Can you use orajel mouthwash after tooth extraction

Modern tooth extractions are much less painful and disruptive than in years gone by. However, they still represent a trauma to your body, and you should take the time to look after your oral health carefully until the wound is fully healed. Here's what to do.

Keep the Gauze in Place

If your dentist has placed a gauze over the wound, leave it in place for two hours unless you've been told differently. After two hours a clot should have formed and all bleeding stopped, and the gauze can be carefully removed.

Take It Easy

Try and get some rest to help you recover more quickly. If possible, take the rest of the day off work, and avoid exercise of all kinds for at least 24 hours. Any activity which raises your pulse risks opening up the wound again.

Don't Touch the Wound

Your mouth will likely feel strange because of the newly created gap. However, resist the urge to feel out the wound with your tongue, and especially avoid touching the gap with your fingers.

Until the wound is fully healed, even a small touch can dislodge the vital blood clot and delay recovery. Even worse, any bacteria which find their way into the wound can quickly cause serious infections in the tender gums.

Pain Killers

Take only the painkillers advised by your dentist, which will usually be paracetamol or ibuprofen. Avoid aspirin, as this will work as a blood thinner and slow down clotting and healing.

Don't Smoke or Drink

Avoid smoking for at least 48 hours after an extraction as the chemicals in the smoke can delay healing, and even provoke serious complications such as inflammation of the empty socket.

Similarly, drinking alcohol can slow down clot formation, cause new bleeding, and delay healing.

Avoid Mouthwash

Even if you have a bad taste in your mouth, avoid using mouthwash, especially those products containing alcohol. The action of rinsing and spitting can easily open up the wound again. However, if the bad taste lasts for longer than a day or two, call your dentist for advice.

Eat Carefully

You may not feel particularly hungry after an extraction, but if you do, stick to soft foods in small portions to avoid difficulties chewing. In particular, avoid anything with a hard or chewy texture, such as raw vegetables, fruits, or candy.

Sip Drinks

While it's important not to become dehydrated, especially after any heavy bleeding, sip only small amounts of drinks at body temperature when you're thirsty. Hot drinks can dissolve the clotting before the wound fully heals, while cold drinks can give a nasty shock to the newly tender areas.

Also, avoid using a straw to drink, as the sucking action can irritate the wound, potentially leading to a complication known as dry socket.

Use an Ice Pack

Using an ice pack on the outside of your cheek can reduce swelling, speed up healing, and provide some relief from any discomfort. However, if the ice causes any strange itching sensations, or increased pain, then stop using it immediately and consult your dentist if the symptoms continue.

If all goes well, you should be completely over the extraction within a week. However, if you find that you're still feeling strong effects after 24 hours, then speak to your dentist or oral surgeon, who can advise if a return to the surgery is necessary.

It’s possible to temporarily relieve pain and kill bacteria by pouring in some Anbesol, Orajel, or Oil of Clove liquid. To alleviate pain, apply a few drops of the solution to the socket several times a day, and cover the area with a gauze pad for 10 minutes.

Table of Contents

  • When can I use Orajel mouthwash after tooth extraction?
  • What kind of mouthwash can you use after tooth extraction?
  • Can I use medicated mouthwash after tooth extraction?
  • How long should you wait to drink water after getting a tooth pulled?
  • Can mouthwash cause dry socket?
  • Do and don’ts after tooth extraction?

When can I use Orajel mouthwash after tooth extraction?

Blood clots form over the socket when the bleeding has stopped. It’s critical that you avoid disturbing the blood clot, as doing so could result in further bleeding from the socket. After your surgery, you should begin using mouthwashes right away.

What kind of mouthwash can you use after tooth extraction?

After a tooth extraction, you should avoid using mouthwash to prevent the blood clot from dissolving. For at least 24 hours following the extraction, refrain from using any mouthwash. Instead, swish warm salt water around in your mouth for a few minutes to keep things fresh.

Can I use medicated mouthwash after tooth extraction?

Because it contains alcohol, mouthwash should not be used after extraction. This is an ingredient that should be avoided as soon as the tooth has been extracted because of the danger it poses. This can cause the patient’s socket to dry out, resulting in irritation and pain.

How long should you wait to drink water after getting a tooth pulled?

Do’s and Don’ts in the World of Alcohol.Unless you are taking medication, you should refrain from drinking any liquids for at least an hour after your extraction. Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day is a good idea after any extraction, but it’s especially important after more complicated procedures (such as multiple tooth extractions).

Can mouthwash cause dry socket?

It’s important to remember that, despite the absence of potentially harmful ingredients, commercial mouthwashes contain alcohol. When applied to the affected area, this may cause a burning or itching sensation, as well as the painful condition known as dry socket.

Do and don’ts after tooth extraction?

Rest well – Your body needs time to recover from a tooth extraction. Rest well is essential. Rest for at least the first 24 hours and avoid strenuous activity for at least the next 48 hours after the procedure has been completed. In order to help the blood clot and speed up healing, you should rest or sleep with your head elevated on pillows.

What kind of mouthwash can you use after tooth extraction?

Use an antiseptic mouth rinse, like Listerine, (chlorhexidine or Peridex™, if prescribed) beginning the evening of the procedure. This will help with bad taste or odor of your healing mouth. The day after surgery you should rinse with Listerine 5 to 10 times a day especially after eating.

Can you use Orajel after surgery?

Be sure to take the prescribed antibiotics as directed to help prevent infection. You can also swab the area of surgery with Orajel or Ambesol on a Q-tip or use a 50:50 mixture of sore throat spray and water used as a mouth rinse for management of discomfort, especially before a meal.

Can I use oral pain relief after tooth extraction?

Pain medications are normally required after tooth extraction surgery. If you can take ibuprofen (Motrin® or Advil®), take 400–600 mg every 6–8 hours or as prescribed by your doctor. Ibuprofen will help with pain relief and as an anti-inflammatory.


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