Can you breed pufferfish in Minecraft?

Today we will explain everything about fishes in Minecraft, including their types, breeding and much more, so don’t go anywhere because this is about to get even more exciting.

Fishes in Minecraft

Fishes in Minecraft are best for decoration as you can craft an aquarium and then put fishes in it, increasing the beauty of your base or home.

Various fishes are available in different types of oceans in Minecraft, but the most common include cod, salmon, puffer, and tropical fish.

How to Breed Fishes in Minecraft

Unfortunately, you can only breed Axolotls, and the rest of the fishes cannot be bred, but hopefully, in future updates, it will be possible as Minecraft fans are requesting it.

The fishes are randomly spawned across all oceans and tend to remain close to each other without discrimination of species when they feel vulnerable.

Where to find Tropical, Cod, Salmon, and Puffer Fish in Minecraft

In Minecraft, almost every mob has a special only where they spawn and nowhere else unless you breed them, but breeding doesn’t work with fishes, so we will explain where to find them.

Lukewarm Ocean
The lukewarm ocean looks like the warm ocean in the image below:

Cold Ocean
You can spot a cold ocean by looking at the following image.

Where to get Tropical Fish in Minecraft

You can find about 22 unique tropical fish varieties in Minecraft with different color combinations, sizes, and patterns. They can easily be spotted in warm or lukewarm ocean biomes, and you can easily catch them by using an empty bucket; and they will be yours too, but water filled bucket means they will not die, and you can place them inside your pond or pool.

Did you know that tropical fishes are used for breeding Axolotls?

Where to get Cod in Minecraft
Cod is perhaps the only fish that spawns on the surface of the water, making it easier to be caught using a fishing rod, and it can be found in either normal, cold, or lukewarm oceans of the Minecraft world.

Where to get Puffer Fish in Minecraft
Puffer fish are the only passive mobs that can attack the player if provoked, and they can be found in the warm and lukewarm oceans of the Minecraft world. There are three states of puffer fish, and the poison damage is dealt to the players in all its forms.

Where to get Salmon Fish in Minecraft
Salmon in Minecraft is the only fish that can naturally be spawned in rivers, and it can also be found in cold and frozen oceans. They come in three sizes, i.e., small, medium, and large.


Fishes in Minecraft aren’t very useful mobs, but they sure can make your surroundings look even more charming, so keeping them is good as they can be a food source in hard times. Still, the only drawback is that they cannot be bred (apart from axolotls, of course), and that requires attention from Mojang because fans are waiting for the update on where they could breed fishes and today, we learned everything about them.

One of the most common questions that comes to the players' minds is whether one can breed fish in Minecraft.

So, can you breed fish in Minecraft? 

No, you cannot breed fish in Minecraft. Fishes spawn automatically in the water and cannot be bred in the game. 

There are no small baby fishes in Minecraft. However, fishes generally spawn naturally in ocean biomes. 

In this article, I've answered this question in more detail. 

I've also answered some related questions that are quite common among Minecraft players.

So, without any further ado, let's get into it! 


  1. Can you really breed fish in Minecraft?
  2. How to spawn fishes manually in Creative Mode in Minecraft
  3. Where do fishes naturally spawn in Survival Mode in Minecraft?
  4. Conclusion

Can you really breed fish in Minecraft?

It is not possible to breed fish in Minecraft. 

Fishes spawn naturally in the ocean biomes in the game.

However, one can spawn a fish manually in the creative mode in Minecraft. 

But, in the survival mode, one would not be able to do so. 

The next question that I've answered is regarding spawning fishes manually in Minecraft's creative mode. 

How to spawn fishes manually in Creative Mode in Minecraft

To spawn fishes manually in Minecraft's creative mode, you would require fish spawn eggs. 

There would be different spawn eggs for different fishes. 

For example, you would require a Salmon Fish spawn egg for spawning a Salmon Fish. 

Similarly, you need a Pufferfish spawn egg for spawning a Pufferfish.

After you acquire the spawn egg for a particular fish, you need to find a suitable place (preferably a water body) for spawning the fish.

Then, left-click on the selected place where you want to spawn the fish and then, the fish will be spawned.  

Now, if you're a survival player, you would want to know where you can find naturally spawned fishes in the survival mode of Minecraft! 

So, I've answered that question as well, in this article! 

Where do fishes naturally spawn in Survival Mode in Minecraft?

All the fishes in Minecraft generally spawn in oceans while Salmon fishes spawn in rivers. 

Different fishes usually spawn in different water regions. 

For example, Cod fishes spawn in normal, cold, and lukewarm oceans. 

On the other hand, Pufferfishes spawn in warm and lukewarm ocean biomes.

You can check out this page in Minecraft Fandom where the spawning regions of the fishes in the game are listed. 

How do you make pufferfish mate in Minecraft?

Right-clicking a Cod, Salmon, Pufferfish, or Tropical Fish with raw Kelp will put the fish into love mode. Right-clicking a nearby fish of the same type will cause them to swim towards each other and breed.

How do you tame a pufferfish in Minecraft?

The easy one is simple enough – cast a fishing rod into the sea and wait. When you get a bite then reel it in. If it's not a pufferfish, then toss it back into the water and try again until you get one. The medium-difficulty option involves hunting down a living pufferfish in a warm or lukewarm ocean biome.

What do you feed puffer fish in Minecraft?

Consume anything that can be consumed. Use a fishing rod to catch any of these fishes: Cod. Salmon..
Baked Potato..
Beetroot Soup..
Chorus Fruit..
Cooked Chicken..

How rare is it to fish a pufferfish in Minecraft?

Pufferfish will also only spawn on the surface of water. Pufferfish can also be obtained in the following ways: There is an 11% chance of reeling in a Pufferfish with a Fishing Rod. There is a 0.325% chance for a Guardian or Elder Guardian to drop a Pufferfish.


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