Do a Deer Piano Notes easy



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Brandy Vetor


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Doh! A Deer, Piano, Sheet Music, Beginner

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We have added the letter notes of Do Re Mi – Sound of Music song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Do Re Mi – Sound of Music piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Do Re Mi – Sound of Music Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

C__ D_ E_ C_ E – C_ E
Doe, a deer, a female deer

D__E__F_ F_ E-D_ F
Ray, a drop of golden sun

E__F_ G_ E_ G_ E – G
Me, a name I call myself

F__ G_ A__A__ G_ F_ A
Far, a long, long way to run…

G_ C_ D – E__F – G__ A
Sew, a needle pulling thread

A_ D_ E_ F_G – A_B
La, a note to follow so

B__E__F__ G__ A__ B__^C
Tea, a drink with jam and bread

^C__ B__ A__F_ B__G ^C G E_D
That will bring us back to do oh oh oh…

Do Re Mi – Sound of Music Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Do__ Re_ Mi_ Do_ Mi – Do_ Mi
Doe, a deer, a female deer

Re__Mi__Fa_ Fa_ Mi-Re_ Fa
Ray, a drop of golden sun

Mi__Fa_ Sol_ Mi_ Sol_ Mi – Sol
Me, a name I call myself

Fa__ Sol_ La__La__ Sol_ Fa_ La
Far, a long, long way to run…

Sol_ Do_ Re – Mi__Fa – Sol__ La
Sew, a needle pulling thread

La_ Re_ Mi_ Fa_Sol – La_Si
La, a note to follow so

Si__Mi__Fa__ Sol__ La__ Si__^Do
Tea, a drink with jam and bread

^Do__ Si__ La__Fa_ Si__Sol ^Do Sol Mi_Re
That will bring us back to do oh oh oh…

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Do a deer musical notes?

Note Settings.
C D E C E - C E. Doe, a deer, a female deer..
D E F F E-D F. Ray, a drop of golden sun..
E F G E G E - G. Me, a name I call myself..
F G A A G F A. Far, a long, long way to run....
G C D - E F - G A. Sew, a needle pulling thread..
A D E F G - A B. La, a note to follow so..
B E F G A B ^C. ... .
^C B A F B G ^C G E D..

What notes are Do Re Mi?

Not every country uses the same method of do, re mi! The official name for this is “solfege”. If you are in the key of C Major, “do” would be C, “re” would be D, and “mi” would be E, etc. Or if you are in the key of A Major, “do” is A, “re” is B, “mi” is C#.