Does Red Bull give you energy Reddit

tell you it gives you energy (because it has bull in the name) and never explain why lots of taurine is a good thing.

what? Red Bull's primary energy source is it's 80mgs of caffeine, which will wake you up / "energize" you. There's no doubt about that. The bullshittyness comes from the subtle advertising that implies I'll actually be a better athlete (the numerous extreme sports tie-ins). The more likely scenario is I'll drink one and be a little more "focused" at work.

Taurine doesn't mean bull, but Taurus does. Taurine has been shown in some studies to increase athletic and mental performance, especially when mixed with caffeine, which is why it's in the drink. They never bother explaining it because they don't need to. By adding tuarine's "postive health benifits" and linking it to extreme sports energy drinks are able to capture a different market not touched by coffee - despite the "energy boosting" abilities being pretty much the same.

Also Red Bull's name comes from the Thai drink from the 70's that it was more or less based off of.

Posted by1 year ago


I've always wanted to ask this question, specially red bull cus i've seen a lot of my friends buying it everyday but it never worked out for me

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level 1

Well, there’s this molecule called caffeine, you see

level 2

Fuck phosphodiesterase, all the caffeine homies hate phosphodiesterase

level 2

Decreases effectiveness of adenosine

Fucking hell anki

level 2

That's why I'm asking this question cus I tried it for weeks and never worked out

level 1


· 1 yr. ago · edited 1 yr. ago

Within reason they work, it’s easy to acquire a tolerance to caffeine, and taking a break from caffeine once you start is tricky because the headache from the withdrawal sucks.

They mostly are just sugar and caffeine all the other ingredients in them are just window dressings, kind of like ERAS and your experiences that you list.

Edit: just me personally. I do buy the occasional red bull maybe 1-2 a month.

level 2

For extreme exhaustion I recommend a Bang energy drink. Use only as emergency especially if it’s not to workout

level 1

I find that caffeine doesn’t do much for me, and hasn’t for a while. However, I like to drink a hot cup of coffee because it’s stimulating. The smell, the temperature, and the reward center of my brain firing bc I like the taste. This is enough to stimulate me and give me some higher attention levels for a couple hours.

level 2

Described like a true caffeine addict

level 2

tell me you use V60 and CHEMEX without telling me you use V60 and CHEMEX haha maybe aeropress too?

level 2

Have you tested for that placebo effect with decaf?

level 1

Yes I even sometimes use c4 preworkout to power through Anki

level 1

Red Bull barely has more caffeine than soda. Pepsi Max has 69mg of caffeine. Red Bull is like ~80mg for a small can.

I can drink Bang and take a nap, never been super caffeine sensitive and the amount I drink has desensitized me further.

level 1

Use coffee for caffeine if needed. Energy drinks ain’t worth it

level 1

I drink a rockstar “pure zero” most mornings (silver ice or bust) because I’ve chosen a field that thinks it’s acceptable to wake up at 4 in the morning. I don’t think it does much anymore. Best bang for my buck is a venti blonde roast at the Starbucks nearby if I have the time.

level 2

And the field I need to avoid would be?…

level 1

Nope. Not since college. I need a 5 hour energy extra strength straight into my veins to get any benefit from caffeine after the first cup in the morning. Can drink an energy drink and take a nap 30 min later it's whack.

level 1

Monster zero ultra (the white one) IMO hits more accurately than coffee i.e. more pure energy without the anxiety

level 2

I agree with you on this one. Monster defo works for me. But my favourite has to be the mango loco one

level 1

To start: great username.

You will probably get exclusively biased answers from a bunch of Dave Grohl FreshPots level caffeine junkies. It’s like any other drug, don’t do it every day and you’ll probably be fine.

Just swap some tea in there every now and then and ride the withdrawal waves. Maybe stick an IV in there with some B12. Jk.

Do Red Bulls actually give you energy?

Red Bull contains caffeine, taurine, B vitamins, and sugar — all of which may provide a short-term energy boost ( 1 , 5 ).

Does Red Bull actually wake you up?

That's because while Red Bull contains about as much caffeine as a cup of coffee, it also contains an insane 37 grams of sugar in a 12-ounce can. This combination stimulates the brain and nervous system, shocking the body into alertness.

How do energy drinks wake you up?

Once you consume an energy drink it's takes around 10 minutes for the caffeine to enter your bloodstream. Your heart rate & blood pressure start to rise. This is the half life of caffeine,meaning it takes 5-6 hours for your body to reduce the content of caffeine in your bloodstream by 50%.

What makes Red Bull so energizing?

In every Red Bull, drinkers will find taurine, an organic amino acid that can be found naturally in meat, fish, and dairy products. It is also a key additive to energy drinks for its ability to stimulate cognitive performance when combined with caffeine.


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