Can you mix conditioner with hair dye to make it lighter

Nowadays, the process of coloring your hair, whether temporarily or on a permanent level, has been ruling the world of styling. People have been experimenting with their looks and opting for bold colors to leave their mark and make an impression on others. But, hairstylists always recommend not to experiment with your tresses and any hair dye without complete knowledge as it could cause more harm than benefit. 

Recently, a friend of mine asked me if it would work well for her hair if she mixed up a conditioner with her hair dye. This got the wheels churning in my head and prompted me to go deeper into the process and find all the reliable information on this. If you're someone who's into hair colors and are thinking along the same lines as my friend, then jump into this space for all the details to ensure that your experiment doesn’t fail and yields the results you desire. 

Table of Contents

  • Benefits Of Mixing Conditioner With Hair Dye
  • Steps To Mix Conditioner With Hair Dye
  • Best Conditioners To Dilute Your Hair Dye
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Benefits Of Mixing Conditioner With Hair Dye

Mixing conditioner with hair dye has several benefits for your hair.

1. Provides protection to your hair against the harsh chemicals of the hair dye.

2. Protects the smooth, super soft, and silky texture of your tresses. 

3. Dilutes and lightens the color of the dye so that it can easily blend with the shade of your choice.

4. The mix-up of conditioner and dye can be used to revitalize your existing color and enhance its intensity. 

Steps To Mix Conditioner With Hair Dye

Here are the easy steps that are required to be followed for mixing conditioner with hair dye.

  • Select any hair dye color of your choice, preferably one with vibrant shade such as pink, blue, purple, pink, etc., that can be effectively faded when mixed with a conditioner. 
  • Make your choice of a conditioner; try to go for a pale shade so that its color does not interfere with the color of your hair dye. 
  • Combine ⅓ of a single cup of the conditioner with a big tablespoon of the hair dye in a container. 

  • Thoroughly mix the two ingredients until they are completely integrated.
  • Proceed to add this mixed-up solution to the remaining hair dye.
  • Continue to color your hair as instructed on the box.  

Best Conditioners To Dilute Your Hair Dye

While making your choice of a conditioner to mix with your hair dye, don’t just go completely random. It’s always better to cover all the essentials while making a decision so that it provides you with the results you wish for. And, of course it is always better to go with natural products. 

WOW Coconut Avocado Hair Conditioner 

The coconut avocado hair conditioner makes for an exceptional addition to your hair care regimen. Several soothing and nurturing ingredients such as Vitamin B5, Vitamin E, olive oil, castor oil, almond oil, jojoba oil, argan oil, and citric acid are a part of this formulation. This conditioner from WOW Skin Science effectively hydrates your hair shaft and fights against brittle strands. If you have issues that your hair color might be too vibrant and sore to the eye, then this conditioner will effortlessly lighten the hair color after mixing is done. 

The luxurious conditioner will also strengthen your hair follicles and fight well against breakage as well. Free from parabens, sulfate, and other hazardous chemicals, the conditioner is safe for all types of hair and will not cause any side effects to your glorious locks. 

Coconut milk conditioner

The multipurpose coconut milk conditioner from WOW Skin Science is a top-notch product which, when mixed with the hair dye of your choice, can effectively help in the deposition of your hair color deep into your strands. This conditioner packed with hydrolyzed keratin will effectively nourish your hair shaft and make your hair look lustrous and shiny. 

Infused with the goodness of rich aloe vera extract, the moisturizing conditioner can be easily mixed with any hair dye of your choice. Add this product to your regimen and bask in the glory of several benefits it yields. 

Moroccan Argan Oil Conditioner

The lightweight conditioner from WOW Skin Science is a hydrating formulation that combines niacin, castor oil and vitamin E, which strengthen your hair shaft and soften your hair. You can mix this conditioner with your hair dye to reap multiple benefits without fearing any side effects. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

1. Does adding conditioner to hair dye make it last longer?

Adding a premium quality conditioner to your hair dye can slightly lighten it and can also result in the hair color lasting for a long time. 

2. What happens if I use permanent hair color without a developer?

A developer helps in opening the cuticles of your hair. If it is not used, the color molecules will just settle in the outer layer of the hair shaft and fade out much quicker. 

3. Can I use conditioner after dying my hair?

A sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner can be used 72 hours after you’ve dyed your hair. 


Gaining essential knowledge about different hair colors available out there can help you sort out your choices conveniently and settle on the one that suits all your preferences. All the products and tips listed in this article will make it easier to help you achieve the look that you’re digging. If you wish to have your hair colored but don’t wish for the color to be too overwhelming, then mixing it with a conditioner is the perfect option to go ahead with.


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