows of Evil from Black Ops 3, you don’t have to drastically alter your approach. That changes with Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare’s Zombies in Spaceland mode, so here’s a rundown on how to acclimate and win.

Mechanics and characters

Zombies in Spaceland features a storyline that once again involves an intrepid group of four adventurers — AJ "the jock," Poindexter "the nerd, Sally "the valley girl," and Andre "the rapper." Although they thought they were auditioning for a part in the eccentric director Willard Wyler’s newest movie, they end up being a victim of a blood sacrifice and are subsequently sucked into his ‘80s-themed Spaceland film, where DJ David Hasselhoff is also a prisoner.

Although there are a number of changes, the core principle of survival is still the same. Zombies is a horde mode, presented in waves ("scenes" in Spaceland), requiring a team of one to four players to take out a fixed amount of zombies with increased difficulty as each wave progresses. Zombies will come out of specific points (usually through boarded up walls), which you can repair to stave off an overwhelming amount of enemies.

You acquire points when you damage zombies (melee points award more points) and boarding up areas. You'll use to purchase weapons and items littered about the level, as well as purchasing the right to open up gated areas, which can lead you into new parts of the map to acquire new guns and abilities.

If you've played a Call of Duty zombie mode before, you'll notice new twists on a few things, too.

  • Instead of the dog minibosses from other Call of Duty games, Zombies in Spaceland unleashes a clown wave every few levels. Clowns move quicker than normal zombies and explode after death or after touching another player.
  • The Mystery Box, which provides players with randomized powerful weapons, returns as the Magic Wheel.
  • Traps also return, but now they award players tickets for your trouble (as well as the inherent bonus of killing more zombies), so make sure to use them this time if you typically ignore them.

Choosing the right loadout

Zombies in Spaceland lets you customize your character more than ever. If you’re engaging in a multiplayer match, you should customize your character with the builds of other players in mind. In this section, we'll walk you through our favorite strategies and every perk in the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.

Upgrade your weapons with Pack-a-Punch Machine

If you manage your ammo and always reload after a firefight, any weapon other than the standard pistol can be effective. But the Pack-a-Punch Machine (a box that allows you to spend money to upgrade a gun multiple times) will boost anything up to a level where it can impact a match. It's something you should do as you start working your way past level 30 where things start to get tougher. You’ll need to put in some effort to locate it, though.

See the portal near the start of the map, right after the first door? You’re going to use it to get to the Pack-a-Punch room, but you need to activate four connecting portals first. Take a look at the map and note the following locations — the Astrocade (there are two here, one next to a power switch inside the arcade, and another is behind the DJ room), the Kepler District (upstairs in the first door to the left), and Polar Peaks (unlock the door leading upstairs).

Perk machines

Zombies in Spaceland has 10 perk machines, all of which have been re-branded as Candy Perks. Death will remove all of your perks, so be extra careful after picking one or more up. Perk machines show up as candies on the map, and their locations are denoted below.

Up and Atoms (Main Entrance)

A renamed quick revive from past games, this quite simply allows you to revive others faster in a multiplayer match. Clocking in at $500 (cheap!) and located right at the start of the map, Up and Atoms is worth grabbing immediately. If all four players use it, you get an increased rate of effectiveness as any player can pick up another quickly. The effect doesn’t stack throughout the party, it just impacts individual players.

If you purchase Up and Atoms during a solo match, it will instantly revive you and place you in the neutral After Life Arcade zone (more on that soon). You will only be able to purchase three Get Up and Atoms in a solo game.

Mule Munchies (Cosmic Tunes)

As one of the most straightforward perks in the game, Mule Munchies will grant you a third gun slot. While that may seem appealing, note that early on, it's better to spend your money opening up doorways, turning on the power and activating portals to reach the Pack-a-Punch machine. Rather than acquiring an armory early, consider getting Mule Munchies after wave 20.

Trail Blazers (Cosmic Dance Party)

While it might look cool, Trail Blazers isn't very useful. It impacts your slide (boosting your speed for this one specific maneuver), which you’re going to be using much less often than Racing Stripes’ speed boost. Also, the flame trail that appears in your wake isn’t worth the effort. Get this one last if you absolutely must.

Racing Stripes (Under Polar Peaks)

Racing Stripes directly influences how long you’re alive. Since the Zombies in Spaceland map is very open-ended — especially with the oval running loop at the very start — having a perk that boosts your sprinting speed and sprint duration is invaluable. It also allows you to fire while running. Racing Stripes is even more useful when playing solo and paired with Tuff Enuff, as you should be able to escape from situations you otherwise couldn’t.

Quickies (Polar Peaks)

As a general speed boost beyond sprinting, Quickies boosts your strafing, ADS (aim down sights) time, grenade throwing, reloading speed and barrier repair time. It’s a general purpose perk, but only one player really needs it in a multiplayer game near the start. Consider having one person on a squad use it to repair windows faster, and put them on dedicated repair duty to cut down on the overflow of zombies.

Blue Boltz (Cosmic Dance Party)

As another flair-centric perk, Blue Boltz is going to be low on the priority list. Blue Boltz makes players shoot out a jolt of electricity while reloading. It's a nice upgrade to have if you’re being overwhelmed by a mob, but simply covering your bases with a good loadout that includes high ammo capacity guns will cut down on your need to reload and keep yourself from being open to attack.

Bang Bangs (Hyper Slopes)

Another form of Double Tap, Bang Bangs increases your rate of fire. Just like before, quicker weapons like machine guns benefit marginally, Bang Bangs is best with your slow-firing weapons, like shotguns and rifles. If you have a loadout that feels sluggish, pick it up.

Bomb Stoppers (Space Croc Chomp)

Bomb Stoppers is severely less effective than it was in prior Call of Duty games, where it was called the PHD Flopper. The dolphin dive is no longer a factor in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, so you don’t get the extra explosion effect. It's most helpful during clown waves, as Bomb Stoppers provides additional explosion resistance. Consider picking it up during a late clown wave when you already have a number of other perks.

Tuff Enuff (Star Mission)

Tuff Enuff is the most important Perk when you’re playing with a group, as it allows you to take more hits before going down, preventing your teammates from having to stop to revive you. No matter what skill level you are, the ability to survive running down a hallway past a few enemies is extremely important, so make sure you pick this one up as often as you can.

Slappy Taffy (Octonian Village)

Although staying away from zombies and taking them out at a distance is the best way to stay alive, sometimes — like when you’re out of ammo or reloading in the middle of an assault — you’ll need to swat them with your melee attack. In that case, Slappy Taffy can save your life by providing an area-of-effect damage buff and more melee damage. Still, it’s highly situational. For the most part with ammo bag drops and max ammo power ups, it’s highly unlikely that you’re going to need to get in close. If you do happen to find yourself in that situation a lot, pair it with Tuff Enuff to ensure your survival.

Fate & Fortune cards

One of the biggest new concepts is the card system, which includes power ups that can benefit single players or an entire team. Earning cash will fill your card meter, and once it’s full you can press the up direction key to swap cards, and L1 + R1 (LB + RB) to initiate your chosen card.

In short, you’re bringing along a set number of cards (abilities) each match, which are always the same match after match, but deplete after each use. Once you deplete your deck, you can pay a Fortune Teller vendor to refill it for a fee.

Standard cards include Nade Party (faster grenade regeneration), Shop Class (spawn a carpenter power up, which fixes all windows), Scorched Skin (damage the next 10 enemies that touch you), Mana Up (regenerate health) and Eagle Eyed (sniper rifle criticals for 50 shots).

Fate & Fortune cards start off in the form of a deck, which you can customize as you unlock more cards. It’s a simple concept, but you can build your deck around how many players are present. For instance, you wouldn’t want to take Med Kit, a card that allows you to get revived quicker, if you're playing solo. You should also communicate with others to ensure that you’re fulfilling a specific role.

Durations and impact

Take note of the duration and impact of each card before you use it.

For example, Home Remodel, which grants you the ability to instantly repair five barriers for extra cash, is more valuable than Shop Class which provides no monetary reward. Some will work for a set amount of waves, others after a number of kills, and several cards only work for a limited amount of time.

Digging deeper into Spaceland

As always, there’s another layer to zombies if you care to explore it.

Ranking up and currency

There are several new currency types in Zombies in Spaceland, and only one of them is hard to get a hang of.


By following the instructions below you can turn on the robot N31L, who will trigger specific challenges for players to complete for tickets. You’ll use these at various booths throughout the park to purchase upgrades and items that can be assembled into powerful weapons. The most obvious vendor is in the back left corner of the starting area, past the portal. You can also earn tickets by playing Black Hole, Bowling for Planets, Zombie Zoom, Cryptid Attack and any of the retro games in the arcade section to the left of the main portal.

Souvenir Coins

Souvenir Coins come in three flavors —red, blue and green. They're random drops, but you can only carry one at a time, so to better ensure that you're picking up as much as possible, deposit your coins into a Souvenir Station. The most accessible station is to the left of the main portal. Putting in three of the same color coin will yield a doll item, which you can use to craft Wonder Weapons — a powerful class of weaponry from the zombies series. Any other combination of three will provide you with items such as Sentry Turrets and Boom Box bomb items.

The After Life Arcade

After death in a multiplayer game, you'll enter the After Life Arcade, a zone where you can earn a life back while playing various arcade games.

While you’re free to experiment in any way you choose, the shooting gallery directly to the left of the player is the fastest way to re-enter the fray. Aim at the ground targets, but keep an eye out for the aerial ones as well, which provide you with more points. Once you’ve acquired enough points, you’ll unlock a Soul Token, which lets you re-enter the proper map and get back in the fray.

In multiplayer, get back as quickly as possible, and keep communicating with your team. You don’t want to wait too long and suffer from a full team wipe (where everyone on your team is dead), resulting in a game over.

If you’re playing solo, you can buy up to three self-revive tokens from the perk machine at the start, and you don’t need to play anything to use the portal to return to the map. Alternatively, you could use this time to explore the arcade and practice your aim, given that you have an unlimited amount of time to do so.

Having said that, in any match, you may risk losing all of your equipment if you don’t return to the lost and found section at the beginning of Zombies in Spaceland after a period of time.

Unlocking David Hasselhoff

David Hasselhoff appears as a non-playable character in Zombies in Spaceland, providing small hints through audio cues and DJing the level’s soundtrack. You can also find him in-game by following a questline.

First, you’ll need to re-assemble N31L the Robot, who provides you with the challenges required to unlock Hasselhoff. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Go to the portal at the start of the map, then look at the "Candy Cluster" cart behind it and to the right for N31L’s head.
  2. Head back to the portal and find his body near the shrubbery in front of it, and place his head on his body to turn him on.
  3. N31L will then trigger challenges, such as "get two multi-kills," in succession.
  4. After completing five of them, N31L will boost into space and return with David Hasselhoff, who provides a light amount of offensive and revive support for players before returning to space after several rounds.

Once N31L returns, you’ll need to power him up with a battery to get Hasselhoff to return. Batteries spawn randomly, but the Kelper system area (the zone to the right of the first portal, if you’re facing from the starting area) has the most concentrated amount of spawns, followed by Polar Peaks.

Repeat the process again when N31L asks for his Operating System (a floppy disc). Head to the basement zone to the left of the first portal where the disc always spawns, and rinse and repeat. Once that phase is complete, you can call in Hasselhoff at any time for $5000, which is a hefty sum, but useful solely for the revive aspect on the alien boss fight and the clown waves.

Fighting the alien boss

When the alien boss appears after completing the above Easter egg questline, it'll take the form of a giant green martian that resembles some of the costumes in the Kepler area.

It'll take a lot of firepower before it finally goes down, but just keep trying to constantly run from it, shoot, then run again before it even approaches you and has the chance to take you out.

The best place to fight it is in the starting zone, where you can make a giant loop around the two bridges at the opening gate.

Note that one of his abilities is to spawn zombies. When that happens, focus on the zombies. Once they're cleared, you'll have less to worry about, and when he summons more it'll take him a little while to cast, leaving him vulnerable.

Watch out for his teleport and make sure you’ve picked up the Tuff Enuff perk so you can survive more than one hit, and the Racing Stripes perk so you can quickly sprint away if he gets close.

Can you complete Zombies in Spaceland?

Like most Zombies maps, Zombies in Spaceland features an elaborate Easter Egg that players can complete for in-game rewards and an achievement.

How many levels are in Spaceland Zombies?

Spaceland consists of 6 areas: The Junction, Journey into Space, Astrocade, Polar Peaks, Cosmic Way, and Kepler System. Before starting off a few tips for the Easter Egg: Keep your starter pistol, so you can Pack-A-Punch (PaP) it and have a decent chance at the three Ceti Defence spots.

What is the point of Zombies in Spaceland?

Zombies in Spaceland transports you back in time to a 1980s amusement park complete with wild attractions, an awesome arcade, and a funky, functioning rollercoaster. In this all-new zombies co-op experience, new gameplay bring brand-new team mechanics, the After Life Arcade, and Fate & Fortune Cards into the mix.

Where does Zombies in Spaceland take place?

Underground. The Underground has three entrances and acts as an underground tunnel system between the Astrocade, Journey into Space and Kepler System. The Kepler system entrance is located between Polar Peak and Kepler System, while the other two entrances are both located near Journey into Space and the Astrocade.


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