Can wisdom teeth cause headaches and fever

Everyone gets wisdom teeth once in a lifetime, but the experience is not the same for everyone. Even though wisdom teeth sprout in adulthood (ages 17 and 21), in many cases, they erupt with little problems while others end up dealing with several issues related to impacted wisdom teeth.

As wisdom teeth start to grow, most experience some kind of discomfort or pain, while in some cases, people even experience symptoms like redness and swelling of gums, pain in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), and swelling of the jaw. Some people even experience difficulties in eating food and speaking.

In extreme cases, symptoms that are not usually associated with impacted wisdom teeth can also occur and they can continue to get worse if there is an infection in them. This can lead to intense pain, fever, swelling, and other conditions.

Moreover, sometimes you may experience headaches when wisdom teeth start to erupt. But is this a common symptom? Is your headache being caused due to these extra teeth? Should you assume the two unrelated? Let’s see what the dentists have to say about it.

Is Your Headache Just A Headache?

  • Just because you have wisdom teeth erupting does not mean that you are getting a headache because of them. In certain cases, you could simply be experiencing a headache due to other reasons such as mental and physical stress. Or you could also be experiencing frequent headaches due to hormonal changes in your body, especially if the pain is on the sides of the head.

Keep in mind that in adolescence, wisdom teeth are not the only changes being made in your body, there are other things that can be causing a headache.

  • With that aside, it isn’t very uncommon for headaches to be directly associated with wisdom teeth. As these extra teeth start to erupt or partially erupt, you may be able to adjust how you bite food to accommodate the discomfort. This is actually very common in cases where the wisdom teeth are impacted, causing throbbing pain, or if they are infected.

When you adjust your bite, you also have to move your jaw in a different way which can cause the TMJ to become stressed or in extreme cases, dislocated. This can cause the surrounding muscles to work harder and when these muscles are under constant stress, they can start to spasm and cause pain that can be felt in the neck, head, and face. This could trigger headaches and migraine attacks.

What Is The Solution For Headaches Caused by Wisdom Teeth?

  • While you can find immediate relief by taking painkillers such as NSAIDs and Aspirin, these are not permanent solutions to the problem, especially if you are dealing with infected, or impacted wisdom tooth or teeth. The best solution recommended by Icon Dental Center dentists is to have your wisdom teeth extracted.

Wisdom teeth removal is a necessary procedure that you must go through even if they erupted perfectly and are pain-free. Dentists recommend having them extracted because these teeth are very hard to maintain and clean. 

So rather than waiting for unnecessary cavities and tooth decay on your wisdom teeth and other health issues associated with them, you will simply want to have them removed by a dentist whenever they are able to. This is the single best way to avoid pain and headaches related to these extra teeth. 

Visit Icon Dental today and have a one-on-one session with a dentist. We will advise diagnosis or treatment after thoroughly examining your wisdom teeth.

Growing wisdom teeth may cause pressure in and around the jaw. For certain people, added pressure or muscle strain in this area may cause or worsen migraine.

Most people develop wisdom teeth in their late teens or early twenties, and some — even later in life. Growing wisdom teeth can cause pain, infection, or swelling in the gums. The added pressure or strain due to these developing teeth may lead to or increase the severity of migraine.

Migraine is a type of headache that happens repeatedly and involves pulsing or throbbing pain. Approximately 12% of people in the United States report experiencing migraine.

This article discusses wisdom teeth and their possible connection with migraine. It also outlines available treatment options.

Orofacial pain refers to pain around the face, neck, head, or mouth. In certain instances, people may mistake orofacial pain for migraine headaches.

However, when wisdom teeth begin to grow, they can cause added sinus pressure. This pressure occurs primarily around the upper jaw region, which can also trigger migraine.

Alternatively, wisdom teeth may worsen a migraine already underway. A central nerve in the head picks up irritation, which may exacerbate migraine symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting.

Pain receptors throughout the head and mouth are all connected. Pain picked up in one area may indirectly worsen pain or symptoms a person experiences in another region.

For certain individuals, temporomandibular joint can heighten migraine symptoms and may increase the likelihood of it becoming chronic.

Migraine symptoms

Some of the most common migraine symptoms include:

  • severe headache that prevents routine activities
  • nausea or vomiting
  • sensitivity to light, smells, and different sounds
  • pounding or throbbing head pain
  • pain on one or both sides of the head

A person with symptoms of migraine may need to consult a doctor if pain:

  • makes it difficult to carry out daily activities
  • is moderate to severe and often intense
  • is on one or both sides of the head
  • causes a throbbing, pounding, or pulsating sensation
  • worsens with physical activity or any movement
  • causes nausea and vomiting
  • causes sensitivity to light, sounds, or smells

Doctors may also refer people who experience migraine to a neurologist if they have additional symptoms. These may include:

  • vision changes
  • sudden migraine onset
  • migraine that lasts for a number of days

A person should seek emergency medical attention if their headache accompanies the following symptoms:

  • confusion
  • slurred speech
  • clumsiness
  • numbness
  • difficulty standing

Wisdom teeth grow in the very back of the mouth. Most people have four wisdom teeth, one at the back of each row of teeth.

When wisdom teeth begin to grow, they can cause pain or inflammation. They can also harm other teeth in the mouth and may lead to infections.

Some of the signs that wisdom teeth are coming in may include:

  • pain around the back of the jaw that worsens over time
  • infection in the back of the mouth
  • tenderness or swelling

Treating wisdom teeth growing pains at home

Over-the-counter pain medications, such as ibuprofen, can help address this pain at home. Certain mouthwashes can also work to minimize inflammation.

Alternatively, rinsing with warm salt water can counter soreness and soothe inflamed gums.

Individuals concerned that their wisdom teeth are erupting or impacted should consult a dentist. The dentist can perform X-rays to determine the most suitable treatment.

If a person has a fully impacted wisdom tooth, the tooth remains underneath the gum line. Partially impacted wisdom teeth are partly visible, but most of the tooth remains hidden.

Impacted teeth can cause:

  • gum disease
  • tooth decay
  • pain
  • infection
  • damage to neighboring teeth
  • cysts or tumors

Impacted wisdom teeth can also lead to pain or swelling around the jaw region. Additionally, they may cause:

  • bleeding in the gums
  • bad breath
  • limited mouth mobility

For some individuals, the effects of impacted wisdom teeth can cause or worsen migraine.

People with impacted wisdom teeth should consult an oral surgeon to determine whether they will require removal surgery to alleviate jaw pain and any other related symptoms, such as headaches or migraine.

Read more about the recovery time of wisdom teeth removal here.

Wisdom teeth may exert pressure on muscles or nerves that can lead to or worsen migraine headaches. Growing wisdom teeth can also cause nerve damage that may result in migraine symptoms.

Although wisdom teeth may cause discomfort, there are many treatment options available. Home remedies can help reduce pain and migraine.

Wisdom tooth removal surgery may permanently resolve the pain or other symptoms.

Can wisdom teeth make you feverish?

Fever. Just like infections elsewhere in the body, an infected wisdom tooth may be accompanied by a fever or chills. If you have a fever and you're experiencing one or more of the symptoms listed here, it's very likely that you have a wisdom tooth infection.

How do I know if my headache is from wisdom teeth?

How Will You Know If Your Headache is Caused By Wisdom Teeth?.
Bad breath that does not go away with brushing..
Jaw pain or soreness..
A dull, throbbing sensation in your back teeth..
Pain when opening your mouth wide..
Swelling in your gums..
Difficulty swallowing..

Can wisdom teeth cause flu like symptoms?

Yes, an erupted wisdom tooth can cause cold-like symptoms. The viral or bacterial infection caused by the erupted wisdom tooth can lead to cold like symptoms, such as sore throat, coughing, runny nose, sore throat and even fever.

What are the symptoms of wisdom tooth infection?

However, when an impacted wisdom tooth becomes infected, damages other teeth or causes other dental problems, you may experience some of these signs or symptoms:.
Red or swollen gums..
Tender or bleeding gums..
Jaw pain..
Swelling around the jaw..
Bad breath..
An unpleasant taste in your mouth..
Difficulty opening your mouth..


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