Does my crush like me quiz Girl

When most girls have crushed it is actually very romantic and inspiring. They make falling in love a very interesting thing that makes them even more attractive. When they have a crush on someone it is more obvious because they become weak and unable to tell, most of the time if the other person likes them back. So, does your crush like you? Take our quiz and find out now.

Questions Excerpt

1. Is your crush already in love with someone else?

A. Yes, you think

B. Yes, it's possible

C. You don’t know, you don’t enquire too much about them

D. No

2. Does your crush look disgusted when you look at them?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

D. You don’t know maybe

3. Does your crush avoid you because he knows how you feel about them?

A. Yes, unfortunately, it must be the case

B. No, he doesn’t avoid you at all

C. It’s possible since their behavior has changed lately

D. You’ve got no idea

4. Do you suspect your crush to feel the same way about you?

A. Yes, definitely

B. No, not a chance

C. Maybe

D. You’ve got no idea

5. How close are you guys as friends?

A. We are pretty close

B. We are alright

C. We are okay

D. We are not even friends

6. Is your crush in a relationship?

A. No

B. I don’t think so

C. I am not sure

D. Yes

7. Do you text each other often?

A. Yes, all day

B. Yes, on and off

C. We used to, not anymore

D. No

8. Are you in a relationship?

A. No

B. I am dating someone casually

C. I am too shy

D. Yes

9. Have they ever invited you to an event?

A. Yes

B. Once or twice

C. No, but I think they want to

D. Never

10. Does your crush looks at you with a smile?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. You don’t know you are too show to look

D. No, never

11. Does your crush like to tease you?

A. Yes, sometimes

B. Most of the time

C. When he wants to

D. No, never

12. Does your crush like to hug you?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No, not yet

D. No

13. Do you sometimes lock eyes with your crush?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Yes, but it's rare

D. Sometimes

14. Does your crush ask questions about you to other people?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

D. Yes, but it's very rare

15. Has your crush ever asked you if you were, in fact in love with them?

A. Yes

B. No

C. No, but he may have asked someone you know

D. No, he just makes jokes that’s all

You like this guy and think he's the awesomest thing on two legs. But how does he feel about you?

Hopefully, the same, but maybe not.:( You've wondered and wondered about this important matter of the heart. Now it's time to actually find out. Try my quiz now!
Good luck - I hope you get the answer you want!:-)

  • 1

    When you're in class, does he ever look over at you?

  • 2

    If he does look at you, do you notice anything different about his eyes? (Like, when he looks at a friend or the teacher, they don't look the same as they do when he looks at you?)

  • 3

    Can he talk to you without saying something really stupid or confusing?

  • 4

    When you walk by, do his friends smile or tap his shoulder and point at you?

  • 5

    Let's say there's one table left at lunch and you're sitting at it. He needs to sit somewhere. Which of these would he most likely do?

  • 6

    Does he seem a little clumsy or nervous when you talk to him?

  • 7

    Do you like him because he's popular, or because he's cute and has a good personality?

  • 8

    Does he ever say "Hi" in the hallway or at lunch?

  • 9

    Now let's be more serious. If you were really upset, what would his reaction be?

  • 10

    When you are talking with another boy, and he sees you, which of these is his reaction? Pick the closest.

  • 11

    Has he ever given you something?

  • 12

    Has he ever asked you to a dance or prom?

  • 13

    If he had the perfect shot at asking you out, would he take it?

  • 14

    Can you picture you two together?

  • 15

    Last question. If he had to choose between you and a thousand dollars, which do you THINK he'd choose?

How do you test if your crush likes you?

10 Ways to Find Out Your Crush Likes You Back.
They Look At You. ... .
They Are Interested To Know About You. ... .
They Ask About Your Status. ... .
They Are Nervous Around You. ... .
They Make Extra Effort To Talk To You. ... .
They Find Excuses To Surprise You With Lovely Gifts. ... .
They Always Look For Excuses To Spend Time With You..

Do I have a crush or am I in love?

Your feelings don't fade One sign that this is more than a crush: "Your feelings don't dissipate over time but get stronger and deeper," says Irina Firstein, LCSW. So basically, if you've been feeling this way about your special person for a looong time, it's definitely possible that you're in love.

How do you know if my crush dislikes me?

How to tell the signs your crush doesn't like you.
You feel it. ... .
They don't try to talk to you. ... .
They don't touch you. ... .
They're always busy. ... .
They don't listen to you when you talk. ... .
They are seeing other people. ... .
They're not jealous. ... .
They call you a “friend”.


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