Does coconut water cause gas during pregnancy

Straight from Mother Nature, a natural drink in its purest form, coconut water is a health powerhouse having all the essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals, and the benefits of coconut water during pregnancy are endless! Yes, it is a fact that the choice of food and drinks should be very selective when you are pregnant, even your health professional will urge you to drink coconut water during pregnancy.

Some amazing benefits of coconut water during pregnancy

Check out these benefits of coconut water and stay away from myths!

Keeps you healthy and active!

Expecting moms need to live a healthy and active lifestyle, and coconut water helps you achieve the energy you need. Coconut water is rich in dietary fiber and low in sugar and offers all the energy would-be-moms need to enjoy her day. Coconut water also contains amino acids which are building blocks of proteins, a great source of natural energy!

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Coconut water gives you relief from indigestion and heartburn

Heartburn is common, especially during the first and third trimester; hormonal changes can be blamed for the same. It is important to note that heartburn in the last trimester can be due to pressure on the stomach. In all the situations, coconut water is a perfect solution as it neutralizes the acid formed in the stomach, helping you find relief from indigestion and heartburn.

Relives joint pain

Expecting mothers go through many physical changes and this often leads to joint and muscle pain. Coconut water has a good amount of magnesium and that helps in relaxing the nervous system and muscles and hence, it helps you find relief from muscle and joint pain.

Decreases urinary tract infection (UTI)

Coconut water is regarded as a natural diuretic. Coconut water keeps the urinary tract free from infections by increasing the flow of urine that ultimately decreases the chances of UTI. The toxins from the body keep flushing when you urinate more and that's where the chances of UTI decrease. In addition to this, coconut water is healthy for your kidneys as it prevents stone formation and infection.

Helpful for developing fetus

A healthy diet during pregnancy is important and it is no secret. Coconut water must be an important part of pregnancy as it helps the developing fetus by providing all the essential nutrients.

The best time to drink coconut water

In the early hours of the day, naturally occurring electrolytes and nutrients are best absorbed. So, the best time to drink coconut water is mornings! 

Side effects and important things

·         Coconut water is recommended for pregnant women experiencing pre-eclampsia as it contains sodium.

·         Remember, too much of anything is never good and even coconut water is recommended to be consumed in moderate quantity!

·         Coconut water is not a substitute for normal water.

·         You need to ensure that the straw that you use is clean, or you can pour coconut water in a clean glass.

·         Pregnancy is not the right time for experiments, so if you have an allergy towards coconut water, don't drink it!

The bottom line

Now, when you know all the benefits of coconut water during pregnancy, include it in your diet in moderate quantity and enjoy a healthy pregnancy! 

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Consumption of Coconut Water during Pregnancy has a host of benefits than just tasting good. Experts at the Coconut Development Board (CDB) stated that Coconut water during pregnancy is considered to be the best source of nutrients as it is a mixture of chlorides, electrolytes, Riboflavin, Calcium, Magnesium and Vitamin C.

Benefits of Coconut Water During Pregnancy

Coconut water is a fat free, healthy, cool and refreshing drink that helps to keep the body hydrated by replenishing natural salts that we loose during perspiration. Coconut water is good during pregnancy both for the health of the mother and the child because of the following listed reasons:

  • Levels of Fluids and Electrolytes: It contains moderate amount of sugar, protein, and sodium thus helps in maintaining the daily levels of Fluids and electrolytes required by the body.
  • Protect against infections: Evidences have shown that coconut water during pregnancy helps to build up the immunity, improves the function of the kidney, prevents urinary tract infections (UTI) as well as helps in lowering high blood pressure levels.
  • Less calories: It is low in calories and contains some amount of dietary fibres, healthy omega fatty acids which are recommended for pregnant women and help them to keep the weight in check.
  • Promotes weight loss: Coconut water promotes weight loss as it contains zero cholesterol and helps to increase good cholesterols in the body by slowly eradicating the bad cholesterols, thereby preventing the accumulation of excess fat cells and keeps the body hydrated all time.
  • Improves digestion: It helps in improving the process of digestion, strengthens the digestive system, prevents constipation, maintains and regulates the ph. Levels of the body. This, in turn, improves the metabolism and detoxifies the body. As a natural acid neutralizer, coconut water also soothes and prevents heartburn during pregnancy.
  • Boost the immune system: Coconut water rich in essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help to boost the immune system thereby protects the mother and the child from diseases. The lauric acid responsible for the production of a disease-fighting acid called ‘monolaurin,’ prevents illness like flu and HIV among others.
  • Exercise Drink: Coconut water is also suggested as a great exercise drink for the expecting mothers, who are advised to stay physically healthy and fit and perform light workouts.
  • Combat Morning Sickness: Also, consuming coconut water in the first trimester helps in tackling morning sickness and relieves fatigue.

Coconut Water and Pregnancy: Few Recommendations

Intake of coconut water during pregnancy is highly recommended. There are host of benefits of drinking coconut water but below are two important things to keep in mind:

  • One should always remember that – moderation is key. Clean, filtered water should always be the top priority. One should not intake coconut water as a constant substitution of pure mineral water and other drinks.
  • It is advisable to drink coconut water as soon as the coconut is cut when it is fresh and rich in nutrients.

However, some people believe that coconut water during pregnancy can fulfill all kinds of nutritional requirements of a pregnant mother. But it is certainly not true as there is no single food item that could contain all types of essential nutrients. A pregnant woman should intake a whole combination of fruits, vegetables and meat items (proteins) containing essential nutrients in adequate amount.

Source : 

Does coconut water increase gas?

People who are suffering from bloating when drinking coconut water a lot can affect their digestive function and aggravate their bloating.

In which month of pregnancy coconut water is good?

As an exercise drink: Coconut water is also suggested as a drink to use when pregnant women are gently active, yoga, meditation. In addition, drinking coconut water during the first 3 months of pregnancy will help the mother deal with morning sickness and reduce fatigue.

What happens when a pregnant woman drinks coconut water?

“[Coconut water] can be an option during pregnancy, as it is hydrating and provides electrolytes,” says dietitian Alyssa Pike, RD, manager of nutrition communications for the International Food Information Council. If you're feeling parched, this trendy drink isn't a bad choice for staying hydrated.

How much coconut water should you drink a day when pregnant?

Moreover, it provides both mother and baby with several essential nutrients. However, during pregnancy, you should drink a maximum of 1 cup of coconut water every day or 2 cups of it every alternate day to keep the portion size in check.


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