Do cats sleep with their owners

If you are a cat owner you may have noticed that your cat prefers to sleep in your bed rather than their own. In fact, it’s not that uncommon for them to completely ditch their own bed and spend as much time as possible sleeping with you. In this article we answer the questions Why Do Cats Like To Sleep With Their Owners?

Cats are very vulnerable when they are sleeping and like to find a place, or person, that they trust to sleep on. When they sleep with their owner they are confirming to you that they trust you.

While your cat does trust you they also want to keep warm and they love the heat from their humans. They also love your duvet and blanket that provide extra warmth. Your cat loves that you are a human hot water bottle for them.

There is no doubt that your cat loves you and wants to spend time with you, but they also want to tell you they love you by spending time with you. Cats don’t like to be alone – despite what people think about cats being independent.

Often an Igloo style bed like this one can help your cat feel more comforted and safe at night.

Why Do Cats Sleep On Your Head?

Have you ever had an older relative tell you to put a hat on to keep warm? Well, there is a reason for that! You lose a lot of heat from your head. So, it makes sense that your cat would want to be where all the heat is.

It’s also the safest place for a cat to be as your head moves the least amount during the night. Whereas your arms and legs tend to be the most active during the night and potentially the most likely to disturb them.

A warm safe place is a perfect spot for your cat to feel relaxed and comforted.

Should You Sleep With Your Cat?

It’s a very personal choice whether you want your cat to sleep in your bed. Some people hate the idea and others wouldn’t have it any other way.

There are pros and cons to both, so it’s important to consider either side and see which option suits you and your cat best.

Pros and Cons Of Sleeping With Your Cat

Pros Of Your Cat Sleeping With You

Warm and Cosy – Both you and your cat will benefit from the heat of sharing a bed. There is nothing cosier than a cat snuggling with you at night.

Stress Relief – When you have had a stressful day there is nothing more relaxing than snuggling into bed with your cat and a good book or a movie. All animals are a great stress relief.

Bond with your cat – The more time you spend with your cat the greater the bond you will have with them. Cats are very loyal animals and will soon become your best friend. People tend to assume that cats are independent and don’t need a lot of time and attention, however, they can be just as loyal to their owners as a dog.

Cons Of Your Cat Sleeping With You

Dirty Feet – Cats are outside a lot of the time and can bring in all sorts of mud and dirt on their paws. They also will either be toileting outside or using a litter tray and could transfer some of this dirt onto your bed.

A Cat Litter Mat can be a great help when trying to keep cat litter transferring from the tray to the bed/furniture.

Cats don’t sleep through the night – Most cats like to be active at night as they spend a lot of the day sleeping. This means that you could experience a disturbed night of sleep.

Allergies – You may find that pet hair in your bed causes you to suffer from allergies. People can develop an allergy to pets that they never had before if they spend a lot of time in close contact with them.

Try keeping the bed clean with this Pet Hair Roller. Not only are they good for your clothes, but they also help remove pet hair from the bed.

Do you let your cat sleep in your bed? Let us know in the comments below.

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Should you let your cat sleep with you?

“For healthy cats and owners, the benefits outweigh the potential risks.” Many cat owners report immense mental health benefits from co-sleeping with their pet, stressing how their pet helps them sleep more soundly. “I recommend co-sleeping with a cat because doing it makes me happy.

What percentage of cats sleep with their owners?

According to the 2021–2022 American Pet Products Association National Pet Owners Survey, 43 percent of pet dogs in the United States and 49 percent of pet cats sleep on their owner's bed.

Does my cat love me if he sleeps with me?

Sleeping Near You A cat who chooses to sleep on or close to you is showing their love and trust in you. Even if they choose to lie just out of reach for petting, this means that they feel safe and trust that you will protect them, or they will protect you if danger appears.


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