Does removing the catalytic converter increase horsepower

Last updated on April 5th, 2022 at 02:33 pm

Are you looking for a guide to gutting your catalytic convertor? If you are here to learn how to remove your catalytic converter. Then this post will show you how to remove your catalytic converter. the pros and cons of removing a catalytic converter? Will removing the catalytic converter harm engine? And does removing the catalytic converter cause problems? Find out as you keep reading. 

Catalytic converters are used to reduce harmful and environmentally damaging emissions from the car’s exhaust system. Carbon monoxide is the primary pollutant. It is reduced to a minimum level by the catalytic converter, with little or no effect on the environment. ​

Many states in the US conduct a yearly emissions inspection on vehicles to ensure their catalytic converter are working properly. This is where gutting your catalytic converter becomes bad and the disadvantages of removing the catalytic converter also make a huge difference. Though there are still some benefits of removing catalytic converter to some person is it really worth it? I will also compare the horsepower gain from removing the catalytic converter so you know and make your decision.

You might to also love to read, my guide on various 3 ways of fixing Catalytic Converter and the scrap worth of catalytic converter.

  • With those in mind, let’s get started by looking at the pros & cons of removing a catalytic converter.

Advantages and disadvantages of removing catalytic converter (pros and cons of removing catalytic converter)

Cons and benefits of removing catalytic converter 

1.     Increase horsepower.

People choose to get rid of a catalytic converter for added horsepower. In order to process all the ignition residuals, and to make sure that no harmful pollutants are released into the environment, catalytic converters create back pressure which reduces engine power. The engine can burn hydrocarbons to increase its power output significantly, as it is less dependent on oxygen. This is especially true for older vehicles, where the catalytic converters were not designed to take into account various performance measurements.

2.     You will Get Less Heat from the Engine.

The engine will also be less laden due to the removal of the catalytic converter. This results in lower operating temperatures which then reduces the engine’s workload and heat. The engine is much more efficient and lighter when it’s hot. Let’s now look at the pros and cons of removing the catalytic converter.

The disadvantages of removing catalytic converter

These are the cons of removing Catalytic Converter:

1.     Frequent stalling and braking of the car

You will see a variety of clues that indicate a damaged or missing catalytic converter. Without a converter, the vehicle’s fuel economy will drop quicker and you will experience a decrease in power. If the converter is plugged, it can cause excessive pressure and cause stalling.

2.     Not Environment Friendly

It is our moral responsibility as humans and inhabitants of the planet Earth to protect and care for the land we call home.The environment is not worth a little boost, or even a small amount of extra gas mileage. It’s also not worth the additional noise from the exhaust. It is now considered unethical to remove the catalytic converter from a car, especially in these times of environmental concern. Uncontrolled pollution by an engine is the greatest drawback when removing a catalyst converter.

Also read this: Effect of Driving with a bad catalytic converter

3.     Damage other parts.

The removal of the converter can also cause damage to other parts of your car like the oxygen sensor, which works in tandem with the catalytic converter. The check engine light may turn on which could cause your vehicle to fail an emission test, as I mentioned earlier.

4.     Raspier Exhaust Noise

A loud engine is a must-have for anyone. It is a loud engine that I cannot say if it is the most pleasant, but it has a raw feeling like no other. This sound is loved by both casual drivers and serious motorheads alike. Some petrolheads even love to modify the exhaust to make it heavier and more powerful. If one loves the loud, uninhibited engine sound, the muffled mumble might be a bit annoying.

5.     Failure to Pass the Emissions Test

To renew the PUC certificate in India, you must pass an emissions test once every six months. To renew your pollution license, you must meet certain emission standards. Catalytic converter is one main emission control device in your car that helps keep emissions under control. You will likely get higher than usual results if you forgo or remove the catalytic converter during your next emissions test. Failing the test could also mean that you drive without a PUC certificate, which can be illegal in certain states.

6.     Noise and muffled exhaust

Exhaust noises, as we have already mentioned, can sometimes be too significant for some people. In these cases, a catalytic converter can prove to be a nuisance. This is true noise pollution. so now let’s look at the horsepower gain from removing catalytic converter

What is the horsepower gain from removing catalytic converter

You can gain an Extra 15 horsepower from gutting or removing cats.  The horsepower gained by removing the catalytic converter can depend on the car engine size. Larger engines can gain more horsepower if the backpressure is reduced. After removing the CAT, your horsepower can be doubled to reach 30 horsepower.

will removing catalytic converter harm engine

Is it possible to harm the engine by removing the catalytic converter? and does removing catalytic converter cause problems? My answer to this question is no. The removal of your car’s catalytic convert will not cause damage to your vehicle’s engine. In fact, it will increase your car’s performance by having less work. If your state requires them, however, removing the catalytic converter will make your car not comply with emissions tests.  Only High mileage cars may be able to benefit from having their converters removed. 

Easy step on Removing or Gutting Your Catalytic Converter

It is easiest and most cost-effective to gut of catalytic converter by removing it from your car. You can lift the car or place it on stands, or any other means to reach underneath the converter. You should remove your catalytic converter after it has been removed from the vehicle for several hours. Exhaust piping can be very hot so make sure you do this right away.

The heat can cause the metal to expand making it harder to remove. The inside of the converter will look like honeycombs once it’s removed.

This is where I end it for this post on gutting your catalytic converter and the pros and cons of gutting catalytic converter; you can look up the full detailed article I wrote on fixing Bad catalytic converter without removing it. and also, read this on not so easy to steal cat.

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Jeffery Ekweghi

Hi dear, my name is Jeffery Ekweghi, and I am a certified mechanic and autobody parts technician. I created this site to share my expertise and experience with car lovers who are looking for how to resolve their car-related issues. I am certified in private cars and heavy-duty commercial vehicles. I have worked as a mechanic since 2015 and have experience in vehicle brands like Subaru, Jeep, Toyota, TATA, BMW, Mazda, Honda, Nissan, Kia, TVs, and Others; however, I primarily specialize in Toyota vehicles.

How much horsepower does removing a catalytic converter add?

How much depends on how restrictive the catalytic converter was. It will typically be in a range between 5–20 hp, but don't expect big numbers from a small engine (hell, even some big motors don't get more than a 10–15 hp gain).

What is the disadvantage of removing catalytic converter?

An engine's uncontrolled pollution of the environment is the biggest drawback to consider when removing a catalytic converter.

What does removing the catalytic converter do?

The catalytic converter forces the air and gases emitted by the engine to pass through tiny ducts. By removing it, the engine breathes more and develops more power. The sound is also enhanced and fuel consumption can be reduced by up to 10%, depending on the car model.

Does removing catalytic converter increase gas mileage?

Removing a catalytic converter will not improve MPG. However, replacing an old or clogged one will. Catalytic converters do not affect gas mileage unless they are not working correctly, so removing one will not make a difference unless it wasn't working correctly, to begin with.


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