Campbells soup chicken pot pie with biscuits

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The perfect comfort meal of shredded chicken, vegetables, sauce, and biscuits for an easy biscuit chicken pot pie.

**I created this delicious Biscuit Chicken Pot Pie as part of a sponsored for SocialStars. All opinions are my own. #CampbellsSauces

Nate, Colby and I just got back from a long and wonderful vacation to Virginia to spend time with Nate’s family for Christmas. We came home to a freezing cold Utah with a few inches of snow. Here in Utah winter lasts waaayy too long for my liking. We don’t always have snow, but we have very cold days for months and months and it feels like it will never end. Which means every day I want to eat something hot and comforting and delicious for dinner.

So, the other day I wanted something nice and easy too, so I decided to go with chicken pot pie, but instead of a traditional pie I used biscuits as my crust and to make it extra easy I used Campbell’s® Oven Chicken Pot Pie Sauce.

This sauce gave me the perfect break from everything that’s been going on for the holidays,  with only 5 minutes of prep for a warm and delicious meal from scratch baked and ready about 40 minutes later. All I had to do for this perfect comfort meal was cut up some raw chicken, mix it in with some vegetables and stir it in with the sauce and pop it in my oven. I baked it for 25 minutes, put some canned biscuits on top and baked for an additional 15 minutes and then voila.

(Alternatively you can just bake it for 40 minutes total without the biscuits on top, and cook those separate or eat your pot pie with toast)

Servings 6

These are a delicious thick and juicy home grilled burger, topped with a thick slice of cheddar cheese, bacon, onion rings, and barbecue sauce.

Prep Time 5 mins

Cook Time 40 mins

Total Time 45 mins

  • 4 large chicken breasts (chopped up (about 2 1/2 cups)
  • 2 cups mixed frozen or fresh vegetables
  • 1 package Campbell’s® Chicken Pot Pie Oven Sauce
  • 6 large canned biscuits (uncooked)

  • Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.

  • Prepare your chicken and vegetables. Put them in a 9x13 baking dish and mix in your Campbell’s® Chicken Pot Pie Oven Sauce.

  • Bake for about 25 minutes.

  • Place 6 large uncooked biscuits on top of your chicken mixture and return to oven for an additional 15 minutes or until biscuits are golden and chicken is cooked through

Enjoy this delicious comforting meal made with Campbell’s® Oven Sauces!

and be sure to check out Campbell’s Kitchen on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest for more delicious recipe ideas.

What is the sauce made of in chicken pot pie?

What is the sauce made of in chicken pot pie? Heavy whipping cream, chicken broth or stock, butter, and all-purpose flour. Simmered together creates a luxurious, rich sauce that suspends the filling ingredients. This combination prevents a runny consistency that would make a soggy bottom crust as it sits.

How long do you cook a precooked chicken pot pie?

How to Reheat Chicken Pot Pie in the Oven.
Preheat your oven to 300 F. Cover the chicken pot pie with aluminum foil..
Bake your chicken pot pie for 15 minutes, then remove the aluminum foil..
Bake for another 10-15 minutes, or until the filling is heated through and the crust is flaky. ENJOY!.

Do you put eggs in chicken pot pie?

Really, chicken pot pie can be exactly what you make it—boiled eggs or no boiled eggs—but old-fashioned recipes and Southern grandmas alike do tend to claim that boiled eggs offer a unique creaminess to the filling and extra heartiness.

How do I make store bought chicken pot pie?

Conventional Oven Instructions.
Preheat 400°F. Remove pot pie from box. Leave pot pie in paper tray..
Wrap edge of pie crust with 3” strip of aluminum foil to protect it..
Place tray on baking sheet, center rack..
Cook 58-60 minutes. * Let stand 5 minutes..


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