Does rubbing alcohol kill fungus on plants

Through the process of photosynthesis, plants covert solar energy, water and carbon dioxide into carbohydrates and oxygen. Life on earth depends on the presence of plants. However, plants often come into contact with alcohols. Alcohols are organic chemicals with a hydroxyl (OH) group bonded to a carbon (C) atom, which is often bonded to other carbon atoms or hydrogen atoms. The results vary when plants are allowed to metabolize alcohol.

Metabolism of Alcohols

The enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase is found in most living organisms, including humans, bacteria and plants. This enzyme catalyzes the reaction of an alcohol into an aldehyde or ketone by removing a hydrogen from the alcohol. There are a variety of alcohols. Among the most common are methanol, ethanol and isopropyl alcohol. Each alcohol is converted into a different aldehyde or ketone by alcohol dehydrogenase. For instance, in humans, ethanol is converted into acetylaldehyde, while methanol is converted into formaldehyde.


Ethanol, or grain alcohol, is produced by the fermentation of grains. Ethanol is the alcohol found in alcoholic beverages. Ethanol tends to stunt the growth of plants. When ethanol is applied to flowers, scientists note that, when watered with a 5 percent solution of ethanol, plant growth slows. When a 10 percent alcohol solution is applied, the plant becomes stressed and, with a 25 percent alcohol solution, the plant dies. This can be useful if growth of the plant needs to be supressed, as is the case with many flowers. Once the flower gets larger, it wilts and loses its aesthetic value. Using ethanol, the flower can be kept smaller for a longer period of time.


Methanol is the simplest alcohol. It is often used as a racing fuel and as a solvent. Studies have shown that methanol actually stimulates the growth of many cultivated plants. Methanol is used by the plant's metabolism in the same way the plant uses carbon dioxide. A solution of 30 percent methanol seems to be most effective in increasing plant yield.

Isopropyl (Rubbing) Alcohol

Seventy percent isopropyl alcohol is sold for antiseptic use. At this concentration, it may safely be sprayed on plants to kill aphids. If the plant is watered with rubbing alcohol, the effects are similiar to those of ethanol. At 5 percent concentration, plant growth is stunted, while concentrations higher than 25 percent tend to damage or kill the plant.

Alcoholic Beverages

Alcoholic beverages contain ethanol at different dilutions. Hard liquors, such as vodka and whiskey, may be diluted and applied to plants to restrict plant growth. Beer or wine, however, should never be applied to plants. The sugar content of beer and wine encourages bacterial and fungal growth, which will damage or kill the plant.

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  • Cornell Sun: Alcohol Helps Control Plant Growth

About the Author

Jeremy Nicholson has been writing since 2009, specializing in human anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, biology and tarantula care. Nicholson holds a Bachelor of Science in zoology, a Bachelor of Arts in English and a Master of Science in biology, all from Texas Tech University.

Powdery mildew is one of the top destroyers of grows. Humid environments are most vulnerable, but this menace invades indoor and outdoor plants in deserts, too. 

Stick around, and we’ll teach you how to prevent and remove powdery mildew infections so you won’t have to worry about your indoor plants getting ruined. 

What is Powdery Mildew?

Powdery mildew is a fungus. It appears as white or gray powder-like blotches on leaves, stems, stalks, fruits, and flowers. 

This killer doesn’t need free water to survive and thrive. It favors moderate to high humidity environments and low levels of light. 

The Southeastern USA is home to large quantities of powdery mildew, but the low desert areas of Arizona also get their share of it. 

Because it doesn’t like a lot of light shining on it, you may find it mostly on the lower parts of the plant. 

Powdery mildew comes in different forms, each of which specializes in certain types of plants. One type invades only grapes, for example. Another invades melon and squash gardens.

As powdery mildew spreads, leaves may turn brown or yellow. Eventually, the plant may dry out and shrivel up. Flower production will slow down or stop. 

On cannabis plants, you will probably first notice white blotches, and sometimes tiny white lines, on the leaves and/or branches. When taking a close look, you’ll see that they’re fuzzy. You may see the leaves wilting. 

The fungus can strike during any stage of growth. It can even infect buds after harvest. 

It sometimes appears as small blisters on leaves, especially leaf tops, before the fuzzy blotches develop. 

How to Prevent Powdery Mildew from Infecting Indoor Plants

The best way to beat powdery mildew is to make sure it never reaches your plants in the first place. 

Infestation is VERY common in home grows that don’t include proper prevention measures. 

Prevention begins during the vegetative stage. You at least want to start the process well before mid-flower. 

If powdery mildew strikes during mid-flower or late-flower, chances are you won’t be able to do diddlysquat about it. You might as well chop your girls down. But don’t give up hope. We’ll show you what you CAN do if it gets to that point.

Things you can do to prevent powdery mildew  

Purify Your Air

Powdery mildew spreads through spores. A good filtration system will prevent mold spores and other pathogens. 

A HEPA intake filter will decontaminate air coming into your grow room or tent. Some indoor growers use intake systems for the entire grow room. Others only do that for the tent itself. Either way, HEPA filtration will help keep the girls safe. 

Check On Your Girls Daily If You Can

If your prevention techniques fail, you will need to spot the infection early. Check the tops and bottoms of all leaves and every square inch of each and every plant. 

If you can do this daily, do it. Once even one plant is infected with powdery mildew, the infection will spread quickly through the whole plant and to other plants. The infection can spread from a tiny speck to a lot of white or gray blotches within the span of a few days. 

Keep Your Pets Away From Your Indoor Plants

Dogs, cats, and other animals can carry spores, and the spores can go airborne. A more likely cause of infection is a pet with spores coming into direct contact with leaves and branches. Keep the door to the grow room closed. 

People can contaminate your indoor plants, too. Only let people enter if they’re necessary for the grow. Spores can hitchhike on both fur and clothing. 

Control Insects as Part of Your Powdery Mildew Prevention Strategy

Dogs, cats, and people aren’t the only creatures that can infect your plants. Insects can carry spores, too. 

Neem oil is a natural plant-based fungicide that’s good at preventing invasions from both powdery mildew and insects. 

Sesame oil is another good fungicide. Don’t buy the “toasted” kind, as that’s more expensive than standard sesame oil. 

Diatomaceous earth is a powder coming from fossilized marine organisms called diatoms. When it makes contact with insects, it slices them up and they die from dehydration. 

For a natural pesticide spray made from plants, we recommend  FoxFarm’s Don’t Bug Me® Home and Garden Insect Spray. It contains pyrethrum. Pyrethrum kills insects quickly on contact and flushes out hiding insects. Once they’re flushed out, give ‘em a squirt. Keep pyrethrin away from fish, pets, and pollinators. 

If you prefer neem, we recommend  Dyna-Gro Super Clean Neem Cold Pressed Neem Seed Oil.

Keep Humidity Low in Your Indoor Grow Room or Tent

Powdery mildew thrives in environments with 55% humidity or higher. 

Your indoor plants will have different humidity needs at different growing stages. During the vegetative stage, a relative humidity of 45% to 55% should be plenty. While flowering, you can lower the air humidity a bit more.

That’s just a rule of thumb, but following it will do a lot to prevent powdery mildew. 

When it’s time for drying and curing, keep that room at a relative humidity between 45% and 55%.

You can maintain good control over the environment with air conditioners, fans, and dehumidifiers. 

The  Active Air 190 Pint Dehumidifier provides precise digital control over the humidity levels in your indoor grow room. It covers grow rooms as large as 12,900 cubic feet. It’s also easy to clean. 

If you need something slightly smaller, try the  Active Air 110 Pint Dehumidifier

The  Active Air 14,000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner is great for controlling temperature for up to 800 cubic feet of grow room space. It contains a smart system that works with all controllers and timers. 

Use a Foliar Fungicide Spray

A foliar spray is a spray you apply to leaves and branches. It’s a good idea to spray your indoor plants at least weekly. There are chemical fungicide sprays and natural and organic sprays. Some are more toxic than others. 

Make sure you have two or three foliar sprays that you can rotate. 

If any spray you choose has the potential to cause leaf burn, test it on a small number of leaves for each strain first. Sensitivity varies by strain. 

Another thing to remember is that the risk of leaf burn goes up when the grow lights are on. Treat your plants after the lights go out if you’re using anything that could burn them. 

If you introduce new babies or clones to your grow, treat them thoroughly. If you can drench them, do so. 

Warning: Some fungicide sprays will harm flower development, and some may become part of the flavor of the final product.

For a big list of commercial and DIY foliar sprays, skip to the “How to Treat & Kill Powdery Mildew” section below. 

Use Circulating Fans & a Good Ventilation System

Make those leaves dance. It will keep spores from multiplying and from affixing themselves to your plants. 

The   30W Monkey Fan v2.0 can be attached to almost any grow tent pole or PVC pipe. The height is adjustable, too. 

Powdery mildew favors low ventilation, too, so make sure you have a good ventilation system. 

Prune Your Plants

Powdery mildew favors dark areas with thick foliage. Pruning allows light to shine on the lower parts of the plants. 

Don’t Overcrowd Your Grow

Powdery mildew loves crowded growing conditions. Don’t cram too many indoor plants in a small space. Make sure the leaves of one plant aren’t touching the leaves of the plants next to it. 

Water Your Plants Long Before the Lights Go Out

You want the lights to shine on your indoor plants for at least five hours after you water them. 

Clean Your Indoor Grow Room Between Growing Cycles

Before starting a new crop, give your room a good scrub down. This goes for your fans, lights, and other accessories, too. You can use a mixture of water and either hydrogen peroxide or bleach. Don’t mix those two chemicals. 

How to Treat & Kill Powdery Mildew If It Infects Your Indoor Plants

The first thing you want to do is catch an infection early and remove all affected leaves and branches. You can use scissors for this. 

The trick is to isolate all affected plant parts and unsalvageable whole plants without:

  • Shaking up your plants & sending spores flying through the air
  • Contaminating more plants & plant parts by touching them with sporey scissors, clothing or hands

Place all contaminated plant matter in plastic bags and keep the bags closed. When you’re done with each bag, seal it and bring it to an area that is far away from your grow. Outside is best. Better yet, keep them as far from the building as possible. 

Use hand sanitizer frequently. Isopropyl alcohol will kill powdery mildew and its spores. Treat your scissors, too, with either hand sanitizer or isopropyl alcohol solution that is 70% or higher. 

Once your indoor plants begin flowering, it’s much harder to save your girls. However, it’s still possible. Get rid of all infected buds, whether they become infected before harvest or while drying. Never smoke them, sell them, or give them away. 

What to Do After Quarantining Infected Plant Parts

A lot of substances people use in foliar sprays to prevent powdery mildew can also be used for treating it. You may need to be more aggressive when using them after infection to make sure it doesn’t spread. 

Neem or Sesame Oil Spray

Both of these oils are great for prevention and treatment. Add two teaspoons per gallon of water. 

For extra benefits, you an add four teaspoons each of baking soda (or potassium bicarbonate, which is safer for plants) and liquid dish soap (not detergent). 

Other good oils include fish oil and oils of cinnamon, clove, and coriander. Each may require a different amount in a water mixture, especially if they’re essential oils. Two teaspoons of cinnamon essential oil would be way too much for one gallon of water. 

Grow Supply Shop carries  Dyna-Gro Super Clean Neem Cold Pressed Neem Seed Oil. Insects cannot build resistance to this oil. Neither can fungi nor bacteria. 

Potassium bicarbonate

Some people use sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to prevent or treat powdery mildew and insects, but it can be dangerous to plants because of the sodium content. Of course, that depends on how much you use. 

Potassium bicarbonate is a safer alternative. An additional benefit for the plants is that they absorb some of the potassium. Potassium is one of the “Big 3” macronutrients every grow needs. 

You can make a nice foliar spray with four teaspoons of potassium bicarbonate, ½ teaspoon of liquid soap, and a gallon of water. This ratio is good for larger quantities, too, in case you have to scale. 

If you do use baking soda, put it in water at a ratio of 2.5ml per liter. That’s about ½ teaspoon per quart and two teaspoons per gallon. 

Milk & Water Spray

Some growers have good luck with a 60/40 mix of water and milk. The milk reacts with bright artificial light or sunlight, resulting in antiseptic chemicals that kill powdery mildew. 


Limonene is the degreasing agent found in citrus peels. 

You can add a teaspoon of this stuff to a quart of water (or 5mL per liter). 

Call or Text Us With Your Powdery Mildew or Growing Questions

If you have any questions about powdery mildew, sprays, or anything related to growing, call us or send a text. 

Does rubbing alcohol damage plants?

Over-spraying an alcohol solution so that it runs off leaves and into the soil can turn your insecticide into an herbicide. Plants absorb alcohol via their roots, which can cause severe dehydration and kill the plants.

How do you apply rubbing alcohol to plants?

Make a spray solution of 1:8 ratio of rubbing alcohol and water. First, run a patch test on a small leaf. Once it passes the test, you can spray the plant, leave it on for 15-20 minutes, and rinse with water. If necessary, repeat after a week.

Can you spray isopropyl alcohol on plants?

You can add one tablespoon of insecticidal soap into your rubbing alcohol solution for an added insecticidal effect. Rubbing alcohol can also be used to slow plant growth if you need to control the size of your indoor plant. Spray your plant with a 5% isopropyl alcohol solution if you want to slow new growth.


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