Can you eat soggy cereal after wisdom teeth removal

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After a tooth extraction, liquid soups like tomato soups and other purees are also good choices because they do not require chewing and have no pieces that could become trapped in the sockets.

Protein shakes and smoothies made with milk or juice and some protein powder can provide nutrition. Do not use a straw to drink your smoothie or any beverage because the suction can dislodge the clots that form over the exposed sockets.

Best foods to eat after teeth removal (0 – 2 days)

As most people will be feeling very tender after the surgery it is best to stick to really soft foods. The following foods can be consumed the entire way through your recovery. Note: Immediately following surgery no hot foods should be consumed as your face will still be numb and you may burn yourself. Wait at least an hour prior to attempting warm foods.

Any foods that require no chewing

  • Yogurt (frozen or normal) – No fruit bits or nuts
  • Jello
  • Ice cream / Sorbet / Milkshake
  • Luke warm soups
  • Pudding
  • Eggs
  • Soggy Cereal (Oatmeal)
  • Well cooked pasta

Food to eat after teeth extraction (2 – 5 days)

You should be able to start returning hot food items to the menu by the second day as the blood clots will be more stable and less likely to restart bleeding.

Any foods that require minimal chewing.

  • Bread
  • Yogurt (frozen or normal) – Including fruit bits
  • Pasta
  • Noodles
  • Soft vegetables – Including hot mashed potatoes
  • Ground beef
  • Chicken
  • Mince products (Lasagna)
  • Eggs
  • Cheese
  • Soups

Final recovery period (> 5 Days)

At this point in time you will likely be starting to feel ready to test out your mouth on some different foods. Depending on how easily your teeth came out will depend on how easy eating harder foods will go. Remember – this is only a guide and if you don’t feel comfortable eating the suggested foods then please continue with the previous stage for longer.

In this stage feel free to eat anything you are comfortable with.

Wisdom teeth removal is a very painful process and until the wound has healed, it might not be advisable to eat some foods like cereals with hard bits in them which may damage the stitches being done to heal the wound.

It is best to wait for a couple of days after the surgery before you have anything solid. Also, it would be essential that your dentist or oral surgeon give you guidelines about what kind of food items are safe to eat and ask him/her if you can have cereal after the surgery.

If he/she gives you permission to eat cereals, make sure that it is either cooked or easy-to-chew ones like Cheerios. There are other ready-made cereal products available in markets that are softer and easier on your teeth than others like marshmallows (marshmallow fluff, for instance).

What cereals can I eat after wisdom teeth removal?

After having your wisdom teeth removed you may experience some facial swelling, pain, and discomfort. This makes it difficult to chew hard foods like some cereals which contain raw oats or raisins that might hurt the wound site while trying to bite on them.

If it’s too early, chewing even soft foods like cereal might be painful and cause bleeding. Also, there are certain cereals/foods which are easier on your teeth than others like marshmallows (e.g., marshmallow fluff). Therefore, it would be best to keep away from certain foods or wait until your dentist says it’s okay before you start munching on anything solid.

You may be able to eat some healthful foods like fruits and vegetables if you are not taking any medication for pain. However, make sure that they are soft items that do not have chunky pieces or seeds in them.

These days there are many brands of cereal that contain no hard grains at all so if your surgeon permits you to have cereal, these are the best option.

Be sure to check with your dentist before having anything solid for meals. If otherwise, you might end up damaging the stitches and causing more trouble than you were in before your wisdom teeth came out.

Can I have soggy cereal after tooth extraction?

Depending on the intrusiveness of the procedure, you may be allowed to start on liquid foods a few hours after a tooth extraction. Foods like ice-cream, soups, pudding, yogurt and cereal are okay.

When can I eat cereal after oral surgery?

For 2 days after surgery, drink liquids and eat soft foods only. Such as milkshakes, eggnog, yo- gurt, cooked cereals, cottage cheese, smooth soups, mashed potatoes, refried beans, ice cream, pudding, fruit smoothies and protein shakes.

Can I eat a soft sandwich after wisdom teeth removal?

You are safe to eat soft foods about 24 to 48 hours after wisdom teeth removal. Wisdom tooth removal is a common surgery, but it is considered invasive, so healing afterward takes as long as two weeks.

How long do you have to eat mushy food after wisdom teeth?

Generally, you'll want to stick to liquids and soft, mushy foods for 3 to 5 days, including: Blended soups (easy to eat, nutrient-rich and hydrating) Broths (full of essential vitamins and minerals to aid recovery) Yogurt.


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