Can I skip brushing my teeth one night Reddit

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Skipping One Night of Brushing Won’t Hurt, Right?

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Skipping One Night of Brushing Won’t Hurt, Right?

It’s been a long day. You’ve brushed the kids teeth, read them stories and tucked them in. You are ready to just close your eyes and then you remember, “I didn’t brush my teeth.” You think to yourself, “one night of not brushing won’t hurt. I’ll brush extra long in the morning. It’s not that big of a deal, right?”

The reality is that not brushing your teeth before bed is bad news. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends brushing your beautiful smile twice a day. Skip a session, and you’re on your way to encouraging the growth of bacterial buildup in the form of plaque, which can lead to cavities and even gum disease.

Chances are that you’ve felt plaque on your teeth throughout your day and haven’t even realized it. When you brush it disrupts that bacteria, so it doesn’t stay on your teeth and your gums. The problem is that when it is left in place it begins to attack your teeth. The longer plaque remains on your teeth the more likely it is to become tarter, which leads to inflammation and bleeding of your gums. The longer it remains untreated the more likely you are to loose a tooth.

By not brushing once you run the risk of skipping this nightly habit again and again. So, stick to the habit. Follow the simple and easy guidelines of the ADA: brush for two minutes, twice a day and floss at least once a day. Regular dental visits will also help to protect your pearly whites.

Mai-Ly Ramirez, DDS & Your Fountains Dental Excellence Team

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So basically right now I have a really bad headache and don't feel like spending practically 30 minutes cleaning my teeth (3 weeks into braces so cleaning still takes some time)...

I haven't eaten much after lunch (after which I did clean) so I think should be ok..

Do you guys/girls occasionally skip brushing?

level 1

I think it's better to have a not so good cleaning /brushing session than nothing at all.

The dental hygiene before sleeping is the most important one. Of course, doing it one time won't be much of a problem if you usually keep a very good hygiene routine, but this kinds of things can become habits really easily.

level 2

Agreed! A water flosser can also help cut back on the amount of time it takes to clean your teeth at night!

level 2

So I ended up sleeping about 10 minutes after posting so I didn't brush, I definitely want to keep my teeth clean and will make sure not to make this a habit.

I do have a water flosser which helps a lot.

All in all this was an update on what happened and thanks for all your advice.

level 1

No, never ever. Everything you leave on your teeth for more than 24 hours will definitely cause issues. Trust me, you do not wanna deal with calculus buildup and cavities with braces. Please, take care of your teeth. I know it can be tedious, but please please please. Floss and brush every night.

level 1

If I’m really lazy I just use my waterpik and brush my teeth and skip the traditional floss. Never skip a brushing. The first time I had braces I was lazy about my hygiene and I ended up with white spots all over my teeth (they are permanent, called decalcification) just brush your teeth quick

level 1

If I know I'm going to be too lazy to brush right before bed, I just do it about half an hour after dinner and then just have water for the rest of the evening.

level 1

There’s still food in your teeth whether or not you think it’s okay. It takes a few minutes to brush. Not brushing is what leads to bad habits. I’d never skip brushing with braces

Is it okay to skip brushing your teeth one night?

The reality is that not brushing your teeth before bed is bad news. The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends brushing your beautiful smile twice a day. Skip a session, and you're on your way to encouraging the growth of bacterial buildup in the form of plaque, which can lead to cavities and even gum disease.

What happens if I forgot to brush my teeth one night?

When you go without brushing, the bacteria in your mouth can put you at risk for tooth decay, can lead to much more serious conditions such as cavities or gum disease. Even in as little as one night, you can put your mouth at risk for developing the first stages of a cavity or gingivitis.

What happens if you dont brush one day?

When you don't brush, these bacteria get to work ingesting food particles and sugary debris that ultimately cause tooth decay. If you miss just one time brushing your teeth, the interaction between these particles and bacteria will likely create a bad taste and a bad smell in your mouth.


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