Cheers to love cheers to honor if you cant come in her come on her meaning

Smack-Fu Master, in training

Registered: Dec 11, 2000

Posts: 92

Here's one I hear often that I like:
Here's to Honor
Get on her
Stay on her
If you can't c** in her
C** On her

Anyone know the rest of the following toast. Saw it in a movie once but for the life of me I can't remember either the movie or the rest of the toast.

"From my top to your bottom. From my bottom to your top. From my middle to your middle.???"

Ars Praefectus

Registered: Oct 23, 2003

Posts: 3828

"From my top to your bottom, from my bottom to your top...from my middle to your good John and you might just get a little!"

The Lady Chablis


"I drank WHAT?!"
Ars Legatus Legionis

Tribus: Melbourne, Australia (formally Bristol, UK)

Registered: Jun 15, 2001

Posts: 12643

My friend said "Ladies and kinky sex!" at another friend's wedding. No-one was expecting that, I can tell you. -- View image here: // --

And of course there's always the classic:

"To wives and girlfriends...may they never meet!"

Ars Praefectus

Registered: Aug 28, 2001

Posts: 4207

"Here's to absent friends. And the ones who are here now."

"Beard Fightmaster"
Ars Legatus Legionis
et Subscriptor

Registered: Apr 27, 1999

Posts: 20526

quote:Originally posted by 51t:
Here's one I hear often that I like:
Here's to Honor
Get on her
Stay on her
If you can't c** in her
C** On her

Anyone know the rest of the following toast. Saw it in a movie once but for the life of me I can't remember either the movie or the rest of the toast.

"From my top to your bottom. From my bottom to your top. From my middle to your middle.???"

NONONO! That's not the whole thing!

To Honor:

I offered my honor
She honored my offer
All night long
I was Honor and Off her
Here's to
Hittin' Honor
Gettin' Honor
Stayin' Honor
If you can't cum in her
Cum honor

"Friendly Neighborhood Canadiaman"
Ars Legatus Legionis

Tribus: San Francisco

Registered: Apr 11, 2000

Posts: 51842

"Here's to those that wish us well, and all the rest can burn in hell!"

"Cheers, beers and great big tits!"

et Subscriptor

Tribus: Starbase 375

Registered: Jun 12, 2001

Posts: 34545

My friends and I often toast to the fall of Western Civilization. It's kind of a running joke.

I'm also a fan of the old Irish saying (now since used in a thousand movies), which although I don't know if it was ever intended as a toast certainly makes a great one.

"May those who love us, love us. Those that hate us - may God turn their hearts. And if He can't turn their hearts, may He turn their ankles so we'll know them by their limping."

Ars Tribunus Angusticlavius
et Subscriptor

Registered: Jun 12, 2000

Posts: 9999

Here's to the women we love,
Here's to the women that love us,
If the women we love don't love us,
Fuck the women, here's to us.

Ars Legatus Legionis
et Subscriptor

Registered: Jan 6, 2000

Posts: 40734

This is long, and is basically a bunch of other toasts strung together:

quote:This is a toast to rape, riot, and revolution
May prostitution flourish, may virginity cease
May son of a bitch become a household word
Bees do it and die, birds do it and fly
Dogs do it and stick to it, so why can't you and I?
Friends may come, friends may go,
Friends may peter out you know
But we'll be friends through thick and thin so peter out or peter in
When the frost is on the pumpkin, that's the time for dickey-dunkin
But when the weather's hot and sticky, that's the time for dunkin' dickey
May bloody piles possess you, may corns adorn your feet
May crabs the size of lobsters sit on your balls and eat
And when you're old and gray and in a syphilitic wreck
May you fall right through your asshole and break your fuckin' neck

"Bozo nightmare"
Ars Tribunus Militum
et Subscriptor

Tribus: It becomes normal, if you keep doing it. Everything does.

Registered: Oct 9, 1999

Posts: 2845

The only toasts I use:

Me: "To infinity..."
Others: "And beyond!"

Or, "To hell with the lot of you!"

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What's the toast if you can't come in her come on her?

Here's to courage, here's to honour. If you can't come in her, come on her! Cheers. Here's to getting honor, here's to staying honor, and if you can't cum in her cum honor.

What are good cheers to say?

To Your Health.
May your beautiful lips never blister! ... .
May you live for as long as you want, and never want for as long as you live! ... .
Strike hands with me. ... .
To absent friends, and to ourselves, as no one is likely to concern themselves with our welfare. ... .
Health to those I love, wealth to those who love me..

What do you say when you toast?

Simply lift your glass and say, “Hear, hear”, or “Cheers.” *Do keep your toast short. *Do toast the host in return if you are the guest of honor and are being toasted.

Where are you expected to say kampai instead of Cheers?

Japan. In order to cheers in Japanese with your sake in hand, you will want to know the word “kampai”. The word means empty cup or bottoms up and which is first said by the most senior member of the hosting family and always let their glass be higher than yours.


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