Do thc edibles make your eyes red

You’ve probably noticed that a lot of people who smoke cannabis often end up with red eyes. This distinctive sign is a dead giveaway that you’ve smoked weed… but what if you’ve consumed something a little different? 

Cannabis products come in all shapes and sizes these days. Many of them are edible – do these also make your eyes red?

What are edibles? 

Edible products are one of the many ways that you can consume cannabis and its compounds. Typically you’ll find three main types of cannabis edibles:

  • THC edibles 
  • CBD edibles 
  • THC/CBD edibles 

THC and CBD are two naturally occurring compounds found in cannabis and hemp plants. Both THC and CBC are called major cannabinoids, meaning that they’re two of the most common cannabinoids found. Cannabinoids can be extracted from cannabis or hemp plants using various extraction techniques to produce oil. This oil is then used to produce edible products. 

THC and CBD share some similar therapeutic effects, but they do affect the body differently. The main difference between THC and CBD is that THC induces a high, whereas CBD won’t result in any intoxicating effects. 

When it comes to edible products, the world is your oyster!  National and regional legalizations affecting cannabis and cannabis products have led to a boom in edible product options. Edible cannabis products that you might come across include:

  • Gummies
  • Chocolate
  • Chewing gum 
  • Candy 
  • Mints
  • Brownies 
  • Cookies 
  • Drinks (e.g., smoothies, flavored water) 
  • Supplements 

Do edibles make your eyes red?

You might get red eyes if you consume edibles, but it depends on the type of edible you ingest. THC and CBD will have very different effects on you. 

THC edibles 

THC edibles can make your eyes red due to the effect that THC has on your blood vessels (1). We know that THC can lower blood pressure, and, when this happens, your blood vessels dilate. We all have many tiny blood vessels in our eyes, and it is thought that the dilation of these vessels due to THC is what causes the post-smoking or post-edible “bloodshot” look.    That same drop in blood pressure is also responsible for the dizzy feeling that people often experience when smoking weed or any edibles that contain THC, including CBD/THC edibles.

CBD edibles 

CBD, on the other hand, doesn’t dilate blood vessels like THC. So, if you’re consuming edibles that only contain CBD (and contain no THC traces) then you shouldn’t experience red eyes. 

Is it dangerous to get red eyes?

THC-induced red eyes aren’t dangerous, but they can leave your eyes feeling irritated, slightly puffy, and uncomfortable. 

There are other reasons why you might be experiencing red eyes, especially if you’ve been consuming CBD-only edibles. If you have red or irritated eyes, then you might want to discuss your symptoms with a doctor. You could be experiencing an allergy, an issue with contact lenses, or eye fatigue. 

How to treat red eyes 

If your edibles are causing you to experience red eyes, there are some steps you can take to reduce the redness. 

  • Reduce your THC intake: switching to CBD-only edibles, or edibles with lower percentages of THC, should help reduce your blood vessel dilation and, thus, reduce the redness that you’ve been experiencing. 
  • Drink lots of water: keeping hydrated will help reduce the eye dryness and irritation that can come with THC consumption. 
  • Use eye drops: eye drops specifically formulated for dry and red eyes can reduce the appearance of bloodshot eyes and may lessen irritation, too. 
  • Apply a cool compress to your eyes: a cool face cloth pressed against your eyes can help reduce the puffiness and irritation that can make red eyes even redder. 

In summary 

Edibles can make your eyes turn red, but it depends on the type of edible that you consume. THC is the culprit behind bloodshot eyes after cannabis use, and so any edible containing THC could cause red eyes. The good news is that red eyes aren’t dangerous. If your eyes are bothering you, though, there are a few steps you can take to lessen redness and irritation.

Do you suffer from red eyes after smoking or eating an edible? Why does this happen? Is it dangerous? Discover why cannabis makes your eyes red and how to soothe them with some simple solutions.


  • Why edibles make your eyes red
  • Discover why this is nothing to worry about
  • Suggestions for combating the red-eye look and discomfort

Why You Will Love This Guide

If you're brand new to cannabis, red eyes may cause panic, leaving you worried that cannabis use can damage your eyes.

Thankfully, this is a common misconception, and you can rest easy knowing that there are no significant health risks associated with red, bloodshot eyes.

The cannabis plant contains many different cannabis compounds.

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The Cause of Red Eyes 

For recreational consumers and medical marijuana patients, intense bloodshot eyes are a dead giveaway of recent marijuana use, gaining the unpopular nickname "stoner eyes."

The main reason cannabis consumers experience blood-red eyes is the active ingredient tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), as found in my THC gummies.

Note, that red eyes are not typically associated with the consumption of CBD products which result in different effects.

The short answer?

THC lowers your blood pressure, causing the dilation of the blood vessels and capillaries in the eyes.

As the ocular capillaries dilate, the expansion of our blood vessels increases blood flow into our eyes.

This increased blood flow reduces intraocular eye pressure, benefitting glaucoma patients (1).

However, this also creates unwanted redness in the white of the eye.

For the regular consumer, the main issue is that this can be uncomfortable and unsuitable for everyday life, especially in professional settings.

Smoking vs. Edibles

Just like smoking, red eyes can be a telltale sign that you’ve consumed cannabis with the active ingredient THC.

THC binds with the endocannabinoid receptors in your eye, dropping your blood pressure levels.

This makes your blood capillaries and vessels expand, increasing the flow of blood on the surface of the eyes.

This is the primary cause of your eyes turning red and happens regardless of whether you smoke or eat THC.

While redness can be expected when you consume edibles, it does not mean it will occur every time you have them.

Every edible has a different concentration of THC, suggesting that sometimes your eyes will be redder, while for others, they will not be red at all.

It is important to note that redness caused by consuming edibles can last longer than when you smoke cannabis.

This is because it takes longer to reach its maximum effect, approximately, 2-3 hours, while the redness may last between 4-12 hours.

Your tolerance, weight, and metabolism will determine how long it will take for the redness to clear.

Remember, edibles affect everyone differently. In addition, the individual health status of each person matters.

Factors like sex, blood pressure, and genetics will influence the effect of the edibles on the body.

For example, people with lower blood pressure may experience bloodshot eyes even with a low concentration of THC.

On the other hand, people with high blood pressure may need edibles with a higher concentration of THC to lower their blood pressure enough to cause red eyes. 

How to Reduce Red Eyes

The quantity and quality of the cannabis you consume will determine the intensity of the redness in your eyes.

For example, you may consume a low THC strain today and experience little or no red-eye, while tomorrow, you consume a high THC strain, and your eyes will be beet red.

Eye redness does not last for long, and it usually goes away after a few hours.

The good news is, that abstaining from THC is not the only way to decrease the intensity and discomfort of your red eyes.

Here are some options to try the next time red eyes happen to you:

  • Reducing the frequency of consumption
  • Reduced your number of smoke sessions
  • Use products with a lower THC content, like the CBD flower from my shop
  • Increased your fluid intake, drink cold water and stay hydrated
  • For itchy or puffiness, try a cold compress or ice pack over the eyes
  • My favorite? Eye drops! Whether it be over the counter eye drops, or prescription, drops for dry eyes can be a lifesaver
  • Take out your contacts if you have them in


Again, your experience will depend on the dose of THC you consumed and your unique endocannabinoid system.

The best thing you can do is start low and go slow when consuming edibles, especially if you do not know the effects of THC personally.

If you are concerned about any of the side effects of cannabis products, have medical eye conditions, or suspect a cannabis allergy, please seek professional medical advice.

My Edibles Made Easy Online Cooking Course will teach you how to easily make cannabis edibles and topical recipes at home. This step-by-step video course will teach you how to infuse, extract, and create edibles with many different product types - all from the comfort of your own home.

Learn more and enroll today →

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