Do you have to be right next to a humidifier?

So… where should you really place your humidifier?

You may be wondering about the right placement for your humidifier. Does it have to be in a specific location? Does it need to be in your living room? Bedroom? Close or as far away as possible from your bed? Maybe in the bathroom? There are a lot of possible placements but don’t worry, we’re here to help you know the best location for your humidifier. 

Let’s start with the 2 basic principles when deciding on the location of your humidifier.

  1. Elevation. Place it on a small table or something that is two feet off the floor. This ensures the even distribution of the mist and for your safety, in case of any leaks, you can’t accidentally slip or knock the machine over. Remember, the higher the better because the mist that a humidifier produces has to get mixed with the air. If you place it on the floor, the mist has a small chance to get mixed with the air and only causes wet floors.
  2. Overlay. Placing some sort of mat or towel under the humidifier is suggested to protect your furniture, plus it adds aesthetic to your humidifier and to your room as well. This mat or towel underneath the humidifier could be a water-resistant material that can catch spills or even droplets.

Humidifiers in the Bedroom

The type of humidifier is one thing that you can consider when thinking of the correct placement for this machine. There would be a specific location for each type of humidifier. For example, placing your warm mist humidifier near the bed can be dangerous and not ideally recommended. This warm mist humidifier should be at the corner or at least a few meters away from you making sure to leave a gap between the wall and the humidifier for it to circulate well and function correctly. In addition, you can place it on the nightstand or a rack during the day to give moisture to the air before you go to bed. 

Caution: Warm-mist humidifiers can cause burns if placed close to you. This machine uses boiling water to produce a warm mist that’s why you need to place it on a stand or platform that is surely stable. Make sure that it has a safe distance from the people inside the house and from your pets, as well. 

 Another question you may ask is, would it be noisy if I put a humidifier in the bedroom? The good thing about the modern humidifier designs these days is that they have precision designs with patented technology to keep noise at a minimum, thus it can really be placed far enough away from your bed so that you can sleep soundly. 

You can check Carepod One. It has a patented design, is FDA-cleared, RoHS compliant, meeting the EU’s highest standards for safety and quality of electronic appliances.

Other people consider placing a humidifier right next to their bed for fast and quick relief, making it easier for them to breathe due to the moist air but it is really not recommended in the long run. Diffusing it throughout the air is much better than inhaling directly concentrated air moisture.

Humidifiers in the Living Room

Right placement of humidifiers in your living room is not big of a deal. Having one in your living room is totally beneficial for everyone living inside the house and an excellent way to fight-off dryness that causes irritation. Chances of getting a cold or flu could go down significantly.  But we need to take into consideration the size of the living room. It is not ideal to have a large unit in a small room. It will only cause a moist environment and can eventually lead to mold and mildew. But for medium to large living areas, humidifiers can be placed almost anywhere. With the right amount of humidity level, humidifiers can work well and distribute the vapors evenly throughout the room.

Caution: Keep your humidifiers away from wooden furniture and electrical sockets. Water can pose the risk of a short circuit and it can create rust on the outlet itself. Placing it near some appliances might start electrical fires due to water droplets. Avoid putting it neat a radiator or vent as well because the heat source can interfere with the humidity readings of your unit causing it to have a lower reading due to low-humidity air coming out from the vent.

Humidifiers in the Bathroom

Knowing the function of a humidifier, it gives and restores moisture in a room having dry air to ensure that the space has enough moisture for the comfort of the occupants. However, the bathroom is already a water-rich environment, thus the air already contains enough moisture that’s why placing it here is not ideal and not always necessary. 

Caution: If you really want to have one inside the bathroom, keep in mind not to turn the humidifier on every after bath or shower. These instances can cause an excessive vapor making it more susceptible to mold and mildew. 

Humidifiers in the Nursery/Kids Room

Using a humidifier can really help your kids (and even the rest of the family) fight off and recover from a cold. Not just that, it can also have other health benefits like promoting a good quality sleep. Others suggest that it is not the best choice to have one in your kids room since they’re very prone to accidents but others find it really beneficial.

Caution: To prevent accidents inside the nursery or kids room, it is highly suggested to use a cool-mist humidifier. Avoid putting it too close to them so that if they play and accidentally knock it over, they won’t cause a water spill that can lead to some accidents. Placing the humidifiers at least 3 feet away from their beds is recommended.

 In addition, for your assurance, once the unit is turned on, leave the door slightly open so that the air might not become too moist because it creates a damp environment that is not good for your baby and kids. It is also suggested to have a quiet humidifier so that your baby or kids won’t be bothered and can have a peaceful sleep. 

Is it really good to have humidifiers for my kids? Read more about it in our article “4 reasons why humidifiers are best for your babies (and kids)

Additional tips for the right placement of your humidifiers

 1. Keep your humidifier away from direct sunlight. Never put it by the window. With sunlight’s direct exposure, the water inside produces bacteria that will vaporize, making it dangerous for us to inhale. This can cause serious respiratory problems and severe asthma or allergies condition.

2. Maintain the indoor humidity level and avoid going over 60%, ideally between 30-40%, if possible. There are some instances that which humidity or dampness in the air can produce enough moisture for molds and mildew to grow.

3. Put your humidifier in relatively easy access areas. Place it where you can actually attend to it if servicing is necessary. Make sure to clean your humidifier frequently. Change the water regularly because if you do not do that, chances of the bacteria can grow inside the water that will vaporize in the air and can lead to some serious health problems.

So to wrap it all up…..

With all the extraordinary benefits of a humidifier, placing it in a rightful location that meets your needs is really essential. However, if you only want to maintain or increase the humidity level inside your house, you can really place it anywhere. There would be no specific location for it. Make sure that the perfect placement for your humidifier should be flat, dry, and stable. Portable humidifiers are highly recommended for the convenience of moving and placing it around your house.

Carepod offers a perfect example of how to place a complex functional device within a clean and sleek design. It’s the world’s minimalist and cleanest humidifier for everyone. It fights dry air for healthier and resilient living in shared spaces all across the world.

Just bear in mind to let the humidifier do its job and let it work for you. Remember to place it where it’s needed because you will experience a lot of benefits with its right placement. From a sound sleep to having healthy beautiful skin and to alleviates respiratory issues, humidifiers have got it all for you.

How far away should you sit from a humidifier?

In a bedroom, you can put a humidifier on a nightstand or a table (never in the corner). Make sure that there is at least 3 feet between you and a humidifier.

Should I sit close to humidifier?

Place it in the corner or at least a few feet away from you. During the day, you can have it on the nightstand to moisten up the air before bedtime. Warm-mist humidifiers can cause burns if placed too close to you (2). Always keep them at a safe distance from you, your children, and your pets.

Can I breathe directly from a humidifier?

How safe they are. The main safety concern with cool-mist humidifiers is with the mineral deposits, mold, and other contaminants they may emit into the air. Inhaling these things over time may irritate airways and create further breathing issues.

Is it OK to sleep with a humidifier every night?

The short answer is yes: it is healthy to sleep with a humidifier in your room. Sleeping with a humidifier can have several health benefits, even if you don't have asthma.


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