Drunken Noodles vs Pad Thai calories

Which is truly better – drunken noodles vs. pad thai?

Pad Thai Vs. Drunken Noodles

The debate often boils down to two things: salt content and calories. Generally speaking, drunken noodles tend to have more calories than Pad Thai. However, it’s important to distinguish the different preparations of these dishes.

For example, if the drunken noodles per serving have fewer protein and fat sources, then it’s healthier than an overdone Pad Thai with lots of vegetables and lots of chicken strips.

Additionally, the question of healthiness depends on the health condition of the person eating. If you are sodium-sensitive and have issues keeping your blood sugar down, these dishes may not be for you.

Pad Thai

Pad Thai is a rice noodle stir fry dish that emphasizes seafood, chicken, bean sprouts, and eggs. It is also cooked with a peanut and tamarind sauce that is savory and naturally bursting with flavor.

Pad Thai is a legendary dish in Thai restaurants. In Thailand, Pad Thai is sold out in the streets as well. If you are a vegan, you have to remove the eggs and all the other proteins. You can use soy sauce, so there won’t be any animal products in the recipe.

Drunken Noodles

Drunken noodles do not have alcohol. Pad Kee Mao is a savory and spicy dish that is also prepared with rice noodles. Drunken noodles are so-called because this dish is supposed to be paired with alcoholic beverages.

It’s also supposed to help speed up your recovery from alcohol the next day. If you tend to suffer from burning hangovers and want to function the next day, grab some Pad Kee Mao.

  • Are you wondering what the difference is between Pad Thai and Drunken Noodles? I'm going to talk through the ingredients, the preparation, as well as the nutritional comparison between both of these very popular Thai dishes.
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Are you wondering what the difference is between Pad Thai and Drunken Noodles? I'm going to talk through the ingredients, the preparation, as well as the nutritional comparison between both of these very popular Thai dishes.

Both Drunken Noodles (Pad Kee Mao) and Pad Thai are popular noodle dishes that hail from Thailand. Aside from their origins and the fact that they are made from rice noodles, that's where the similarities end.

Drunken Noodles and Pad Thai vary from both ingredient switches and sauce differences, which provide a large variation on how both dishes taste.

The differences between these two dishes is that Pad Thai is nuttier and sweeter whereas Drunken Noodles is spicy and savory.

Pad Thai is made of rice noodles that is made of a sauce made with tamarind paste, fish sauce, and palm sugar that includes a protein like chicken topped with crushed peanuts.

Drunken Noodles (also known as Pad Kee Mao) is a spicy noodle stir-fry that has a flavor profile that includes more vegetables and a thicker, savory sauce made of oyster sauce, fish sauce, and soy sauce. Drunken Noodles often includes ground pork as the protein with vegetables like baby corn, snow peas, and Thai basil.

Similarities Between Pad Thai and Drunken Noodles

Both dishes are stir-fried with rice noodles and often a protein. Both provide a flavor profile that is ultimately sweet, similar to other Thai noodle dishes. They are also the two most popular Thai dishes, with Pad Thai being the most popular.

Pad Thai versus Drunken Noodles

Pad Thai

Pad Thai is renowned as the national dish of Thailand. Often, it is the number one ordered item at your local Thai restaurant due to it's bold, umami flavors. Pad Thai is normally made with thinner rice sticks than Drunken Noodles.

The flavor profile is characterized by its rich, vibrant flavors. Unami from the fish sauce and dried shrimp, sour due to the tamarind paste, sweetness due to the palm sugar. The noodles are often ¼ inch in width and interlaced with this savory sauce. It's often sprinkled with crushed peanuts on top with a lime wedge squeezed for garnishment, which provides another layer.

Related Post: Easy and Simple Pad Thai Recipe from Pre-made Sauce

Drunken Noodles

Drunken Noodles is a Thai rice noodle dish that is dressed with a spicy, yet savory sauce. While variations of Drunken Noodles are vastly different in the streets of Thailand, the two ingredients that are consistent in every adaptation are chicken, Thai Basil, and baby corn. Drunken Noodles do not have alcohol in the recipe.

Drunken Noodles is often referred to by other monikers like pad ki mao, pad kimao, and phat khi mao due to the variation of spelling as it's being translated to English.

Translation of Pad Kee Mao

The literal translation of Pad Kee Mao means drunken noodles. The theory behind the name of this dish is because this spicy Thai noodle dish should be paired with an ice cold beer and often a great cure for a hangover.

What's healthier - Pad Thai or Drunken Noodles?

Overall, Pad Thai has less calories than Drunken Noodles. Pad Thai has 357 calories per cup whereas Drunken Noodles has 323 calories per cup.

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Both Pad Thai and Pad Kee Mao (Drunken Noodles) are delicious and very popular Thai dishes that are authentic and savory.

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How many calories is in Drunken Noodles?

Pad Thai, Drunken Noodles (pan-fried rice noodles) and Pad Woon Sen (pan-fried glass noodles): A serving can top 700 calories, with the carb-equivalent of at least seven slices of bread.

What is the difference between Pad Thai and Drunken Noodles?

Drunken noodles use fresh wide rice noodles, which are soft and sticky, while pad Thai uses dried thin rice noodles, which are more al dente and chewy. The flavor profile of drunken noodles is salty, spicy, and anise-like from the basil. Pad Thai is sweet and sour from the tamarind.

How many calories does a Pad Thai have?

Nutritional value of pad thai Calories: 429 calories.

How many calories are in a drunken chicken noodle?

Spicy Drunken Noodles With Chicken (1 serving) contains 41g total carbs, 39g net carbs, 2.5g fat, 14g protein, and 260 calories.


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