Can I take Advil before laser hair removal

We would recommend that you do not take Ibuprofen before your laser hair removal session. There is a possibility that this medication may cause bruising after your treatment. We would ask that you stop taking any products containing Ibuprofen 48 hours before your session. This time will allow the body to flush out this medication so that it won’t affect the outcome of your treatment. If you experience bruising after laser please know that this is a very temporary reaction. Your skin will return to normal after a few days. We would recommend lightly massaging the area using Arnica cream a few days after to treatment to help with this.

Please remember to

Medication and laser hair removal

Some medications may cause your skin to become photosensitive. This basically means if you are taking them your skin will be sensitive to light. As we are using light and heat when we are performing laser it is important that we are careful.  If you are taking medications that may cause photo sensitivity laser may result in pigmentation on your skin.

Most medications that are taken to treat Acne cause photo sensitivity so it is not possible to have laser while taking these. There are recommended time frames that you would have to wait until before treatment. To find out more about laser if you are taking medication please contact us. Let us know the name of the medication you are taking so that we can advise you on how long you would need to wait. It is super important that all medications are disclosed to us so that we can safely and effectively perform your treatments.

Just to recap we do not recommend you take Ibuprofen before laser hair removal as it may lead to bruising.

If you have any questions or are concerned about any medications you may be taking contact our friendly team.  All medications must be checked beforehand to ensure they are safe. Your safety is our number one priority and we will never take risks with your skin.

So I've heard it suggested on reddit before that taking ibuprofen before laser treatment is a good idea. I just discovered it's a terrible idea.

Ibuprofen, or something in it, is photoreactive, so it can cause the laser to burn. Not only that, the treatment is going to be less effective since any energy absorbed by the ibuprofen is taken out of play and isn't going to help toast out those follicles. You can't use ibuprofen within 8 hours of treatment.

While we're at it, I was also told that you can't use antibiotics 2 weeks before treatment.


For context in case it's specific to a particular laser's wavelength, my treatment was with an alexandrite laser, also known by the brand/product name Syneron Candela .

Please get advice from your clinic before using ibuprofen.

[Edit-edit] If you don't believe me, google 'ibuprofen phototoxicity' and make your own mind up about what the results mean.

[Late edit-edit-edit] I found this list of photosensitising medicine.

Laser Hair Removal Care Instructions

Before Your Treatment

  • Hydrate well by drinking plenty of fluids beginning 3 days before treatment.
  • If you get fever blisters, start your preventive medication the day before treatment.
  • Discontinue Tretinoin, Retin-A, and similar products 4 days before treatment.
  • No tanning, tanning beds, or tanning creams for 2 weeks before treatment.
  • No aspirin, Advil, Aleve, or similar medications for 7 days before treatment (Tylenol is OK).
  • If you are on a prescribed anticoagulant, discuss with your doctor in advance.
  • Bring a list of all your medications with you.
  • Arrive with clean skin. No lotion, make-up, perfume, powder, oils or other products on the area to be treated.
  • Please Shave the area to be treated prior to arrival.

After Your Treatment

  • Expect redness, swelling, and a sunburn sensation.
  • Wash your skin with a gentle cleanser twice a day and pat dry (do not scrubb).
  • You may apply cool compresses as needed for comfort (Not Ice).
  • You may take Tylenol as usual for discomfort.
  • Do not pick or scratch the treated area.
  • Keep yourself well hydrated.
  • Avoid all sun exposure!
  • If you go outdoors, wear sunblock with 30 to 50 SPF at all times.
  • No heavy exercise for 24 hours.
  • Do not apply make-up for 12 hours.

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Can you take Advil before laser?

Before Your Treatment No tanning, tanning beds, or tanning creams for 2 weeks before treatment. No aspirin, Advil, Aleve, or similar medications for 7 days before treatment (Tylenol is OK). If you are on a prescribed anticoagulant, discuss with your doctor in advance.

Can I take Advil or Tylenol before laser hair removal?

Acetaminophen or Tylenol taken one hour before your appointment may help reduce your pain experience. Be sure to avoid NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and Alieve, which can thin the blood and cause bruising and bleeding during treatment.

Can you take pain reliever before laser hair removal?

Is laser hair removal painful if you take medication beforehand? Actually, pre-medicating with over-the-counter pain relievers can significantly reduce discomfort during the procedure.

Can you take ibuprofen for laser hair removal?

Do not take Ibuprofen or Aspirin as these medicines may react to the laser light. If you need to apply make-up on the area you must apply and remove it delicately. Excess rubbing can open the treated area and increase the chance of scarring.

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