Can laser treatment permanently remove facial hair?

Shaving, plucking, or waxing hair can often be time-consuming. Many people turn to laser hair removal as a solution to take care of unwanted facial and body hair.

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent Forever?

After you have your first laser hair removal treatment, you will see a reduced number of hairs immediately. Hair growth may increase in the treated area from 2 to 8 weeks after since not all hair follicles respond equally to the treatment. It usually takes 3 to 8 sessions to achieve permanent hair loss. You may also need touch-up sessions about once a year.

How Long Does Permanent Laser Hair Removal Last?

After your initial treatments, laser hair removal should be permanent if you have a yearly touch-up session. You may even go years without seeing any regrowth. If you do, it tends to be finer and lighter in color and density than before.

Is Laser Hair Removal Bad?

You should receive your laser hair removal treatments from an experienced dermatologist. As with any procedure, side effects are possible, but the most common are discomfort, swelling, and redness, which may last for just a few days. More serious side effects such as scarring, or blistering are possible.

Does Laser Hair Removal Permanently Reduce Hair?

Laser hair removal permanently reduces hair. Even if some hair grows back, it should be less noticeable as well as finer and lighter than it was before your treatments.

Does Laser Hair Removal Lighten Skin?

Laser hair removal can sometimes lighten treated skin, but the effect is usually temporary. It’s more likely to happen if you have darker skin. Additionally, if you don’t avoid sun exposure as directed for six weeks before and after your treatment and use broad-spectrum sunscreen after your treatment, your skin may lighten.

How Painful is Laser Hair Removal?

If you’re receiving treatment in a sensitive area, your doctor may apply numbing gel on it before the laser is used. As the laser is used, some patients report a mild stinging sensation like a rubber band snapping.

Should I Shave Before Laser Hair Removal?

Shaving is recommended the day before your laser treatment. This removes the hair above the skin but leaves the hair shaft intact.

Is Laser Hair Removal Safe Long Term?

As with any procedure, you may experience some side effects, but they’re less likely to occur if your treatment is performed by or under the supervision of a dermatologist who has experience in providing laser hair removal treatments.

Can I Shower After Laser Hair Removal?

You shouldn’t shower or bathe immediately after laser hair removal, but your doctor will tell you how long you should wait. The time may range from 8 hours up to 48 hours since your skin may still be sensitive.

If you’d like more information about laser hair removal, make an appointment today with Hollywood Dermatology & Cosmetic Specialists in South Florida. Our medical staff offers the latest, most effective treatments to help you look and feel your best.

Men who are sick of ingrown hairs and razor burn are increasingly looking to lose their whiskers for good. Rachel Qin at Satori Laser Center in New York City estimates that one in every five customers is male, and that many of them are coming for facial hair removal treatments, primarily to combat ingrown hairs on the neck.

2. Think in terms of reduction, not removal.

Laser hair removal, the most popular and practical method for faces, will thin your beard by about 70-85 percent. If you're looking to get rid of your razor entirely, electrolysis is a better bet for eliminating every hair you've gotbut it's more painful, more expensive, and much more time-consuming.

3. It's ideal for shaping your facial hair

Because laser removal thins hair so effectively, it's perfect for those spots you constantly trim. You can clean up your neck (again, a common site of ingrown hairs), the tops of your cheeks, and the stragglers around your beard or mustache.

4. If you're an ideal candidate.

Laser removal finds your hair by targeting high-contrast spots of pigment. This means pale, dark-haired guys will get the best results. "If customers have light blonde, grey or red hair, we recommend that they try electrolysis," says Qin.

5. A complete laser treatment course runs around $4,000.

Sure, that's a lot compared to the cost of shaving, but what's it worth to sleep a little later every morning?

6. No pain, no gain.

Laser is aimed at destroying your hair follicles, not soothing your skin. Treatment itself feels like a bunch of rubber bands snapping on your face: uncomfortable, but brief.

7. You won't have to take a sick day.

Each laser session only lasts 15-30 minutes, and the worst it'll leave you with is the redness of a slight sunburn afterwards.

8. It takes time to see results.

For full-face treatment, laser can take up to six hours over the course of a year, while electrolysis can take up to 400 hours over four years. Makes sense that most people lean toward laser removal, right?

9. Even "permanent" treatments might not last forever.

After your initial sessions, laser removal may require once-a-year treatment to maintain the look. "As long as the body has metabolism, there is a chance that hair will grow," says Qin.

10. Guys who've had it love it.

One laser customer writes, "I'm very happy with the resultswhen it's done, I walk out of the room with a smile on my face." And an electrolysis patient sums it up: "Expensive? Yes! Painful? Yes! Worth it? Every penny!"

How long does facial hair laser removal last?

On the face, laser hair removal isn't typically permanent but may be long-lasting. Some people report seeing no hair return after 10 years or more. Others experience regrowth sooner and rely on annual touchup treatments to keep unwanted hair at bay.

Does facial hair grow back after laser hair removal?

After your laser session, the growth of new hair will be less noticeable. However, even though laser treatments damage hair follicles, they're not destroyed completely. Over time, the treated follicles may recover from the initial damage and grow hair again.

Does hair permanently go away after laser hair removal?

When the hairs do grow back, they'll be lighter, finer, and fewer in number. Although the procedure is often touted as a form of “permanent” hair removal, laser treatment only reduces the number of unwanted hairs in a given area. It doesn't get rid of unwanted hairs completely.


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